Here are the 30 best free mmorpgs to play right now
MMORPGs offer beautiful landscapes to explore and find treasure, challenging team oriented dungeons, incentivized player killing, and diverse creatures to tame or destroy. If you desire less bloodthirsty gameplay, many mmorpgs offer the chance to simply sail the ocean, farm land, craft rare items, or become an auction house god. The best part about a mmorpg is not paying for it. With that said, we invite you to explore our list of the best free mmorpgs on the market.
1) Neverwinter
Neverwinter: The Cloaked Ascendancy – Official Launch Trailer
Neverwinter is an action combat mmorpg from the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy realm. It brings a sense of nostalgia to lore fans, and an interesting story to new followers. While playing Neverwinter you have the ability to find rewards in pve and pvp. You can create and play through your own adventures, fight your way through difficult dungeons, or participate in massive pvp battles.
You must combat the hordes of undead who wish that the city of Neverwinter never regain its past glory. Your goal is to bring back a golden age of peace and prosperity. You choose from several classes, which are: Wizard, Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Paladin, Warlock, and Rogue. Each class has different roles that can aid your solo or group adventures. Defeat the undead with magic, martial arts, divine or primal power.
Neverwinter gameplay
Collect armor and weapons to aid you in your treacherous journey around the grand town of Neverwinter.
Beasts await you and your allied companions at every corner. Do you have the courage to defeat such a monster?
2) Aion
Aion: Echoes of Eternity - Lore Cinematic
The world of Atreia was shattered into two leaving two factions, the Asmodians and Elyos remaining. The real source of this shattering event is unknown, however the two factions blame each other. Now the two factions compete over resources, garrisons, and land. You must choose which one to join.
One of the coolest aspects of Aion, is that you get a beautiful pair of wings once you level up enough and enter the Abyss. The abyss is an open world pvp map where flying is your main source of traveling. You will fly to fortresses that are ready to be taken and used for special rewards, or join in for mass scale raids. There are instanced dungeons offering varying levels of difficulty, with great pvp and pve rewards at stake. Or you can gain epic and legendary rewards through a challenging crafting system.
Take on great monsters, and enemy leaders for the chance to push your faction above the other.
Aion First Impressions "Is It Worth Playing?"
Find your wings on either faction, the Elyos or Asmodians.
Become a unique assassin; the master of the shadows.
3) Gloria Victis
Plunder and pillage town after town in this medieval mmorpg, Gloria Victis. You will have to join one of the four historical empires (Azebians, Ismirs, Midlanders, and Sangarians). Once you have you will take on their political views and traits, which you will use in your battles with the other empires. It’s you or them, in this free to play mmorpg.
Gloria Victis also gives players an open class system, allowing full reign on what to wear and what to wield. You’ll have the ability to build a fort, or city, anywhere you want in the world through crafting. Be sure to pace yourself as you build, fortify, and fight other players. Because when you get hurt in battle, or very exhausted, there is no health regeneration. You must use health restoring items, or find a healer. You will need to escape alive, or find a way to defeat your opponent. If not, you may die and lose everything.
Gloria Victis is currently still under development but players can play the game by paying $20 dollars for early access. The final release will be free to play.
Gloria Victis NEW 2017 STORM Gameplay
Check out Gloria Victis' Official Site
Hunt predators for their resources, or be hunted by them.
Explore and find the best land to settle and claim…and if it’s already claimed, fight for it.
4) Star Trek Online
Star Trek Online: Season 13 - Escalation Launch Trailer
Star Trek Online is set in a time when the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire are engaged in a heated war. At the same time the Borg have begun increasing their power, and other races like the Romulans are struggling to survive with the loss of their home world. You will choose a race and live out the story from the original Star Trek series. Fight in a war, and explore for more opportunities.
In Star Trek Online you are a ship and a person at the same time. All this means is that you control the diverse ship functions, while also being able to beam down to an avatar form. As you’d suspect, you can battle as a ship or avatar against your foes. Gun down your enemies with choice weapons, or strategize how to best destroy the opposing ship. Do you increase speed, wait to fire weapons, or assign a different crew member to a specific role?
There are diverse races and factions (like Klingon, Borg, Human, and Romulan), uniforms, and ship models to choose from in this third person shooter mmorpg. Through your battles you, the Captain, will rank up and unlock skilled crew members and abilities. Use your new skills, crafting techniques, and market savvy mind to get ahead of the rest of the universe.
Star Trek Online Gameplay
Download and play Star Trek Online
Star Trek Online is a vast universe waiting to be explored.
Play as almost any race you want- from human to Klingon.
5) Riders of Icarus
Riders of Icarus Official Trailer
Just like how a dog is man’s best friend, mounts are gamer’s best friends. Become a Rider of Icarus in this popular mmorpg. As you travel from different environments and cities you will happen across tamable creatures. These creatures have unique abilities and can become your companions, or in other terms, mounts. You will use these mounts to defeat other players and the dangerous bosses for money and rare rewards scattered throughout the kingdom.
You must become a legend of a tamer, but capturing these mounts and conquering the aerial battles put before you. Show your true skill by taming the most rare and difficult mounts, like dragons. Jump from your mount midair to try and capture another, or take on a foe through melee combat.
Riders of Icarus Hakain first Merciless Jeranin kill
Download and play Riders of Icarus
Guide your mount into each battle strategically and tactically.
Find your trust in ground and flying mounts of all kinds. Stand together or fail.
6) Star Wars the Old Republic
STAR WARS: The Old Republic – Knights of the Fallen Empire – “Sacrifice” Trailer
The Star Wars universe is possibly the most widely known and desired universe to experience, and with the mmorpg Star Wars the Old Republic you can. You start off choosing what faction you’d like to join; the Sith Empire or Galactic Republic. The Sith want to destroy the Republic to prove their power, strength, and gain control of the entire universe. The Republic must combat this evil power to save the planets from death and destruction.
Although joining the Sith Empire might seem like joining the bad guys, note that even if you start with the Sith you can become a morally good person. The game was meant to give the player full control on the characters personality/morality. Then you will decide a starting race, and begin your journey into some of the most intricate lore available. While you unveil this lore, you will have access to thrilling cut scenes, and wonderful voice acting.
As you advance your characters skills and explore all the planets, you will unlock the ability to join in ship battles, dungeons, and raids. Star Wars the Old Republic does a great job of offering exciting lore, detailed quests, challenging dungeons, and bloodthirsty pvp modes. Exploring the universe of Star Wars has never been so obtainable than it is with this free to play mmorpg.
Star Wars The Old Republic gameplay
What path will you choose when the time comes? Everything and anything is possible.
Conquer your enemies with force. Seriously, you gotta use the force…
7) Lord of the Rings Online
The Lord of the Rings Online™: Helm's Deep™
Lord of the Rings is one of the most popular series in the world and has been for many years. This online mmorpg offers players the chance to live in the world of LOTR. Prepare to live the lore while you battle the great enemies of Middle Earth left and right. Like most mmorpg’s you must kill things and complete quests to gain experience, and unlock new skills. Be wary of your hp (or named “morale” in LOTR Online), because enemies are lurking in the shadows. You won’t even be able to use advanced magic against them, because none of the 5 wizards in game are player controlled. You do obtain special skills that cost magic points, but don’t expect to be on level with Gandalf.
Lord of the Rings Online really offers all the great aspects of a mmorpg. You can set up a house in the man, elf, dwarf, or hobbit zones, gain reputation, run around in fellowships (parties), increase your skill with special traits, craft away essential items, and most of all explore the world we all watched growing up.
The Lord of the Rings Online gameplay
Your travels will not be easy or safe, so be on your guard and look out for your fellowship.
Bosses lurk in inconvenient places, waiting to tear apart flesh and bone. Good thing you have both.
8) Tera
TERA: Secrets and Shadows Launch Trailer
An Argon race has begun destroying and taking control of land in the world of Tera, created by the gods Arun and Shara. Over time several races were created, with unique traits and abilities. This caused many internal struggles, allowing the Argons to gain more control. You must fight the battle between the races, and the common enemy.
Tera Online has been most widely known for its action combat system and beautiful graphics. While there isn’t a lot of emphasis on lore when it comes to Tera, they really have mastered the immersive environment. Unlike most mmorpgs, Tera does not have factions, but a wide arrange of races and classes which helps the player immerse themselves in the game. This means your enemies are found in pve aspects, as well as open world pvp.
Basically as you play you have the option to “flag up” and kill your fellow players. One minute you could be happily killing some deer, and the other your face down in the dirt waiting to resurrect. Everyone could be an enemy at any time (save in the cities).
For more pvp you can queue up for different battlegrounds, participate in some arenas, and pump up your guild for some massive guild vs guilds. There is also plenty of pve to do in challenging dungeons, and of course, their BAM system. Throughout the world you find these BIG ASS MONSTERS (BAM’s) crawling around…and you have to kill them for the loot. There are a lot of competitive play and achievements to collect in the world of Tera.
Tera - Valkyrie Class First Look
A big ass monster (BAM) guards your escape, taunting you to unsheathe your sword. Will you accept?
Explore the world as diverse races like Castaic’s and the adorably cute Elins.
9) ArcheAge
ArcheAge: Revelation Launch Trailer
Archeage offers an open world sandbox world for online gamers to enjoy. If there was any game that tried to offer it all, it would be Archeage. You have your typical leveling experience, but with so much more added in than other mmorpgs. You have a fun housing system, naval combat as a deadly pirate, plenty of open world pvp, an intricate crafting system, the ability to farm, and even raise pets to battle or become mounts.
One of the more interesting aspects of the game is the jury service. Yes, you can’t even escape jury duty in an online game. Players who have racked up bounties and crimes will stand on trial for their crimes. Random players will be given jury duty summons, which they can decline (yay!). If you do show up, expect to decide how long to send this player to jail. Now, once in jail you can work for your freedom, or try escaping through dedicated digging. Either way, you will find your skills extremely limited in jail, and quite an experience trying to escape. Complete your civic duty of having fun in Archeage.
ArcheAge First Impressions "Is It Worth Playing?"
Explore the land for treasure, resources, and killers who want to steal your goods.
Be a part of a war when playing Archeage, and you better hope that you’re on the winning side.
10) Echo of Soul
Echo Of Soul - Story Trailer
Echo of Soul is an eye appealing, soul capturing game. Seriously, you capture souls... Basically you are Soulkeepers sent down by the Gods to try and combat the nefarious Giants who have corrupted the source of all life (World Tree). Everything you kill will leave behind a special soul that when cleansed, will give you powerful boosts in battle. While you gain strength from souls, you will also need to retrieve powerful weapons and gear.
All of this gear can be enhanced through jewels making you more of an unstoppable force. In your free time you can explore the world around you, craft item to aid your protection of the realm, and test your strength in dungeons (solo or team comp), or pvp battlegrounds.
Echo Of Soul First Impressions "Is It Worth Playing?"
Download and play Echo of Soul
A world plagued by malicious spirits needs your help to become strong once more.
Defeat the evil bosses and creatures who plague the land in all its vastness.
11) Eden Eternal
Eden Eternal Official Trailer
You enter a world previously torn by chaos and greed. Unknown heroes/guardians have begun reshaping and rebuilding the world for the better. It is your job to quell the violence, and promote peace throughout the kingdoms.
While Eden Eternal offers the cliché mmorpg qualities, it actually focuses on some rather unused game playstyles. The biggest aspects that put Eden Eternal on its own track is the class and guild system. There are around 21 classes to choose from, making the game extremely diverse to experience. However, the guild system is really where this online game shines.
First of all the more gold you put into a guild, the bigger your guild can be. The more people you have donating the more likely it is you will succeed. As a guild you will need to team up and complete daily quests and contributions, in order to unlock a manageable guild town. Here you can build fame and statuses for guild members with a small gold fee. Participate in Territory Wars, which have guilds fighting against each other for control of certain objectives for up to 30 minutes. While there is a whole system of gathering fame leading to guild ranking, the real battle doesn’t begin until the weekend. Here you compete in knockout 1v1 rounds between guilds to fight for the top 3 spots.
You could be the person who changes it all for your guild. Make a name for yourself, and your guild, in this highly competitive (and free) mmorpg.
Eden Eternal gameplay
Download and play Eden Eternal
Choose from a variety of distinctive classes. There’s never just one way to achieve victory.
Customize your anime styled character to really fit your style.
12) Maplestory
MapleStory 12th Terrorversary Trailer
This 2D mmorpg holds one of the best reputations for pc games. Many gamers started off with Maplestory, which offers a very detailed lore…even though it doesn’t follow most of the quests. Live a tale of queens and kings, gods, and mythical creatures as your complete dangerous missions throughout the world.
This side scrolling hack and slash mmorpg allows you to blast away enemies with a single punch. Your ultimate goal is kill as much stuff as possible, in the coolest way possible. You will explore diverse maps with different enemies at your heels. Maplestory also has great customizable options for your adventuring small character.
Maplestory is one of those online games that everyone should have in their portfolio. It’s great for when you just want to beat some stuff up, or play a fast paced game.
MapleStory Gameplay
A game formed through years of high reputation and work.
Side scroll through levels of difficult monsters and dangerous paths.
13) Dungeons and Dragons Online
A timeless game if any, is Dungeons and Dragons Online. Although it has underwent name changes over the years, Dungeons and Dragons has always remained the great mmorpg that it is.
Through the game you must level, and the best way to do so is by questing. Usually quests are very straightforward, but in Dungeons and Dragons they take quests to a new level. There are six different types of quests, in a range of easy to challenging (solo to epic). The more difficult the quest, the better the loot. However, the more players you have, the harder the bosses will be.
Another aspect that makes Dungeons and Dragons iconic, is the reincarnation system they put in place. You have the opportunity to almost completely wipe a character, and in the process gain a special ability. Yes you will have to relevel from basically scratch, but could that ability be the difference between success and failure end game? D&D is a great game, for those who want to accomplish great feats and gather rare treasures.
Dungeons and Dragons Online: Character Creation
Complete your search of the dungeon, and hope to make it out alive.
Odd creatures will attack you when least expected, so try and think ahead…with your weapon drawn.
14) Runescape
RuneScape Cinematic Trailer
Prepare to create your legend in the high fantasy world (mmorpg) of Runescape. Gods have begun returning to the world of Gielinor, and the mortals fear another war of the gods. Groups have formed in favor and against the gods, each preparing for their favored outcome.
Runescape is the epitome of the word fantasy, and rightly so. There’s magical powers, great gods, dangerous dragons, and valiant quests full of necessary heroism. One of the best features of Runescape is that it’s a browser formatted game, requiring much less of your computer. This allows all types of people to join in the story of Runescape. If that’s not enough, Runescape has been claimed the largest free mmorpg, as well as the most updated game in the world by the Guinness World Records.
You will have the free non-linear gameplay at your fingertips the entire time. You can kill mythical creatures, gain rewards from challenging quests, complete mini-games, trade with fellow adventurers, or chat away the night in this multiplayer environment. Create a legend of your character in a magical world at the top of its class.
Let's Play - Runescape - Part 1: "It's Been a While..."
Make friends and go slay dragons and ferocious beasts that stand in your way to heroism.
Don’t forget to take time to relax in the bustling cities because you never know who you’ll meet.
15) Uncharted Waters Online
UWO Teaser Trailer
You are placed in the 15th century, when exploration was at a high. You choose between following one of three paths: merchant, soldier, and adventurer. Each path offers its own gameplay and unique rewards. Raise the ship sails and get ready to explore the vast world in the online mmorpg Uncharted Waters Online.
Become the last standing (or floating) ship in massive naval battles, with the reward of conquering a new and bustling city. Find rare artifacts while leveling some of the 75 professions available. Use your gold and treasure to fortify and customize the ship of your dreams. Here’s your chance to shape history, with the ocean at your front, and a sail at your back.
Uncharted Waters Online PvP gameplay
Download and play Uncharted Waters Online
Spot your enemies in the distance, and attack with no hesitation.
When there are so many ships around, who do you attack?
16) Perfect World
The breathtaking land of Perfect World is threatened by an undead race called the Wraith. You must train your fighting skills and group with other players to help annihilate those who would tear your world apart. Every fight matters, so give it your all or give it all up.
The most known characteristic of Perfect World International, is the deep customization in character creation. For many years Perfect World held one of the best character creation options. While the game is undeniably gorgeous, it also has fun content. From the moment you step onto land in Perfect World, you are able to enjoy free-form flying. Yes you get to fly. There are dungeons to be beaten, and massive pvp battles to be won. Be the perfect somebody, in the perfect world, just like you’ve always wished.
Download and play Perfect World
Soak in the breathtaking graphics and character customization that Perfect World International offers.
Defeat ruthless enemies as a team for rare loot and experience.
17) Fallen Earth
The world has been destroyed by political ignorance and a deadly virus originating from India. You are part of the 1% that survived. There are two known human civilizations left; the Hoover Dam Garrison and the Grand Canyon. Six factions have rose from the chaos with different plans and methods of survival.
It’s your job to survive and choose the best faction to support for the country. Everyone can be an enemy, while only some can be an ally. In this first and third person shooter mmorpg, you are bound to face challenges. Everyone can be your enemy, so above all you need to survive. Craft items, vehicles, and weapons to help you succeed when death knocks at your door.
Download and play Fallen Earth
Mutant creatures welcome you with open arms in the mmorpg Fallen Earth.
You can’t assume a fellow human is an ally, so don’t be left with the gun in the holster.
18) Skyforge
Aelion is in danger from invading armies of hostile creatures. They have taken over ports, cities, and forests. You, an immortal, must raise your prestige (a unique leveling system) to gain followers, and become a god. Once you are a god, you must battle to fend off the hordes of invasions, and increase your power.
Skyforge has given players a highly intensive game to play with unique playstyle. Instead of just running around one big world on an open map, Skyforge has implemented a sci-fi take on the world and dungeons. There is a big map (Divine Observatory) that when you open it there are multiple instances/worlds you can travel to. Some are large open world maps with quests and objectives. Others are faster paced dungeons. Here you defeat bosses for good loot, and complete objectives for bonus awards once the instance is completed. There are quite a lot of different rewards to be received, and each has a way to improve your gameplay.
There is competitive pvp (battlegrounds and arenas), and more challenging group pve play. The best part of Skyforge is the ability to change classes on one character whenever you want. Now go unlock your powerful god form with friends and keep upgrading. Who said there couldn’t be more than one god?
Use intense and appealing skills from multiple classes to wipe out your enemies one after the other.
An example image of a God, and the intense character creation available in Skyforge.
19) Wakfu
Wakfu is a great game if you are looking for something to really sink your teeth into for hours upon hours. First of all, there are around 70 dungeons to work through as you level up, and plenty of explorable land (including islands). Be careful when traveling, because like in the real world, the ecosystem is fragile. If you go on a massacre spree for a certain species, you might just kill it off forever. Wakfu realizes what this could mean for all the land they created, but they are giving it to you- whether you decide to protect or destroy it.
Since the world was destroyed by a devastating flood, it’s up to you and your friends to rebuild society. Every role/job needs fulfilled, so finding your sweet spot is important (fighter, merchant, craftsmen, etc). Become a citizen of one of the four nations available, and work on your political speech because you could become governor (aka top dog). This is your chance to form a world how you please, and possibly make life changing decisions.
Save the planet from extinction by rebuilding and nurturing the world.
The world was left in ruins, so now you have to explore to put all the pieces together again.
20) Vindictus
Although Tera gets the reputation for an amazing action combat system, Vindictus actually did it earlier. This free to play mmorpg has kept modern with all its interesting content updates over the years. One of the most unique aspects of Vindictus is that in order to gain experience to level up and improve your skills, you must enter dungeons. You can enter these dungeons alone or with a party, but note that the more players inside the harder the enemies will get. Inside you will be able to complete quests and grind away some experience.
An interesting feature of Vindictus, is that it actually takes place hundreds of years before the other online mmorpg “Mabinogi”. Live the story of this war-ruined world through their “season” system of updating, which gives the game a great way to divide up their lore. Become an experienced adventurer through your unique character skills and combo driven combat.
Take on a boss one on one to prove your worth and strength to the entire world.
Death is your only prize for failing on your travels. Seems better not to fail, in my opinion.
21) Aura Kingdom
If you’ve ever wanted to play a game with pets, cuteness, and an interesting storyline your search is over. Aura Kingdom is a wonderful casual mmorpg, with a great kit for all types of players. You will attempt to protect the world from destruction by a demonic army, with companions to aid you.
One of the most interesting things about this mmorpg is that as soon as you enter the game, after character creation, you are given a choice of four different Eidolon. An Eidolon is a pet that travels, fights, and grows with you. Through these travels you will obtain more Eidolon’s and they will track your history/kills in the game and let you know whenever you want.
The major pros of this game are the stunning anime style graphics, the colorful way attacks look, and the carefree nature the game follows. Fly and ride epic mounts as you live through a vibrant world full of fun for all.
Download and play Aura Kingdom
Be the cutest, hottest, and sexiest creatures alive in Aura Kingdom by Aeria Games.
Grab your mount for fast travel in a lush, and exciting world of magic.
22) Rift
In the world of Rift, no rock gets unturned. The world Telara has been taken over by a great dragon-lord, Regulos. It is the responsibility of the two factions to take down his minions in an attempt to triumph against all odds. While these two factions are working to defeat Regulos, they also have issues between themselves.
There are world bosses to defeat, rifts to combat, and massive events to participate in out in the open world of Telara. Grab 4 other players to level up in dungeons, or a group of 20 to take down the difficult raids. Compete in pvp instances for glory and fame, or control the market with your crafting skills. Enter the Rift how you desire and come out a hero.
Explore diverse landscapes and buildings for malicious bosses, exciting loot, and challenging group play.
So he’s riding a shark…as a mount….on land. Tell me that isn’t the coolest thing ever.
23) Drakensang Online
Set in medieval Europe, this browser based mmorpg Drakensang Online makes a splash in the free game market. An evil overlord named Balor has started taking over Dracania, and everyone must greet the call to arms. It’s up to you and your friends to save Dracania from certain doom.
There are four classes to choose from (Spellweaver, Dragonknight, Ranger, and dwarf called Steam Mechanicus), and four character slots open. With these newly found characters you will explore the open world of Duria, which encompasses eleven regions. As you travel you will find treasure chests ready to crack open, vicious monsters drooling at the thought of you as dinner, and challenging missions.
The game is great for a browser formatted game, especially if you like putting money into it to help advanced. However, you do not have to spend money as everything you can buy is available in game. You can farm arenas, and dungeons to unlock special rewards and skills. There are so many updates to Drakensang Online that it’s hard to get bored with end game content.
Download and play Drakensang Online
Play one of the four classes. Whether you want to be stealthy, or brutally strong- Drakensang Online has your playstyle.
If it reminds you of Diablo, you wouldn’t be far off. This is just a free version of the same type of genre.
24) Dragon Nest
An action combat, skill based system is required if you want to play Dragon Nest. The world of Kalahan consists of eleven unique classes, dangerous monsters, and many instanced dungeons. Your goal is to level up and explore the land to find dragon stones. These dragon stones can only be obtained from killing treacherous dragons, which you will need allies for.
The reason why you are slaughtering dragons for their stones, is because your goddess has been poisoned by her own sister. Because of this she slumbers with the hopes of a cure being found. However, the only cure has gone missing and her loyal subordinates need to speak with her in order to help. These dragon stones will allow communication with the god Althea, and ultimately lead to her freedom and safety. Live in a tale of high fantasy, and pure magic with the extremely skill based game Dragon Nest.
Experience diverse classes with unique abilities and skills in your journey across Kalahan.
Dragon stones are needed, so you must fight. You must fight and live, or your goddess could die.
25) Mabinogi
The South Korean made mmorpg, Mabinogi uses multiple storylines, but throughout the journey there are battles between humans and gods (good and evil). There are twists and turns that will surely keep you coming back for more as they continue to add generations (storylines).
Mabinogi uses an interesting leveling system in comparison to most online mmorpgs. Instead of having your levels, you have years. When you create your character, you will choose an age from 10 to 17, and one of the three races: Human, Elf, and Giant. As one real week pasts your character with gain one year in game. Besides getting a birthday every week, you’ll gain precious ability points. These points level up your skills, so the more the better. And if you want to change/power up your character, experience a “rebirth” to make it happen (while keeping all your skills and points).
Besides the uniqueness of your character you have a lot of different crafting and recreational activities available. Some examples are creating music, taming animals, and cooking. Enjoy your free time in dungeons, accepting quests, or completing achievements for rare titles in Mabinogi.
Enjoy the beauty of a world with endless possibilities and missions.
Become a daring adventurer, farmer, killer, or song writer in the popular free to play mmorpg Mabinogi.
26) Age of Wushu
Before Age of Wushu begins a corrupted and powerful emperor/founder of the Ming Dynasty that brought along martial arts, began killing everyone off out of suspicion. It was die or bend the knee once the Royal Guard came knocking down your door. After the emperor died, a secret manual containing powerful martial art powers began circulating throughout the country. The different factions became hostile, lusting after this manual for themselves. Martial arts was no longer simple, but powerful and sophisticated. This is when the Age of Wushu was born.
Age of Wushu is a very challenging and rewarding martial art mmorpg. You start off classless, and with the decision of a lifetime. You must join one of the eight factions (since there are no restricting classes), each with unique skills (from the Nin Yin Manual). As you gain experience points you will level up and upgrade you’re fighting and superpower skills. There is reputation to gain, mounts to tame, houses to decorate, and dungeons to complete (solo or in a party). Craft yourself a pair of deadly weapons, and become a brilliant fighter in Age of Wushu.
Download and play Age of Wushu
Enter the world of martial art in the skillful combat mmorpg Age of Wushu.
Defeat your enemies with your unique faction ability, or switch to one that seems better suited.
27) Tree of Savior
Tree of Savior started with generous Goddesses equipping the kingdom with bountiful gifts and abilities for many years. Slowly, the prayers of the carefree citizens became unheard, and with time destruction followed. A divine tree grew and began to spawn treacherous creatures out for blood. With a destroyed capital, and fear in the kingdoms heart, the world fell into a terror. Years later, whisperings of a goddess have been heard, but no one knows.
What we do know is that a grind is the perfect word to describe Tree of Savior. Many people love the challenge of a long, arduous grind. It’s the feeling of satisfaction at the end of the road that makes it all worthwhile. There are a lot of skills to be unlocked and leveled. While you do start out at one of four possible classes 9Archer, Cleric, Swordsman, and Wizard), you also eventually unlock a lot of subclasses helping you define your playstyle. With expansive maps and hordes of monsters to be killed, you can be sure to have plenty of hours to spend in Tree of Savior.
Download and play Tree of Savior
Build your character and arm yourself with weapons of catastrophe.
Start your adventure out right, and with others. Travels become easier with friends.
28) DC Universe Online
We’ve all wanted to be a super hero at some point in our life. In this action combat mmorpg, DC Universe Online, your wish can come to life. Futuristic Lex Luther has gone back and time and released collected magical powers (Exobytes), to where now everyone has become “special”. The tyrannical conqueror Brainiac has to be defeated, and an army of superheroes are needed. Now you can’t be batman, but you will make your own unique character with goals of joining the Justice League. Whether you are a hero or villain, is up to you.
You will level your character and skills through dungeons and raids, all the while playing alongside the famous DC characters (aka NPC’s). If you enjoy the DC lore and world, as well as your typical mmorpg aspects of quests and dungeons, powering up, and kicking some ass, DC Universe Online is the right fit.
Download and play DC Universe Online
Villain’s vs Heroes has never been as breathtaking as it is in DC universe Online.
Kick ass while sporting your own unique super power outfit. In the DC world, looking good is important.
29) Blade and Soul
Have you ever wished to master combat through martial arts? In the action combat mmorpg Blade and Soul you and your friends will live a story of revenge. Your classmates and Sensei have been ruthlessly killed, and your path requires courage, skill, and much more training.
Choose between one of the four races (Gon, Lyn, Yun, and Gin) and use the advanced character customization system to really become your own. Find your martial art ideals through one of the two reputable factions (The Cerulean Order and The Crimson Legion) you can join, and level up to prove your worth. Take on challenging dungeons with complicated boss fights, or battle others in ranked arenas. The entire time you will surely enjoy the breathtaking characters and stunning graphics made available in Blade and Soul.
Download and play Blade and Soul
Prove how deadly you are through your skill and your looks.
Twist, turn and kick your enemies to the ground. All the while in style.
30) Wildstar
Behind the Ratchet and Clank-esque graphics of Wildstar lies an exciting fantasy/sci-fi mmorpg world. The abandoned world of Nexus holds many adventures and treasures for all players. However, with all the advanced technology waiting to be found, two factions formed. It’s your job to join a faction and help take control of the lush world around you.
Wildstar offers a partial combat system to help you in your pve and pvp struggles. There are your typical quests and dungeons when it comes to pve. For pvp, you can basically fight the opposing faction anywhere (open world combat), or que up for small scale arenas, bg’s, and warplots (team vs team). Once you get tired you can always return to your plot of land, aka your home. Your home plot rests in an island in the sky and allows you to modify and decorate as you please. Create crafting stations, mini-games, dungeons, and helpful bonuses to aid in your battle. If you get lonely you can always invite a friend over. Just make sure you put them to work on your plots, because everyone should do their share!
Nexus holds rich rewards and technologies waiting to be claimed by an adventurous soul.
Be as adorable or deadly as you like, because all types can conquer the abandoned world of Nexus.
So if money is tight, or your cheap like most of us, try one of these amazing free MMOrpg’s. Just because they are free doesn’t mean they aren’t amazing. As the years pass, more and more games are turning free to play so they can meet the needs of the growing online community. Lose yourself in these high fantasy worlds, because everyone deserves a break from life every once in a while.
If you are interested in other online games, like mmorpgs, check out the below links: