Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord is a game by TaleWorlds entertainment. The game was first announced back in 2012, with development having started just months earlier on the game. While fans of the series are excited about the game, developers have yet to announce an official release date. TaleWorlds have stated before that they felt it would be unwise to announce a release date until the game is ready to go to market.
With E3 coming up and so many companies planning to showcase what they’ve worked on for the last few years, what does TaleWorlds Entertainment have to show?
Maybe Next Time
With the largest electronics showcase in America happening soon, one would think a company hard at work on a title would have something to show or news to share with the world.
TaleWorlds Entertainment stated in a blog post on steam from May 10, 2018:
“The preparations needed to attend an event such as E3 takes a lot of time, effort and resources, and right now we think it is better to focus on the development of the game.”
The developer goes on to say in the blog post that, although they will not be attending the E3 show, they will have something to show fans at Gamescom, another video game showcase event like E3.
How Do The Fans Feel?
With the announcement that they would not be attending the showcase, TaleWorlds allowed fans to discuss the blog post on the Steam page for Bannerlord. Here’s what some of them had to say:
Many fans are in agreement that the lack of a release date is not an indication of the company hard at work, but of them not having done anything significant with the game. The developers have still not given a release date, and many gamers do not expect the devs to give one any time soon. Others say that the game will be worth the wait, even if it takes another two years to complete.
But what is it that has delayed the company so much? What have they been working on?
Productive Enterprises for Bannerlord
TaleWorlds Entertainment has been hard at work refining what they call “productive enterprises” for Bannerlord. These include things like a Smithy (weapons and armor), Stable (horses), Butcher (meats), and other businesses that will earn players gold when established.
Many buildings in town will be available for rent to a player to establish a business, the location likely affecting the flow of gold into said business. AI lords will also be able to rent these buildings to establish businesses, possibly putting the player in direct competition with them.
Developers stated this about dealing with competitive business in Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord:
“…crafty players can monitor what businesses their rivals own and buy up any raw materials or flood the local market with crafted goods to influence market prices…”
With a game that has been in development for more than 5 years now, will Taleworlds deliver an awesome game that exceeds expectations?