New on Kickstarter: Renoir Looks Promising

22 Aug 2024

Atmospheric Noir 2.5D Puzzle-Platformer Blends Crime Drama with Mystique

Renoir, the first game developed by Czech developers Soulbound Games, is among the newest Kickstarter projects that seem destined to be a real headline-grabber. As of the time writing this article, the Kickstarter campaign for the game has received over £3,500 of their £39,000 pledged goal with 30 days to go. Interested backers can visit here.

Gameplay Style

In Renoir, players take on the role of detective James Renoir set to unravel the toughest mystery of his career yet: his own murder! This story-driven noir puzzle platformer draws heavily from the Hollwood Crime Drama scene of the 40’s and 50’s. There will be no constant action or jumping – the game will develop in a slow, adventure game-like pace. Similarities can be drawn to Ghost Trick – Phantom Detective, LIMBO, Braid or The Swapper.

The Story

Kickstarter describes the story and settings of the game as:

“James Renoir is a private detective with a dark knot of a past struggling to stay afloat in a city sunk to the floor by crime and corruption. As a former police detective, Renoir makes his living doing the only thing he knows: investigating, digging, exposing...

One night, a night like any other, Renoir gets ready to meet an informant. He needs a new slice of evidence to his latest case. Renoir has done more meets like this than can even remember. He’s relaxed. Too relaxed. And the night turns new pretty fast. Renoir is caught off-guard; shot by a who-knows-who and left to die with the gunshot echo of a why.

But Renoir’s journey ain’t over...”

The game is being developed on the Unreal Engine 4, and is planned to be released on Q1, 2017 for the PC, Linux, Mac, PS4 and XBOX One.

Check out the teaser trailer:

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