Ever since the idea of vampires popped up in history, humans have wondered if they could resist the thirst for blood if afflicted with the curse. Vampyr will force the player to deal with a moral dilemma nearly every step of the way. Will you stay loyal to your human side, resist the hunger, and save everyone that you possibly can. Or will it be too much for you not to begin feeding on the citizens of London?
Vampyr Story
“Can I least put the lantern down?”
It is 1918 in London and Dr. Jonathan E. Reid has returned home from the military where he served as a field surgeon to his home city still recovering from the war. He is a pioneer in administering blood transfusions to save those who are ill or in dire need of new blood. The city, while still recovering from conflict, is also afflicted with a massive flu pandemic that the good doctor may be able to help stop.
Although Jonathan Reid is a doctor who has sworn an oath to do no harm, he has become afflicted with the Vampyr curse. As a doctor, will you succumb to the curse or will you save those you’ve sworn to cure? Use your powers as a Vampyr to decide who you will feed on next and lead you to clues that further your investigation into the flu ravaging London.
Vampyr Release Date
Back in 2014, DONTNOD Entertainment sought developers to add to their team through a French website known as emploi.afjv.com, a site designed for those seeking employment in the gaming industry. Experience in the RPG/ARPG genre was the biggest requirement of the position. One year after announcing they were collaborating with a publisher to release a game, they revealed the title as we know it today.
At 2015’s E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo), DONTNOD showed their game through animated concept art. In February 2016, developers released a pre-alpha build demonstrating the ‘shadow powers’ at work. During 2017’s E3 show, the development team released a cinematic trailer and announced a November 2017 release with pre-order bonuses. The release date was pushed back likely due to concerns that the game may need polishing, as is the case with most delays.
Pre-orders will come with a DLC known as “The Hunter’s Heirlooms,” and will contain a revolver known as Barker, a dark physician outfit, and a sword known as Dragonsbane. Pre-orders from Europe and Australia will also receive a phonograph record of the game’s soundtrack in addition to the included DLC.
When asked by Playstation.blog about why London was chosen for the game’s setting, game director Philippe Moreau said this:
“We wanted to tell a truly gothic story about vampires – a far cry from the glittery vampires you see on TV and in movies nowadays. The mood had to be just right.”
The game is set to release on June 5th, 2018 for Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, and PS4.
Vampyr Gameplay
Vampyr is an action-RPG that takes place in what developer DONTNOD Entertainment calls a semi-open world in a fictional London in 1918, months after the First World War ended. It has a character-driven story that allows players to experience Dr. Jonathan Reid’s struggle with the Vampyr affliction and how he copes with the nearly insatiable hunger as one of the dark ones, a bloodsucking creature of the night compelled to hunt for blood.
Much of the drama in the game is moved forward by conversation choices with NPCs, going so far as persuading them to walk to a dark alley for a covert feeding.
One of the most talked about things regarding the game has to be the battle system created for players to play as Dr. Reid. You can use weapons like guns, an amputation saw, and Vampyr powers which up the whole gore factor of Vampyr. Manipulate the blood to strengthen your body and shrug off bullet damage, coagulate someone’s blood in their body paralyzing them to death, boil their blood till their skin melts or burst them like a balloon full of crimson liquid.
Use your claws to eviscerate an enemy or victim, or use shadow powers to take on an enemy directly or eliminate the threat if you catch it early. You can use your shadow abilities to cloak in plain sight under an awning or around a building corner. Become invulnerable as you transform into a cloud of black smoke and strike your enemies swiftly when you solidify.
“Well, that I did not expect…”
The Vampyr powers at the disposal of Jonathan Reid will allow him to traverse obstacles that mortals cannot. Don’t want to fight the small group of hunters coming towards you? Look for a balcony with broken railing, or a flat roof to get away.
Everyone you meet is a potential target if the mood strikes you. The consequences of feeding or not feeding soon become relevant to the player as the story progresses.
In the end, your actions will spell either the salvation or doom of 1918 London. You must weigh each and every decision and decide if it’s best to resist the hunger or give in and let blood run through the streets.
Vampyr Trailer
E3 Launch Trailer
Story Trailer
Vampyr News
Vampyr is developed by DONTNOD Entertainment and published by Focus Home Interactive. Development for the game began with a team of 60 people but was later expanded to 80, with some of the team having worked on DONTNOD’s previous title Life is Strange.
There was a large amount of history research done, the team going as far as visiting London itself and taking photos of locations they wanted to recreate digitally. Locations like Whitechapel, the London Docks, and the Isle of Dogs were also researched in history books. Developers also researched shows like The Knick for medical information.
The game runs on the Unreal 4 Engine and used motion capture to track character movement.