[Top 10] Assassin's Creed Origins Best Abilities

Assassin's Creed Origins Best Abilities
02 Jun 2021

What are the best moves to get an edge over your enemy?

Origins takes some time to get used to even for a franchise veteran, as the combat system isn’t anything like in the previous titles. The different difficulty settings can help and can be changed anytime in the game. Other than that you need to gain ability points to level up the main hero – this is how you unlock abilities. Learn how to use them here and easily scratch the itch on your enemy’s back with a blade.

10. Parry (Warrior Branch of the Abilities Tree)

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The first ability you can get and also essential

This is the absolute basic skill you need for every fight. Interestingly it isn’t automatically acquired, you need to spend 1 ability point to get it. While in shield mode, you are able to deflect an incoming attack, and even stun your opponent. You have to time it right – exactly before their weapon reaches you. This will leave your attacker vulnerable for a brief moment, and you will be able to unleash your fury.

Why Parry is Great:

  • It’s essential for every fight, so you need it often
  • Some shields can inflict critical damage on block
  • You will see a cool spark effect when deflecting an enemy’s attack
  • You can parry some smaller wild animals

Parry Full Details:


9. Air Attack (Warrior Branch of the Abilities Tree)

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Look up!

One of the few little game mechanics that gave the franchise a fun element and it was introduced way back in Assassin’s Creed II. It just feels so satisfying to jump off a rooftop on an unsuspecting enemy, then “stealth” your way through the camp. It’s a great start to clearing out hostile territory silently. Say hi to the bad guys and introduce yourself from a different perspective with the Air Attack! Costs 1 ability point.

Why Air Attack is Great:

  • You can instantly kill completely unaware enemies
  • You can give death from above a new meaning
  • You can avoid long fights if you stay stealthy after the air attack
  • You can “work in the dark to serve the light” and be a real assassin

Air Attack Full Details:


8. Chain Assassination (Hunter Branch of the Abilities Tree)

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Make a killstreak easy

Pretty sure I saw this ability somewhere else…oh yeah, that was another Ubisoft title, Farcry. It works similarly in both games, in Origins you have to use your hidden blade to assassinate an enemy, then take his weapon. It can be a sword or spear and you can throw it at another enemy within range. This is basically an easy double kill move and it costs 3 ability points.

Why Chain Assassination is Great:

  • It makes you a deadly assassin
  • It saves you the time of a long fight
  • If you plan it well, you can stay unseen

Chain Assassination Full Details::


7. Weapon Bearer/Bow Bearer (Warrior and Hunter Branches of the Abilities Tree)

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Carry only the best from your collection

These two abilities are basically the same, they are a shortcut to change weapons. The Weapon Bearer ability lets you carry a secondary melee weapon and the Bow Bearer a second bow. It’s plain and simple, yet useful as you can swap with the touch of a button, rather than going into the menu. In both cases the weapons need to be from different categories, they cost 1 ability point for each.

Why Weapon Bearer/Bow Bearer are Great:

  • They help you adapt to different situations in a fight
  • You can carry two of your favorite weapons and two bows at the same time
  • They save time by simplifying weapon swap
  • You can stay immersed in the game without the need to open the menu

Weapon Bearer/Bow Bearer Full Details:


6. Buy Materials (Seer Branch of the Abilities Tree)

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Don't waste your time gathering if you can buy it

Another useful skill to save time and effort, searching for all those ingredients you need for crafting can be exhausting. Bayek, the main hero has six upgradable parts of gear that can take a significant time to max out. It’s worth doing so, they will give plenty of bonuses like added melee damage and increased health. The higher the level of the gear, the more materials it will require to upgrade further. This is where it becomes an important ability to have, and it costs 2 ability points.  

Why Buy Materials is Great:

  • It saves a lot of your time hunting and exploring for materials you need
  • You can buy most crafting materials in one place at any blacksmith or weaver
  • You can buy things you need for crafting every time you come across a merchant, so you always have enough for an upgrade

Buy Materials Full Details:


5. Eagle Harass (Hunter Branch of the Abilities Tree)

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Do your magic, Senu!

Senu, the main hero’s old feathery friend is the second best tool after the weapons you use. Scouting a camp/fort ahead is very useful when it comes to planning an attack. And she can do more than that! This beautiful eagle is eager to help you out by distracting enemies while you sneak through their territory. Requires 2 ability points.

Why Eagle Harass is Great:

  • Senu can distract hostiles while keeping you unseen (sometimes even automatically during a fight)
  • You can keep guards busy while you loot their valuables
  • You can combine it with chain assassination, bow and hidden blade takedowns, and become the ultimate killing machine
  • You can hear some funny comments from the harassed soldiers

Eagle Harass Full Details:


4. Sleep Dart (Seer Branch of the Abilities Tree)

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Sweet dreams!

Sometimes you just feel like there’s been enough bloodshed. You can choose this non-lethal takedown to deal with lower-level soldiers or wild animals. Watch those little babies go to sleep. Also, be careful as they will eventually wake up as the effect of the dart is temporary. Costs 1 ability point.

Why Sleep Dart is Great:

  • It helps you effortlessly sneak through and loot in restricted areas
  • You can put wild animals to sleep and tame them (once you have the ability)
  • You can use it in the middle of a fight if you want to finish it quickly
  • You can throw a dart into a campfire and create a huge poisonous cloud, it will put everyone nearby to sleep 

Sleep Dart Full Details:


3. Backstore (Seer Branch of the Abilities Tree)

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See what cool items the game is hiding from you

What if I told you there are a few legendary items that simply aren’t available in the game without this ability? That’s right, if you want to see some truly exotic items, this is an essential ability to have. One of the most beautiful horse skins, Meri Amun can only be unlocked this way. Costs 2 ability points.

Why Backstore is Great:

  • It makes rare and legendary items available at merchants
  • It unlocks some of the best things the game has on offer
  • You can show off with your bling

Backstore Full Details:


2. Elite Ranger (Hunter Branch of the Abilities Tree)

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Take your time, Medjay

You can turn your game into an action/adventure movie for a few moments with this ability. Jump off a high ledge and enter aim mode with your bow, this will trigger slow motion. Rain some arrows down those dry throats of your enemies. You will have to develop the hunter branch a lot to unlock this, and it will cost 3 ability points.

Why Elite Ranger is Great:

  • It helps you get some relatively easy kills in a spectacular, cinematic way
  • It’s a great way to introduce yourself in a new enemy camp
  • It’s like The Matrix, but with arrows 

Elite Ranger Full Details:


1. Attack & Push (Warrior Branch of the Abilities Tree)

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Do two things at the same time

Really useful move during a fight, but consumes adrenaline every time you use it. The ability itself pushes the enemy away and lower-level enemies also fall to the ground. However, every type of weapon has a different animation of the attack. Spears for example have a sweeping move, and heavy blades have quick follow-up slashes. Costs 1 ability point.

Why Attack & Push is Great:

  • You can use the environment and push enemies to their death off a high ledge
  • You can take advantage of traps in the gladiator arena and push your foes into them
  • You will see a different fancy move with every weapon type

Attack & Push Full Details:


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