Assassin’s Creed: Origins, a game where outfits matter...
A little.
Origins is a great game and a great immersion experience, so we sat down, picked twenty of the best outfits, and listed them in order from early-game to late-game with tips on how to find them.
Yes, there are things far more important in this game, like weapons and skills, but don’t you want to put on your Sunday best when setting the stage for all of the legendary assassins that will join the brotherhood?
20. Bayek’s Outfit
The original.
Okay, maybe this one isn’t all that exciting, but it is Bayek’s outfit. This is the outfit we see in the trailers and can find in AC sequels, like Valhalla.
What makes it great:
- Easy to acquire
- The Bayek outfit
How to get it: The default outfit, you will find Bayek wearing it when you begin the game
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19. Altair’s Outfit
Throwback Thursday anyone?
If you’re feeling nostalgic, worry not. You can dress up as the protagonist from the original Assassin’s Creed, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad (or at least your character can). Unfortunately, you have to be a part of the Ubisoft Club to get this one, but maybe it’s worth it to remember AC 1.
What makes it great:
- Be a trendsetter by wearing what other assassins won’t for another thousand years
- Honor the other original assassin, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad
How to get it: Available in Ubisoft Club
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18. Ezio’s Outfit
I'm getting Venetian vibes from this one.
Ezio is perhaps the most legendary (fictional) assassin in the entire world, so why not borrow his essence while you face down Bayek’s foes? Though not for fans who want an authentic ancient Egyptian immersion experience, you can’t deny the greatness of Ezio.
What makes it great:
- Harness the spirit of a legendary assassin with these sleek threads
How to get it: Available through Ubisoft Club
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17. Sekhmet Costume
In modern times, the Goddess “Sekhmet” is what we might call a “baddie”. Legend has it, the only way to get her to stop killing was to give her her favorite beverage: beer.
What makes it great:
- Wield the energy of a Goddess whose bloodlust can only be stopped with beer
How to get it: Complete the quest Lady of Slaughter
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16. Desert Cobra
One of nature’s most deadly assassins in its own right, the cobra is menacing and capable, certainly desirable qualities while facing the most dangerous villains Egpyt has to offer.
What makes it great:
- Embody the cobra’s killing skills
- Fangs to strike fear in your enemies
How to get it: Available in the Desert Cobra pack
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15. Pharaoh’s Armor
Fit for a king.
Only the finest leather and gold could make the cut for armor worn by the ruler of all of ancient Egypt. If you feel like sporting armor fit for a pharaoh, it will not disappoint.
What makes it great:
- Commands the respect of a pharaoh
How to get it: Purchase from Heka chests or for 500 Helix credits
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14. Bathhouse Towel
Sometimes, less is more.
Alright, maybe you didn’t picture taking out Templars looking like you just got out of the shower, but it’s hard to deny that this outfit is unique; besides, no one is going to mess with a guy who’s crazy to run around with a bunch of swords wearing nothing but a towel.
What makes it great:
- The experience of being an assassin in an outfit this ridiculous
How to get it: Complete End of the Snake
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13. Mummy
What do you think of when you hear “ancient Egypt?
If this were Family Feud, I’d bet the number one answer would be “Mummies.”
Personally, I think zombies are scarier, but being hunted down by a mummy will raise anybody’s heart rate.
What makes it great:
- Put fear into the hearts of your enemies by becoming a classic horror movie character
How to get it: Purchase from Heka chests or for 500 Helix credits
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12. Shadow Warrior
Shouldn't they all be black?
What is more Assassin’s Creed than blending in with the shadows? The dark colors will aid any assassin in avoiding unwanted attention.
What makes it great:
- Look stealthy in this dark get-up
How to get it: Purchase the Nightmare pack, or purchase with 500 Helix credits
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11. Dress of the Northern Realm
Some things just look so wrong that you can’t look away, so if you want to turn heads, this is the outfit for you.
What makes it great:
- An ugly Christmas sweater-esque change of pace from the typical assassin’s garb
How to get it: Purchase from tailors
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10. Dress of the Coastal Realm
Though some might argue that fur may not be the best choice for a hot desert climate, no one can say that this outfit doesn’t look good.
What makes it great:
Keep yourself warm in those frigid desert nights
The strength of those who live with the sea
How to get it: Defeat the Slaver in Krokodopolis Arena or purchase from tailors
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9. Persian Prince
Not The Prince of Persia.
The Persian Prince is one of the better outfits in the game. Looking like an ancient Egyptian ninja is pretty much all a medjay could ask for.
- What makes it great:
- One of the sleekest in the game
- An excellent blend of styles
How to get it: Purchase from tailors
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8. Roman Venator
Said to be worn by the hunters who provided meat for their fellow Roman soldiers while campaigning through their empire, the Roman Venator will not disappoint an assassin who spends his days hunting the desert.
What makes it great:
- Borrow the threads of great hunters from an exotic land across the sea
How to get it: Defeat the Hammer in the Cyrene Gladiator Arena on elite mode
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7. Black Hood
While tough to acquire, the Black Hood outfit is one of the best looking in the game. A more typical “assassin” outfit than some of our other entries; it’s hard to deny that black and gold.
What makes it great:
- A sleek, classic assassin’s look
How to get it: Complete Phylake’s Prey
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6. Hidden One
Don't think of it as conforming.
It’s pretty clear that this outfit borrows its look from some iconic AC outfits of the past, like Ezio’s and Altair’s; however, the designers have made it look pretty original with tattered threads and a less fancy general vibe.
What makes it great:
- A classic inspired AC look with a rugged twist
How to get it: You automatically equip this outfit when you begin The Hidden Ones
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5. Shaman
I think mercury's in retrograde.
If you want to come across to your enemies as a medjay who is in touch with nature, look no further than the Shaman outfit. Said to help Bayek communicate with the spirits of the natural world, try this weapon out when you need to take to the wilderness and hunt some game.
What makes it great:
- It just might allow you to communicate with the spirits of nature
- Improve your hunting skills
How to get it: Defeat the war elephant known as Herwennefer
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4. Dark Side of the Moon
This one creeps me out a little.
What could stoke fear in your enemies like appearing to be Annubis, the God of the dead and guardian of the underworld? You can find this outfit within The Trial of the Gods DLC.
What makes it great:
- Shares a name with a pretty cool Pink Floyd album
- Changes your body’s appearance in addition to your clothing
How to get it: Compete in The Trial of the Gods and defeat Anubis, Sobek, or Sekhmet (four times)
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3. Engai Na Nyokie
Ubisoft went south of the border for this one and then went south of THAT border.
Tracing its roots far further South in Kenya, the Engai Na Nyokie is named for the dark side of a mostly benevolent God; known for bringing famine and manifesting himself in lightning, Engai Na Nyokie is an ideal candidate for an assassin to embody.
What makes it great:
- Take on the vengefulness of a powerful God
How to get it: Purchase from tailors
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2. Servant of Amun
The name “Amun” translates to “the hidden one” and is likely the inspiration behind the creed’s name altogether. So become a servant of the hidden one, and take this bad boy out for a spin!
What makes it great:
- Hide your face behind a super creepy mask
- Take on Amun’s power of the hidden
How to get it: Complete Shield or Blade in The Curse of the Pharaohs DLC
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1. Isu Armor
The origin of Origins.
The Isu, these ancient God-like creatures deserve their own article, so I’ll just keep it basic: they are pretty much the whole point of these games. If armor is good enough for the Isu, it’s good enough for an assassin.
What makes it great:
- Harness the power of the Isu
How to get it: Complete all Stone Circles and activate the final ancient mechanism
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