War Elephants are without a doubt among the hardest enemies to defeat in the game. If you are planning to fight these beasts, you should come well prepared. They are rated level 40, and you should be around the same level to be able to defeat the beasts.If you are going after War Elephants, you should expect a tough battle. You can’t lose your focus and let your guard down for one moment because it will cost you. Every Elephant fight will be more or less the same, but keep in mind that each beast has slightly different behavior. There are 4 War Elephants in total. Killing each of them you will get ability points and 2 of them will grant you a piece of legendary gear.
You can find War Elephants in 4 different locations:
- Herakleion Nome Region
- Uab Nome
- Green Mountains
- White Desert Oasis
Bring your best bow with you, because you are going to use it a lot. Elephants don’t have a big range, so you will mostly attack from the distance. Keep in mind that when fighting the Elephants, the difficulty will increase as the fight goes on. You should save your ammo for the later stages in the battle since Elephants won’t attack you as much in the beginning. You want to practice your dodging because blocking won’t be an option. You will have to think quickly and move fast. Don’t even try to block attacks, so you don’t lose any HP unnecessarily. Considering melee weapons, bring something with an Adrenaline charge perk. In some moments, you will be able to catch the Elephant off guard, where you can use charged attack and deal massive damage to the beast. They will use charged attacks as well, which you will have to doge. Dodging the attack will leave them open for a counter-strike. Elephants will try to attack you with their tusks. They will pull their head to one side and swing their tusks to the other. Moving backward, you will be able to dodge these attacks. At that moment you will be behind the elephant and be able to attack them back. To make the battle more difficult, there is a soldier on top of every Elephant. Soldiers will attack you with arrows and bombs which can deal damage over time and stun you. Be awake and try to avoid their attacks. As mentioned, every time you defeat the Elephant it will be rewarded. Except for ability points, 2 legendary items are in the game. You have a chance to claim Shaman Outfit and Trophy Hunter legendary predator bow.
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