[Top 10] Assassin's Creed Origins Best Helix Weapons And How To Get Them

[Top 10] Assassin's Creed Origins Best Helix Weapons And How To Get Them
15 Feb 2022


Helix Credit is a premium currency that you can use to purchase a variety of items in-game. Completing the introduction quest you will be awarded 200 Helix Credits, but the rest you will have to buy. If you are willing to spend some money, there is a big choice of awesome gear you can get. 

10. Wadjet’s Knives

Wadjet’s Knives

Price: 250 Helix Credits


  • Adrenaline Regeneration 4/4
  • Critical Hit Damage 1/4
  • Poison on Hit

This legendary pair of knives once belonged to the Egyptian goddess Wadjet. She was considered to be the protector of all Egypt and was often shown as a snake-headed woman. 

Wadjet’s knives are very fast and deadly weapons, with a highly-rated Adrenaline Regeneration perk. It also has a Poison on Hit perk, which will deal damage over time.

9. Eyes of Horus

Eyes of Horus

Price: 250 Helix Credits


  • Adrenaline Regeneration 2/4
  • Critical Hit Rate 4/4
  • Health on Kill

The Eyes of Horus are pair of legendary short blades, which belonged to the Egyptian god Horus. Horus was a god of the sky and protector of the rulers in Egypt. Often he was described to have the head of a blue hawk.

This set of deadly blades with a high Critical Hit Rate comes with Health on Kill perk, which will make you more durable in fights. Adrenaline Regeneration will allow you to use charged attacks more often.

8. Cobra Royale

Cobra Royale

Price: 250 Helix Credits


  • Charging Speed 3/4
  • Bleeding on Hit 2/4
  • Poison on Hit

The Cobra Royale is a legendary hunter's bow. This bow symbolizes the twin cobras that are guarding the underworld. On the top of the long black bow, you can notice a metal cobra figure.

This bow comes with a highly-rated Charging Speed perk. In combination with the Bleeding on Hit and Poison on Hit perks, this bow makes you deadly, deadly as a cobra.

7. Mushussu

Price: 250 Helix Credits


  • Adrenaline on Hurt: 2/4
  • Critical Hit Damage: 1/4
  • Sleep on Hit

The Mushussu is a heavy ax, which was inspired and named after a Babylonian mythological creature. Bayek claimed this legendary weapon while traveling around Egypt.

With the insanely high amount of damage per second, you will crush everything on your way. Sleep on Hit will put your enemies to sleep which make them open for attack.,

6. Lance of Anhur

Lance of Anhur

Price: 250 Helix Credits


  • Critical Hit Damage 3/4
  • Adrenaline Regeneration 2/4
  • Health on Hit

The Lance of Anhur is a legendary spear that was once possessed by the Egyptian god of war Anhur. He was often referred to as the slyer of enemies.

This legendary weapon will provide you with Adrenaline Regeneration and high Critical Hit Damage together with Health on Hit, for higher durability.

5. Kush Shield

Kush Shield

Price: 250 Helix Credits


  • Melee Resistance 1/4
  • Ranged Resistance 3/4

The Kush shield is a rare shield that was once used by warriors of the Kushite kingdom. The Kingdom of Kush was an ancient kingdom that was located in Nubia, centered along the Nile Valley.

This shield is great when defending yourself against bow attacks since it has a highly Rated Resistance perk. But it won’t be useless against melee attacks either. 

4. Shamshir


Price: 250 Helix Credits


  • Critical Hit Rate 2/4
  • Adrenaline Regeneration 1/4

Shamshir is a rare regular curved sword that was made available to Bayek through Animus modification by Layla. This sword is considered a predecessor to the scimitar curved blade.

Shamshir comes with Critical Hit Rate and Adrenaline Regeneration perks. This weapon is rated only level 3, which means that you can enjoy cool gear from the early stages of the game.

3. Silver Wind

Silver Wind

Price: 250 Helix Credits


  • Critical Hit Rate 2/4
  • Adrenaline Regeneration 2/4
  • Health for Critical

Silver Wind is a legendary regular sword. This weapon was used in the 1st century BCE during the Ptolemaic kingdom in Egypt. A nice-looking black sword with beautiful engravings is a perfect tool for every assassin.

This legendary sword will provide a Critical Hit Rate together with Adrenaline Regeneration for charged attacks. Health for Critical perk will heal you for every Critical Hit.

2. Aruna


Price: 250 Helix Credits


  • Bleeding on Hit 2/4
  • Adrenaline on Hurt 2/4
  • Health for Critical

The Aruna is a legendary sickle sword that was used by soldiers during Thutmose III’s campaign against the city of Megiddo in the 15th century BCE. The sword was lost in a battle but eventually was found by Bayek.

A deadly weapon with Bleeding on Hit and Adrenaline on Hurt perks will eliminate your targets in no time. It also comes with Health for Critical perk which heals your missing health with Critical Hits.

1. Wings of Ashur

Wings of Ashur

Price: 250 Helix Credits


  • Precision 3/4
  • Adrenaline on Hurt 2/4
  • Elevation Multiplier

Wings of Ashur is a legendary warrior bow that was inspired by the Mesopotamian god Ashur. Bayek claimed this weapon during his hunt for the Order of the Ancients, which he had found while traveling.

Adrenaline on Hurt and highly rated Precision perk will make you an apex predator. Elevation Multiplier will allow you to deal double damage if the shot is taken 3 meters higher than the target.

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