What are the best enchantments for your boots?
Let's get down to the brass tacks and talk about all the enchantments you can have on your Minecraft boots.
Read the entries below to find out which enchantment you would need for different situations, and choose them accordingly. We will be talking about stats gain, pratictical uses, and so much more.
13. Fire Protection
Fire Protection stats:
- Fire Protection I: %8 fire damage reduction.
- Fire Protection II: %16 fire damage reduction.
- Fire Protection III: %24 fire damage reduction.
- Fire Protection IV: %32 fire damage reduction.
- Incompatible with Blast Protection, Projectile Protection, Protection.
There are a lot of different protection types you can have for your armor. One of these protection types are Fire Protection, and it helps you to not die to “all things fire” in this great game. With every level of Fire Protection, you will receive %8 fire damage reduction to your character, and you can go up to %80 fire damage protection.
Not only that, but you also gain %15 less burn time from every single level of Fire Protection you have on you. When you have over 7 levels, you will simply be unable to be burned. Pretty cool, huh?
Use Fire Protection if:
- You like hanging around in the Nether a lot.
- You fight with mobs that deal fire damage a lot.
12. Projectile Protection
Projectile Protection stats:
- Projectile Protection I: %8 projectile damage reduction.
- Projectile Protection II: %16 projectile damage reduction.
- Projectile Protection III: %24 projectile damage reduction.
- Projectile Protection IV: %32 projectile damage reduction.
- Incompatible with Blast Protection, Fire Protection, Protection.
Projectile Protection is a cool little enchantment that grants you %8 projectile damage reduction for every single level of Projection Protection you have on your armor. It is a great enchantment if you are fighting with enemies like skeletons, and so on, a lot. Not only that, but you can also get your projectile damage reduction all the way up to %80 and receive only %20 of the damage you would normally receive from things like tridents, blaze fireballs, and arrows.
Because you will have to choose only a single type of Protection enchantment for your boots, you will have to choose wisely. Well, what are the reasons for choosing Projectile Protection over other protection types? read the sentences below to find out. Just right, down, there. Yep.
Use Projectile Protection if:
- You fight or just hang around with mobs like skeletons a lot.
- You play PvP against people who like using bows and/or crossbows.
11. Blast Protection
“Reduces damage taken from explosions and fireworks.”
Blast Protection stats:
- Blast Protection I: %8 blast damage reduction.
- Blast Protection II: %16 blast damage reduction.
- Blast Protection III: %24 blast damage reduction.
- Blast Protection IV: %32 blast damage reduction.
- Incompatible with Fire Protection, Projectile Protection, Protection.
Are you tired of blowing up to pieces from that Creeper sneaking up on you? Well, with Blast Protection, you can, maybe, survive those attacks. With every level of Blast Protection, you will receive %8 blast damage reduction. You can stack these reductions up to %80 and only receive %20 of the damage you would normally receive from explosions and blasts.
What are these explosions? Well, Creepers, TNT, beds, respawn anchors, and firework rockets are only the small list of things that will blow you to pieces if you are not careful and/or not wearing armor with the Blast Protection enchantment.
Additionally, every level of Blast Protection will reduce the level of knockback received from explosions by %15, up to %60 maximum.
Use Blast Protection if:
- You would like to be knocked back less from explosions.
- You fight with enemies like Creepers a lot.
- You don’t to blow up and die instantly from things like TNT traps.
10. Protection
“Adds bonus damage reduction.”
Protection stats:
- Protection I: %4 damage reduction.
- Protection II: %8 damage reduction.
- Protection III: %12 damage reduction.
- Protection IV: %16 damage reduction.
- Incompatible with Blast Protection, Fire Protection, Projectile Protection.
Protection is an amazing enchantment that will grant you %4 for every level of Protection you have on your armor. With Protection IV on every single one of your armor pieces, you will receive %64 less damage from every damage type in the game (even falling).
Because the other Protection types are incompatible with each other, you only get to choose one. And trust me, if you are not actively fighting with Creepers or blazes every single minute of your playtime, Protection is the way to go.
Use Protection if:
- You want to receive less damage from everything in the game. Sounds like a good deal, huh?
- You like to survive more and have an edge in both PvP and PvE.
9. Feather Falling
“Reduces fall damage.”
Feather Falling stats:
- Feather Falling I: %12 less fall damage.
- Feather Falling II: %24 less fall damage.
- Feather Falling II: %36 less fall damage.
- Feather Falling IV: %48 less fall damage.
While we all know about those enchantments above this one in the list, and some below, this enchantment is unique to the boots, and you can only use this enchantment on your boots.
Are you tired of dying when falling 21 or more blocks? Well, this fixes that.
With every level of Feather Falling, you will receive %12 less fall damage. Because every damage reduction in the game can stack only up to %80, with some Protection added onto your Feather Falling IV boots, you will only receive %20 of the damage you would normally receive from falling. Sounds like a pretty good deal, right?
Not only falling, but Feather Falling will also reduce the damage taken from riding mobs that take fall damage and throwing ender pearls, among other things related to falling or getting in contact with the ground in one way or another.
Use Feather Falling if:
- You want to receive less damage when falling from high up.
- You build a lot. Trust me, you will be falling a lot when building tall things in Survival.
- Ride mobs that take more fall damage or throw ender pearls a lot.
8. Unbreaking
“Gives a chance for an item to avoid durability reduction when it is used, effectively increasing the item's durability.”
Unbreaking stats:
- %100 more durability on a tool at Unbreaking I
- %200 more durability on a tool at Unbreaking II
- %300 more durability on a tool at Unbreaking III
Unbreaking is basically a necessity for all your items in Minecraft. Because it also doesn’t have any downsides or disadvantages, getting Unbreaking III on every single one of your tools is simply a no-brainer.
With Unbreaking III, you will get to use your boots a lot more than you would on a normal day, three times as much, in fact. So, what are you waiting for? Unbreaking is compatible with every other enchantment and combined with a different enchantment we will be talking about (Mending), your boots will be basically indestructible.
Use Unbreaking if:
- You want your boots to last longer.
- You want to lessen the chance of accidently breaking your boots.
- You don’t to always go and repair your boots, wasting XP, resources, and time.
7. Thorns
“Causes attackers to be damaged when they deal damage to the wearer.”
Thorns stats:
- Thorns I: %15 chance to inflict half a heart of damage to the attacker.
- Thorns II: %30 chance to inflict half a heart of damage to the attacker.
- Thorns III: %45 chance to inflict half a heart of damage to the attacker.
Thorns is a cool enchantment that deals a little bit of damage back whenever you are hit, if you are lucky, of course. With Thorns level III, you will have a %45 chance to inflict half a heart of damage back to whatever just hit you. With four armor pieces with Thorns, you can get lucky and deal 2 hearts of damage back, which is not a bad bit of damage.
You might not want to use this enchantment, however, in certain cases. If you are dealing with hostile mobs that attack you, but you don’t want to kill them (and want to use them for farms and stuff) you might want to be careful with this enchantment. Also, whenever Thorns work and it attacks back, it takes some durability away from your armor. So, that’s something you need to be careful about as well.
Use Thorns if:
- You want to inflict some of the damage back to whatever hits you.
- You want a slight edge in PvP and PvE.
- You want slight knockback to your enemy to confuse them.
6. Depth Strider
“Increases underwater movement speed”
Depth Strider stats:
- Every level reduces the slowness effect water gives to the player by half.
- Maximum level is III
- Enchantment weight: 2
- Incompatible with Frost Walker
If you are spending a lot of time underwater, and you don’t want to move as slow as a snail, this enchantment is worth having a look. With every level of this enchantment, the speed reducing water induces on you will be halved. So, just gliding on water with level III Depth Strider will be almost as fast as walking on normal ground.
With swimming, you will even be faster. Also, if you are standing still in flowing water, it will push you a lot slower as well.
This is a great enchantment for moving fast in water but be careful as you will not be able to use Frost Walker combined with this enchantment. So, you will need to choose one over the other.
Use Depth Strider if:
- You like it more than Frost Walker.
- You want to move fast in water.
- You hang around places like Guardian Temples a lot. The speed definitely helps in places like that.
5. Soul Speed
“Allows the player to walk more quickly on soul sand or soul soil.”
Soul Speed stats:
- Maximum level is III
- Enchantment weight: 1
- Soul Speed I: 40.5% speed increase
- Soul Speed II: 51% speed increase
- Soul Speed III: 61.5% speed increase
Soul Speed is a relatively new enchantment that, first, makes it so that any speed disadvantage you have on soul sand or soul soil is completely reduced. Secondly, you move even faster on these blocks than normal blocks.
With Soul Speed III, you will have a 61.5% speed increase over your speed on top of normal blocks. Be careful, because this will also slowly eat up your durability as well; but the result is definitely worth it, in my opinion.
Use Soul Speed if:
- You want to build corridors and pathways where you want to be really fast on.
- You hang around in the Nether a lot.
4. Frost Walker
“Creates frosted ice blocks when walking over water.”
Frost Walker stats:
- Enchantment weight: 1
- Incompatible with Depth Strider
- Maximum level is II
Frost Walker is probably the coolest enchantment in the game. Why? Well, because you literally create frost as you walk over water, and as a result, you can just go over rivers, seas, and even oceans by just walking or running. It’s really useful and looks really, really cool.
With level II Frost Walker, you will create even more frost around you, giving you a lot more space to work with.
Even though this is an amazing enchantment that is both useful and also really cool, you have to be careful to not freeze any water blocks that you don’t want to freeze, like water blocks you might have in Redstone contraptions, and so on. Other than that, great enchantment, go for it.
Use Frost Walker if:
- You like it more than Depth Strider. Unfortunately, they are incompatible with each other.
- You want to walk on water. I mean, how cool is that?
- You want to pass over oceans without worrying about boats or all that mess, making travelling easier.
3. Mending
“Restores durability of an item using experience.”
Mending stats:
- Enchantment weight: 2
- Incompatible with Infinity
- Maximum level: 1
Mending is an amazing enchantment. With every XP orb you pick up, if you are holding or wearing a tool or armor with Mending on it, rather than receiving that XP as points; instead, those items will be fixed. Isn’t that amazing?
Even though you can’t get this enchantment from enchantment tables and need to find them in the world or trade for them with villagers, it’s definitely worth it. Combined with Unbreaking, you will simply have much sturdier and fool-proof (almost) armor that will last you a long time (if you don’t die and lose them in lava or something).
Use Mending if:
- You want your armor to last.
- You value your tools and armor. Really, if you can get your hands on Mending books, definitely have it on your everything.
- You don’t want to always repair your armor, wasting levels and resources.
2. Curse of Binding
“Prevents removal of a cursed item from its armor slot.”
Curse of Binding stats:
- Maximum level: 1
- Not able to disenchant.
- Only appliable with an anvil.
Curse of Binding is one of the weird ones. If you’ve found boots with the Curse of Binding enchantment, or for some reason enchanted them with it on your own accord, and if you decide to wear them, you will simply not be able to take them off. Only thing that will get you rid of those boots are if the boots break or if you die.
You can’t find this enchantment from an enchantment table; so, you will not accidently get it on a good pair of boots. So, I don’t know what the reason for using them would be. But you are all amazingly clever and imaginative, so you can find some good reasons for them, I’m sure.
Use Curse of Binding if:
- You want to troll your friends, or something like that.
- You think that this enchantment has any benefit whatsoever.
1. Curse of Vanishing
“Causes the item to disappear on death.”
Curse of Vanishing stats:
- Maximum level: 1
- Not able to disenchant.
- Only appliable with an anvil.
Great enchantment. I’m kidding, it’s useless as well. If you die with an item that has Curse of Vanishing on it, that item will simply disappear, and you will not be able to pick it up like you would every other item that don’t have this particular, weird enchantment.
While I don’t see a great way to use this enchantment, maybe someone else can come up with one.
Use Curse of Vanishing if:
- You found the item with the enchantment already on it.
- You like to live on the edge, I guess. I don’t really know what other reason you may have to use this enchantment.
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