If you’re new to survival horror games and you just got Amnesia: The Bunker and you’re not sure which difficulty to play this game at, then this article will help you out. The difficulty in this game doesn’t just make the monster hit harder; it also affects how many resources spawn on the map for you.
If you’re playing on a harder difficulty, then there will be fewer resources on the map, while on the easier ones, there will be more. In Amnesia: The Bunker, there are only three difficulties to choose from at this moment, while a fourth one will be added in the upcoming Halloween patch! Today we’ll be talking about them, so with that, let’s get into this article!
1. Easy Difficulty
If you’re someone who just wants to have a chill experience and not worry about dying in one or two hits, then you should choose this difficulty. Easy difficulty also gives you multiple lanterns to save in different areas, and you can find more resources around the map.
One fuel canister can last 2:30 minutes, while a full generator will last 25 minutes, and you’ll have enough bandages to turn yourself into a mummy. The monster will also lose interest in you much sooner, and you won’t die from one hit from the beast. But don’t mistake this difficulty for a walk in the park, as you can still die if you’re not careful enough!
How It Works:
- You will have enough fuel cans to last for 80% of the game.
- The monster loses interest in the player faster.
- There will be more bandages around the map.
- You can tank at least 1-2 hits from the monster.
Choose This Difficulty If:
- You don’t wanna constantly die to the monster.
- If you want to have multiple save points around the map.
- If you don’t want to worry about resources.
2. Medium Difficulty
Honestly, this is the way to experience this game. I will warn you though that in this difficulty, the monster can sometimes one-hit kill you, which can be annoying at times. It will be more aggressive, and it will react to sounds that you make more often. There are only two save points, and those are in the administration room and the Roman tunnels.
In this difficulty, the resources will be a little scarce and not as plentiful as in easy mode. One can of fuel will last you 1:45 minutes, and a full generator will take around 17:30 minutes. This difficulty will give you a good experience, and it won’t be too annoying to deal with.
How It Works:
- There are only two save points in the game.
- The resources are evenly spaced across the map.
- The generator lasts less, but it still gives you enough time to do your objectives.
Choose This Difficulty If:
- Easy isn’t for you, and it makes the game too easy.
- If you don’t mind having only two save points in the entire game.
- If you’re okay with the monster being able to kill you in one hit.
3. Hard Difficulty
If you want a challenge in this game, then I highly recommend that you play on the hard difficulty. In this mode, a full generator will last you 13:45 minutes, while only a single can of fuel will last you 1:22 minutes. When the generator is out of power, the monster will stick around longer.
It will react to the smallest sound that you create and try to hunt you down. It will also kill you in a single hit most of the time, and you take more damage. This mode will force you to experiment, as you won’t have enough resources to go through it, and items are really rare. The monster also won’t be scared away so easily and will roam nonstop while in the dark.
How It Works:
- The monster will roam more often and will react to any loud sounds you make.
- Resources are really rare.
- It takes more to scare the monster away.
- The generator doesn’t last long at all.
Choose This Difficulty If:
- If you have already played through the game on easy or normal.
- If you know where to go and what to do.
- If you can handle the monster being more aggressive and active than in previous difficulties.
4. Shell Shocked Difficulty
Now, this difficulty is said to come out in the next patch as a part of the Halloween update. Now, according to Frictional’s Games Fredrik Ollson, it will remove the steel doors from the administration room and replace them with wooden doors. The game won’t be paused when you go into the inventory menu.
The randomization of items, corpses, and dog tags will be cracked up, and some mission-important lockers will be randomized throughout the bunker itself. The gun will be locked away in a locker, and you won’t get it at the beginning of the game, and the health system will be completely revised. For some people, this will be hell, while for others, it will be a fun time.
How It Works:
- The monster is even more aggressive.
- There’s a new health system, and it will be hard to manage.
- The safe room won’t have metal doors; instead, they will be made out of wood.
- The items are even more randomized, including some mission-important lockers being placed all over the map.
- You won’t start with your trusty handgun.
Choose This Difficulty If:
- If you know the whole bunker on the back of your hand.
- If you are good at managing your resources.
- If you can be stealthy enough not to attract the monster with loud sounds.