[Top 10] Animal Crossing New Leaf Best Animals

Animal Crossing New Leaf Best Animals, acnl Best Animals
08 Oct 2021

The world of New Leaf boasts a total of three hundred-thirty-three villagers that can move into a village at random. These villagers are further separated into species. There are over fifteen species in the game. Here, the best ten animal species are ranked.

10. Wolves

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A gathering of wolves in New Horizons. Source: Nookipedia

The wolf species boasts eleven members. Most of the wolves are cranky males or snooty females. Their fur colors either have a pastel shade or mimic the natural colors of real wolves.
W. Link, a Twilight Princess reference, is a wolf that can be visited using the 3DS Amiibo adapter. 


  • Eleven members.
  • Pastel or natural colors of fur.
  • Cranky or snooty.
  • Twilight Princess reference.

9. Kangaroos

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Source: model-resource.com

This species of animal is almost always seen carrying their baby in their pouch. The exceptions, Rooney and Walt, are the males of the species. Female kangaroos are the only villagers in the game to have any mentioned children.

Many of the kangaroos have fur colors on their head that resemble human hair. Astrid, a female kangaroo, has one of the most distinctive coats in the entire series.


  • The only species to have children.
  • Fur resembles hair.
  • Carry their young in pouches.

8. Ducks

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Showering ducks in New Horizons. Source: Nookipedia.com.

These ducks constitute seventeen animals out of the whole list of villagers. Most have hair follicles in addition to the feathers covered most of their body. Their range in feather color ranges from light green to a ketchup shade of red.


  • Hairs on their heads along with feathers.
  • Various feather shadows.
  • 17/333

7. Rabbits

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Source: 25-media-tumblr.com

Rabbits are an example of a species that wasn’t cut in the transition from the previous games to New Leaf. In other words, all twenty-one rabbits that have ever been in the series are in New Leaf. 

The rabbit species have a diverse list of personalities. Demeanors range from peppy and snooty to jockish and smug. Their fur colors are just as varied.


  • Cumulative species
  • Varied colors
  • Varied personalities
  • 21/333

6. Sheep

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Source: u/CelestialNymph666 of Reddit.

New Leaf’s variety of sheep doesn’t disappoint in terms of color. Every inch of their body is colored vibrantly. You will be blessed if one of these creatures lives in your village.

Their personalities are usually snooty, normal, or sisterly. Pietro, the clown sheep, is a smug sheep who is famous for his eccentricity.


  • Colorful species
  • Snooty, normal, or sisterly
  • Pietro is an interesting villager, to say the least

5. Squirrels

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Source: Nookipedia

New Leaf boasts the largest squirrel roster out of the entire series. It dwarfs New Horizon’s selection by two villagers.

Squirrels range from superheroes like Agent S to electric, cranky neighbors like Static. 

Cece and Viche are two squirrels inspired by Callie and Marie from the Splatoon series.


  • Splatoon references
  • Most in New Leaf
  • Wide variety
  • Superhero squirrel Agent S

4. Octopi

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Source: model-resource.com

The octopi species in New Leaf only consist of four characters. They are the rarest species in the game. Each octopus has a unique personality.

The octopi use two arms as any human would while the other six serve as legs. They also don’t seem to need water for respiration. With these in mind, they are remarkable creatures


  • Rare species
  • Each has a unique personality
  • Don’t need water to breathe.

3. Hamsters

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Source: caschuco of Etsy.com

Hamsters are a new species of villager introduced in New Leaf. They hold the title of arguably the cutest species in the game. They have chubby cheeks and round ears that add to their adorable nature.

They come with many different personalities to complement their cute appearance.


  • Adorable animals.
  • Varied personality.
  • Chubby cheeks
  • Round ears.

2. Cats

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Source: the-difference-engine.tumblr.com

Cats are plentiful in the world of New Leaf. The first animal you encounter on the train, Rover, is one of the most famous cats in the game. Blanca is a cat without a face that you are prompted to design for her.

The villager cats come in a variety of fur coats and personalities. Some are based on an orange and have a leaf growing atop their head. One even wears a pair of underwear as a mask.


  • Varied species.
  • Rover is the first animal you meet.
  • Blanca is a faceless cat.
  • Tangy has a leaf on her head.
  • Stinky wears underwear on his head.

1. Dogs

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A village full of dogs in New Horizons. Source: u/Elisaburdy of Reddit.

In a world inhabited by cats, you would be right to expect that dogs would follow. All of the dog villagers are breeds with floppy ears that rest on the cheeks. One of the most interesting villager dogs is a dog named Lucky. His entire body is wrapped in bandages.

Beyond the available dog villagers, animals like Isabelle and the police officers are different breeds than the floppy-eared mutts. 

Isabelle is well-known for her vibrant personality. She is always at the mayor’s beck-and-call.


  • An iconic species.
  • Distinct
  • Isabelle is a vibrant secretary

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