5. R-301 // Peacekeeper
Ah, the good old R-301 Peacekeeper combination, it had to make an appearance on this list. Though it's not the best combination on the list or in the game anymore, you can still do some work with these guns together.
The assault rifle meta seems to be no longer a thing in the eyes of most Apex Legends players, as they want to be up close and personal rather than shooting from a distance. This means that the R-301 isn't used as much, but it's still super strong.
It's even stronger on a legend like Bloodhound as you can beam from longer ranges, then instantly run into the closer range fight with its hipfire and your Peacekeeper secondary.
Bloodhound wants to be doing crazy bursts of damage and using their abilities to follow enemies, so the PK is great for those follow-ups. Especially now that they added the Disruptor Rounds to the PK, making those instant shield cracks almost guaranteed.
Loadout Details:
- R-301
- Peacekeeper
- Red Armour
- Shield Batteries
- Medkits
- Shield Cells
- Syringe
- Gold Bag, Helmet and Knockdown
What the R-301 // Peacekeeper Loadout Excels In:
- The R-301 is fantastic for medium to long-range engagements with phenomenal damage output and minimal recoil control.
- The PK can destroy people up close but can also be a great opening shot in close-range engagements.
- Paired with Bloodhound’s abilities, these guns are great at cracking your enemies and tracking them down for a kill
4. Spitfire // Peacekeeper
In the most recent season 18 patch, the Spitfire received quite a lot of buffs. For the last few seasons, it's been a pretty mid-tier gun, not really excelling in any specific category and overall not being the greatest gun. However, with its recent buffs such as the addition of the barrel back to it and a hip fire spread reduction, the Spitfire is insane once again.
This gun is extremely easy to use with the most recent patch and has an insane magazine for constant spraying. Pair this with the Peacekeeper for quick bursts of instant damage and you have a lethal combination on any legend.
This pairs exceptionally well with Bloodhound though as you can keep the pressure on whilst you wait for your scan to come back or your ultimate to charge up. Bloodhound can then make use of both the Spitfire’s crazy hip-fire abilities and the Peacekeeper’s insane close-range damage to rush and kill all enemies in sight.
Loadout Details:
- Spitfire
- Peacekeeper
- Red Armour
- Shield Batteries
- Medkits
- Shield Cells
- Syringe
- Gold Bag, Helmet and Knockdown
What the Spitfire // Peacekeeper Loadout Excels In:
- Both guns are fantastic at medium and close ranges, with the Peacekeeper being exceptional at extremely close range
- The Spitfire allows Bloodhound to keep pressure on their enemies after being scanned or just before.
- Finally, with Bloodhound’s ultimate, both guns are great at getting up close and personal after rushing a team down with infrared vision.
3. Volt // Mastiff
Now this setup is a little weird in season 18, but it's extremely fun on legends like Bloodhound. All SMGs got a decent nerf in season 18, meaning most of them aren't as good as they used to be. From strafing speed decreases to even magazine decreases, SMGs are no longer the meta-defiers they used to be.
The thing is though, the Volt is still extremely powerful in the right hands, especially alongside a forgivable gun like the Mastiff. Even after the Nerfs, the Volt does great damage and is still very mobile, especially in the hands of Bloodhound in their ultimate.
Loadout Details:
- Volt
- Mastiff
- Red Armour
- Shield Batteries
- Medkits
- Shield Cells
- Syringe
- Gold Bag, Helmet and Knockdown
What the Volt // Mastiff Loadout Excels In:
- The Volt is a fantastic ranged gun if you can control the recoil and should do incredible damage.
- Pair this with the movement speed demon that is the Mastiff and its insane damage for some well-rounded engagements.
- Because of the well-rounded nature of this set-up, it pairs well with how quickly Bloodhound can swap from passive to aggressive with their abilities.
2. Hemlock // Mastiff
The most underrated gun in the game right now has to be the Hemlock, as it seems like people have just forgotten about it. Rather than being excited that its out of the care package, players just ignore this thing. The Hemlock is actually fantastic this season, especially in the hands of recon legends like Bloodhound.
The reason why Bloodhound can do so well with the Hemlock is because of its burst fire shots. Bloodhound can scan enemies through walls in fights, meaning they can see when exactly an enemy will peak. With this in mind, you can use the Hemlock’s burst to get the most damage instantly as they leave cover.
Now that the Hemlock is the best burst floor loot gun, it's almost an auto pick-up for many legends, but especially Bloodhound.
The mastiff is also a great choice to pair with this gun as it's an all-around great shotgun for mobile legends like Bloodhound. The Mastiff keeps most of your movement speed whilst running so you can feel floaty whilst fighting. The spread is also pretty low now, so precise shots will do insane damage. Use this with Bloodhound’s ultimate for some crazy movement fights.
Loadout Details:
- Hemlock
- Mastiff
- Red Armour
- Shield Batteries
- Medkits
- Shield Cells
- Syringe
- Gold Bag, Helmet and Knockdown
What the Hemlock // Mastiff Loadout Excels in:
- The Hemlock has little to no recoil, so its way easier to destroy from distance
- The mastiff covers close range movement based fights quite amazingly, especially in Bloodhound’s ultimate.
- Use both of these guns to crack enemies, push teams and use Bloodhound’s abilities to their best potential.
1. Alternator // Peacekeeper
The Alternator is one of the best guns in the game right now for a few reasons. Low recoil, high damage, slow fire rate and a large magazine. One other reason is the Disruptor Rounds Hop-Up that was recently readded to this gun. With this attached, you will deal more shield damage, allowing the Alternator to destroy enemies even quicker.
The Alternator is a strafing demon, so pairing this with Bloodhound’s abilities to see enemies easier and to speed up in their ultimate, and you have a match made in heaven.
Combined with the PK and the same hop- up means shields are not safe in your battles, and enemies are going to get knocked pretty quickly. Pair this with Bloodhound’s ability to scan and track enemies, and no one is safe with this set-up. Finding enemies is easy enough with Bloodhound, but with this set-up, killing them is on the same level.
Loadout Details:
- Alternator
- Peacekeeper
- Red Armour
- Shield Batteries
- Medkits
- Shield Cells
- Syringe
- Gold Bag, Helmet and Knockdown
What the Alternator // Peacekeeper Loadout Excels In:
- Bloodhound is a great up close and personal legend in the right hands, so these guns work perfectly in shorter ranges as well as longer if needed.
- The Alternator is an excellent gun even without any attachments, so off-drop it is going to be relatively reliable compared to others.
- Finally, the Peacekeeper is a great gun with any legend, but especially with Bloodhound’s ability to know where enemies are through walls