5. Raptor
The raptor is one of the most well-known dinosaurs in history, making their way into every genre that discusses dinosaurs in some way or another. Ark: Survival Evolved is no exception to this. The raptor will likely be most survivor’s first hunting mount, allowing them to begin farming hide. Due to their intelligence, they are very easy to tame, giving even new survivors a chance to take a pack of raptors on a hunt.
Why the raptor is great for farming hide:
- Fast: Raptors are one of the fastest land mounts in Ark: Survival Evolved, making it difficult for prey to escape.
- Pin Ability: The raptor has a unique ability, which allows them to pounce on anything smaller than them and hold it down while they eat it alive.
- Pack Buff: The alpha raptor will receive a buff when traveling with a pack, giving it stronger attacks.
Raptor details here.
How to get a Raptor here.
4. Allosaurus
The Allosaurus is one of the single most dangerous creatures in Ark: Survival Evolved because they are never alone. Allosaurus travels in large packs, consisting of 3 or more creatures, all hungry, and never satisfied. They have several special abilities that make them dangerous enough to even hunt the bosses of the Ark. This makes them excellent hunting mounts that are more than capable of removing the hide from your prey.
Why is the Allosaurus Great For Farming Hide:
- Packs: Allosaurus, much like the raptor, receives a pack buff, making all animals in the pack significantly stronger than any one of them would be on its own.
- Bleed Damage: The Allosaurus has extremely sharp and jagged teeth, when it bites its prey, the wound will bleed heavily, draining life points from the wounded even as they run away.
- Size: They are slightly larger than the carnosaurus, making it easy for them to carry large amounts of hide at a time.
Allosaurus details here.
How to get the Allosaurus here.
3. Wyvern

The Wyvern is a well-rounded mount, making it ideal for almost any situation, including farming hide. Wyverns can kill animals with their special powers, and also with their standard melee attacks. They also typically have good weight stats, which means they can carry a lot of extra hides. Their ability to fly and move at high speeds allows the player to move from location to location and gather large quantities of hide in the process.
What makes the Wyvern great at farming hide:
- Speed and Flight: Allows the wyvern to go to multiple hunting grounds in each hunting trip, filling up on meat as they go.
- Special Abilities: Each wyvern species has its unique attacks that help them take down more powerful dinosaurs than they are. Fire and lightning quickly drain health away from even the strongest creatures on the Ark.
Wyvern details here.
How to get a Wyvern here.
2. Rex

The mighty king of the dinosaurs, perhaps the most legendary dinosaur of all times. Its size and reputation precede it, you will hear it long before you see it. The rex is and undoubtedly one of the most efficient hunting mounts in Ark: Survival Evolved, making the superb at gathering hide and other animal resources. They have one of the most powerful bites in the entire game taking huge chunks of health from anything they attack, and they are no slackers when it comes to keeping pace with a fleeing prey animal either.
What makes the rex a great mount for farming hide:
- Fear Inducing Roar: The rex has a roar that sends chills down your spine, many survivors cannot keep themselves together when they hear it and lose control of their bowls. Wild animals become scared and will flee. This gives the rex an advantage when it comes to hunting, as the prey is unlikely to defend themselves.
- Bite: The Rex has tremendous bite force, allowing them to take down prey ranging from the gigantic brontosaurus to even others of their species, yielding thousands of hides from a single hunt.
Rex details here.
How to get a Rex here.
1. Giganotosaurus

The Giganotosaurus is the fiercest creature on the island, perhaps even more ferocious than the guardians themselves. Although rare, they tower above the rex in size and reputation. Many tribes will take on the extremely daunting task of taming one to use as a deterrent against attacks from other tribes. Due to its naturally aggressive demeanor, the Giganotosaurus makes an excellent hunter, perhaps the best that we will ever see on the Ark.
What makes the GIganotosaurus a great mount for farming hide:
- Health Pool: The Giga, being the supreme ruler of the Ark, has extremely high stats in mele and health. These stats combined make it almost impossible to be killed by anything other than another Giganotosaurus. This makes it possible to hunt almost anything on the island and harvest its hide without fear.
- Size: The size of the Giganotosaurus makes other creatures wary of attacking it. There is nothing on land that will attack the giganotosaurus, without provocation.
Giganotosaurus details here.
How to get the Giganotosaurus here.