Sometimes in Ark: Survival Evolved you will find that you need to cook more advanced recipes for certain tasks. This is a guide to the best custom recipes in Ark: Survival Evolved.
10. Broth of enlightenment
The broth of enlightenment is a special dish that can be made in the cooking pot, which will allow the player to increase the rate at which they gain experience. Couple this with an evolution event and a survivor can level up extremely quickly. It can also be extremely helpful for a higher level survivor who is attempting to gain additional levels because around level 70 it is significantly harder to level up.
Broth of enlightenment Details:
- Experience buff
- Lasts for 20 minutes
- Expires in 5 hours
How to make Broth of Enlightenment
- Gather your ingredients; 1 water, 10 mejoberry, 2 citronal, 2 long grass, 2 rock carrot, savroot, 1 black pearl, and 5 wooly rhino horn.
- After you gather your resources place them in a cooking pot or an industrial cooking pot and cook them.
9. Meat Jerky (prime and standard)
Cooked meat jerky has a lot of uses, from taming to food to kibbles. It has an expiration time of 2 days, which is extremely helpful when you go exploring. Since it doesn’t expire for several days it will allow you to carry less of it (reducing weight), without having to worry about food supplies. Kibbles allow you to tame dinos much faster, saving you hours taming the various creatures of the Ark.
Meat Jerky Details:
- Increased spoil times
- Lasts for 2 days
- Does not expire
How to make Meat Jerky:
- Gather your ingredients; cooked meat (regular or prime), 3 spark powder, and 1 oil.
- After gathering your supplies you will take them and place them all in a preserving bin. You will then leave the ingredients in the preserving bin for 36 minutes. At the end of that time, the ingredients will be combined to create meat jerky.
8. Sweet Veggie Cake
The sweet veggie cake has multiple applications. It can be used to tame things, such as an Aanchatina, or it can be used to restore the health of any tamed herbivore. Due to its ability to heal many players will use them during the boss fights and take a Therizinosaurus to the fight loaded with vegi cakes because they can feed them vegi cakes and heal the damage done by the bosses.
Sweet Veggie Cake Details:
- Heals 500 health points immediately
- Heals 15% over a time frame of 10 seconds
- Spoils in 2hrs and 40minutes
How to make sweet veggie cakes:
- Gather your Resources; 1 water, 25 fiber, 2 long grass, 2 rock carrots, 2 savroots, 4 stimulants, 4 saps, and 2 honey.
- After gathering your resources place them in the cooking pot or an industrial cooker and turn it on. After a few minutes, your ingredients will combine into a sweet vegi cake.
7. Lazarus Chowder
When it comes to oceanic exploration in Ark: Survival evolved, you will quickly discover that you won’t get too far without oxygen. There are a few solutions to this, either build oxygen tanks, wear a tek suit or use Lazarus chowder. The tanks and the suit can be expensive and time-consuming to build and maintain. The chowder, on the other hand, is much cheaper and gives you the benefit of not needing to breathe under its influence.
Lazarus Chowder Detail:
- Allows you to not breathe for over 10 minutes
- Decreases the amount of stamina used underwater by 1.2% for 10 minutes
- Expires in 5 hours
How to make Lazarus Chowder:
- Gather your resources; 1 water, 10 mejoberry, 5 long grass, 5 savroots, 2 narcotics, and 1 cooked meat.
- Once you have gathered all your resources, place them together in a cooking pot or an industrial cooker, turn it on, and after some time your ingredients will combine to make Lazarus Chowder.
6. Enduro-Stew
There are many times in Ark: Survival Evolved where you will find yourself needing just a little more power, or a health boost. The enduro stew will significantly increase your mele damage in a battle or will increase your ability to heal from damage when experiencing the benefit of the stew. The mele boost can be extremely helpful if your base came under attack by another player or a wild creature.
Enduro-Stew Details:
- 35% mele damage boost
- 1.2 health increase per second.
- Effects last for 15 minutes
- Stew expires in 5 hours.
How to make Enduro-Stew:
- Gather your Resources; 1 water, 10 mejoberries, 5 rock carrots, 5 savroots, 2 stimulants, and 9 cooked meat.
- Once you have your resources, place them in the cooking pot or industrial cooker, and turn it on. After a couple of minutes, your resources will combine to make 1 Enduro-Stew.
5. Medical Brew
The medical brew is a very important recipe to learn, it is a valuable asset to use when either exploring, fighting players, and animals or fighting the bosses. The medical brew acts as a first aid kit for the survivors, it can heal them of negative effects, and restore their health points at a rapid pace. I find it particularly useful when spelunking in the caves of the Arks, where bats and other toxic animals await the player.
Medical Brew Details:
- Adds 40 health points
- Effects last for 5 seconds
- Spoils in 2 hours
How to make Medical Brews:
- Gather your ingredients; 1 water, 20 tintoberries, and 2 narcotics.
- Place your ingredients in the cooking pot or industrial cooker, after a few minutes your ingredients will be combined into a medical brew
4. Focal Chili
There are times on the Ark when you will want to craft something of a higher value than what your blueprints offer, or that you need to move a little faster when running away from something. The focal chili will give the survivor the boost they need to do just that. While primarily used to increase crafting ability it can also give you an edge to escape a hungry carnivore.
Focal Chili Details:
- +25% movement speed
- +100% Crafting ability
- Expires after 5 hours
- Effects last for 15 minutes
How to Make Focal Chili:
- Gather your ingredients; 1 water, 10 mejoberries, 20 tintoberries, 20 azulberries, 20 amarberries, and 9 cooked meat.
- Once you have gathered your ingredients, place them in the cooking pot or industrial cooker. After a few minutes, your ingredients will have combined into focal chili.
3. Cactus Broth
This is a recipe that originally came with the scorched earth map, but with the release of the later maps that have desert regions, it is now usable on most maps. The cactus broth doe two significant things for the player. First, it significantly lowers their water consumption. Second, it makes them invisible to wild animals, meaning a player under the influence of cactus broth will not be attacked by wild animals.
Cactus Broth Details:
- Invisibility to wild animals
- Lower water consumption
- Effects last for 10 minutes
- Spoils in 1 hour and 50 minutes
How to Make Cactus Broth:
- Gather your ingredients; 1 water, 10 mejoberries, 10 tintoberries, 10 azulberries, and 30 cactus sap.
- Place the ingredients in a cooking pot or industrial cooker. After some time, your ingredients will be combined into a cactus broth for the player to consume.
2. Shadow Steak Saute
The shadow steak is one of those recipes that grant the players numerous abilities, which is why it has made its way this far up the list. It grants the player the ability to survive conditions that would normally kill them. It gives you the ability to survive in both subzero conditions and extreme heatwaves while reducing the recoil of any weapon used by 80%. It can give you a necessary boost when you need to travel to the arctic or the desert regions for various resources and supplies.
Shadow Steak Saute Details:
- +50 Hypothermic Insulation
- +50 Hyperthermic Insulation
- -80% Weapon Recoil
- Effects last for 3 minutes
- Spoils in 5 hours
How to make Shadow Steak Saute:
- Gather your ingredients; 1 water, 20 mejoberries, 2 rare mushrooms, 1 rock carrot, 1 savroot, 8 narcotics, and 3 cooked prime meat.
- Combine your ingredients in either a cooking pot or an industrial cooker. Once combined your ingredients will form 1 shadow steak saute.
1. Mindwipe Tonic
Every so often a player will realize that they need a new engram they don’t have the points for, or that their stats need a rebalance. This is exactly what the mindwipe tonic was designed for. By consuming the tonic the survivor will “forget” what he has learned and allow the player to rebalance his stats, and learn new engrams. This is especially useful for seasoned players who have reached the level cap and can no longer earn more stat points.
Mindwipe Tonic Details;
- Resets Character Stats
- Resets Engrams
How to make Mindwipe Tonic:
- Gather your resources; 1 water, 200 mejoberries, 20 rare mushrooms, 20 rare flowers, 72 narcotics, 72 stimulants, and 24 cooked prime meat.
- Combine your ingredients in the cooking pot or the industrial cooking pot. After some time, your ingredient will be combined into a mindwipe tonic for your player to consume.
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