5. Cloak of Cunning Brume (Act 2)
The Cloak of Cunning Brume (pictured) will help you hide.
The Cloak of Cunning Brume gives you the ability to create a fog cloud any time you Disengage. The cloud has a 2-meter radius that lasts for 1 turn.
The Cloak of Cunning Brume is great for:
- Rogues - Rogues get the opportunity to Disengage as a Bonus Action. This means this cloak will get the most use by Rogues.
- Warlocks - This is not a spell, but Warlocks in general are thankful for any magic item, given their few spell slots.
- Monks - Monks fight mainly within melee range, so this cloak gives them a chance to be able to disengage and move around the battlefield more easily to dish out their Flurry of Blows.
How to get the Cloak of Cunning Brume:
This cloak can be bought from Mattis at the Last Light Inn.
4. The Cloak of Displacement (Act 1)

The Cloak of Displacement (pictured) is the perfect gift for your favorite melee spellcaster.
The Cloak of Displacement grants you +1 to Spell Attack Rolls. Also, your Ranged Spell Attacks are made as Melee Spell Attacks when you are adjacent to a hostile creature. This effect can be toggled off.
The Cloak of Displacement is great for:
- Paladins
- Druids
- Clerics
- Honestly, any spellcaster will benefit from wearing this cloak. Just keep in mind the caster that you utilize the most in melee combat so that the cloak gets as much use as possible.
How to get the Robe of the Weave:
The cloak can be bought from A’jak’nir Jeera in the Githyanki Creche.
3. The Derivation Cloak (Act 2)
The Derivation Cloak (pictured) gives you healing from Poisoning people. Win-win!
The Derivation Cloak grants you the ability to heal yourself for 1d4 hit points every time you inflict the Poison condition on an enemy.
The Derivation Cloak is great for:
- Rangers - Give your Ranger a stack of Poison arrows and let them go to town with this cloak.
- Sorcerers
- Wizards
- Both Sorcerers and Wizards have access to the spells Chromatic Orb (Poison) and Ray of Sickness, which have a chance of inflicting the Poisoned condition on an enemy. This is doubly helpful, due to how squishy both classes tend to be.
How to get the Derivation Cloak:
Break into Balthazar’s quarters at Moonrise Towers and you can find this cloak inside a locked chest.
2. The Cloak of Protection (Act 2)
The Cloak of Protection (pictured) will....protect you.
The Cloak of Protection grants you a +1 to your Armor Class and Saving Throws.
The Cloak of Protection is great for:
- Barbarians - This will give your Barbarian a boost, while still allowing them to take advantage of their Unarmored Defense.
- Wizards - Wizards can’t really wear armor, so this cloak is perfect for making your Wizard a little less easy to Down in combat.
- Druids - Druids do have armor proficiencies, but they can’t wear metal armor, so the armor they can actually wear is limited. This cloak will make your Druid a little tougher.
How to get the Cloak of Protection:
The cloak can be purchased from Quartermaster Talli at the Last Light Inn.
1. The Vivacious Cloak (Act 2)

The Vivacious Cloak (pictured) looks great while also providing a bit of healing.
The Vivacious Cloak grants you the ability to gain 7 temporary hit points after casting a spell while in melee.
The Vivacious Cloak is great for:
- Clerics
- Paladins
- Druids
- Whichever caster in your party that you find is within melee combat the most, give them this cloak.
How to get the Vivacious Cloak:
This cloak can be looted from a chest in the Grand Mausoleum in the Shadow Lands. (Coordinates: X: -257, Y: -886)