Ever wonder why Expert + is even an option on Beat Saber? It's for these people.
Beat Saber is a Virtual Reality game taking the world by storm…or song I should say. The game involves awesome music, cool light shows, dodging glowing walls, and slicing boxes with laser swords to the beat. Friendly to newcomers, the game has a nice learning curve, but some people have mastered the slicing and become freakishly good. Here are the top 10 Beat Saber players you should be in awe of.
10. SSnowy
Play analysis of SSnowy
Chris (aka Snowy) is from the USA, coming in at #5 in the country and #10 globally. His playstyle is very technical. In the YouTube video, he goes through a full play analysis on himself and gives tips and tricks to fellow players.
- Play count: 1,520
- Total score: 1,325,902,734
- 21 years old
- Attends Purdue University
- From Tulsa, OK
Twitch: https://sjc.go.twitch.tv/ssnowy__
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SSnowyBS
9. Astrella
Astrella in action
Astrella holds the #4 spot for the USA. Globally coming in at #9. What I took away from the video was sheer speed. You have to be fast to be in the top ten, and this player has the speed.
- Play count: 1,516
- Total score: 1,230,921,477
- Headset used: Oculus Rift CV1
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/astrella_/
8. sphynx
While there isn’t much about this player online, we do know they are the #1 player in Israel by a pretty decent chunk. And being the #8 player globally, they have to be doing something amazing.
- Play count: 1,512
- Total score: 1,076,924,995
- Has a cute cat
Score Saber: https://scoresaber.com/u/76561198352327222
7. Duh Hello
Duh Hello in action
Holding #1 spot in Norway and #7 globally, this person has the quick and precise movements you need to make top ten.
- Play count: 2,313
- Total score: 2,048,107,064
- Setup: Oculus Rift with two sensors
- From Rogaland, Norway
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/duhhello/
6. Garsh
Garsh in action
#3 in the USA and #6 globally. Speed and the ability to nail the patterns in a song is what I notice with this player.
- Play count: 2,090
- Total score: 1,631,097,190
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/Garsh_
5. AlexTheCutie
AlexTheCutie in action
Alex definitely has the accuracy and precision you need to be one of the best. At #2 in the USA and #5 in the world, he shows that you don’t have to be an adult to be amazing at something.
- Play count: 1,695
- Total score: 1,205,203,397
- At 12 years old he won the 150+ Beat Saber Grand Finals
- From New York
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/alexthecutiepie/
4. cerret
cerret in action
Taking the #1 spot in the USA and #4 in the world, this player just flows. Even when the majority of notes are random and not connected to patterns, this player seems to know what’s coming next.
- Play count: 1,372
- Total score: 1,399,742,891
Score Saber: https://scoresaber.com/u/76561198333869741
3. CoolingCloset
CoolingCloset in action
Levi Tames, #2 in the Netherlands and #3 in the world. Speed, power, accuracy, this guy’s got it all. And being in the top three is a big deal.
- Play count: 2,226
- Total score: 1,906,139,211
- Beat Saber player for Team Gravity VR
- From Limburg, Nederland
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/coolingcloset
Twitter: https://twitter.com/levi_tames
2. Silverhaze
Silverhaze in action
Daan Smits is the #1 player from the Netherlands and the #2 player globally right now. This guy has flow, power, and speed, and I could see him defending his second-place position for a while.
- Play count: 2,071
- Total score: 1,895,451,712
- 21 years old
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/silverhaze420/videos
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Silverhaze_VR
Website: https://silverhaze.live/
1. Taichidesu
Taichidesu in action
Or Taichi. The jury’s out on if this guy is superhuman, but his speed and accuracy are unmatched. He’s #1 in Japan and #1 in the world. Playing at such fast speeds, he knows when it’s worth it to duck under walls or just take the hit and make it up in his score. His videos are insane, and he definitely deserves the number one spot.
- Play count: 1,675
- Total score: 1,584,990,451
- Started playing in October 2018
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/taichidesu
Twitter: https://twitter.com/taichitakoyaki
I hope this list inspires you to play more Beat Saber! These players are insanely talented and maybe a little intimidating, but the game is still fun whether you’re superhuman or still holding the remotes backward. If you want more about Virtual Reality, here’s a few more articles you might like: