What Are The Best Military Shooters?
Games that simulate the military experience have become increasingly captivating and realistic today.
There is something irresistible about taking on the role of a soldier in the heat of a fight, a feeling of adrenaline that can be compared to the rush of active duty.
From Battlefield to Call of Duty, here is a list of the best military shooters for PC.
15. CoD Modern Warefare 2
CoD Modern Warefare 2 gameplay (Arnold Schwarzenegger)
All hell breaks loose when a global terrorist and Ultra Russian Nationalist, Makarov, threatens world order. A special force of soldiers known as Task Force 141 lead by Captain “Soap” Mactavish, with the assistance of the U.S. Army Rangers, counter the invasion of the Russian terror group into the United States. The game is first person with single player, coop and online features, developed by Infinity Ward.
The featured gameplay shows, comically, a multiplayer match on a submarine map with inserted soundbites of none other than Arnold Schwarzenegger. The map is multi-tiered with ladders and bridges to expand maneuvers. Most players attack in a lone wolf style, unlike Rainbow Six Siege for instance, where cooperation is key to winning a match. Default player health and shields are low, making for realistic firefights. If you couldn’t tell, I’ve played this game a good bit.
All in a Day’s Work: Task Force 141 units land outside of a fortress to infiltrate.
TSA: A deathmatch goes down between Ranger and Spetnaz forces on the map Terminal.
14. Spec Ops: The Line
Spec Ops: The Line Gameplay (Warning: explicit)
A group of Delta Force operatives are sent to the ruins of Dubai in order to locate survivors of a lost brigade. Published by 2K games, Spec Ops: The Line, has both single player and multiplayer capabilities. The game is tactical and allows players to use cover, the environment and group tactics in order to overcome enemies.
The gameplay opens with Captain Walker, the main character, discovering a fallen soldier in an armored vehicle. From there the squad moves on to attempt diplomacy with a group of Persian units also on an armored truck. They make quick ends to these foes while distracting them with a translator speaking Farzi. The sprint mechanic makes the game fast paced and smooth, there is also a slow-motion feature that kicks in when scoping on enemies. Players of Gears of War will recognize much of the features.
Sandstorm is Brewing: Captain Walker trudges through the desert outside of a Dubai as a sand cloud approaches.
Yo! Lay Me Down Some Cover Fire: Using cover, the squad attacks an enemy in front of a fallen aircraft covered in sand.
13. Insurgency Sandstorm
Insurgency Sandstorm Gameplay
Kurdish forces in the Middle East fight to eradicate terror groups in the region. Online for Steam as well as console, the game features a hardcore play-style that those fond of Counter Strike would get into. Sizable maps and adequate weapon selection makes for an exciting time, and good continuous play value.
The gameplay video shows relatively close quarters combat performed with a red dot scope and grenades. Constant explosions erupt and tension is high in the bazaar block where this map takes place. Other players run by wielding assault rifles and also tossing frag grenades. They group up and break into one of the buildings, taking out the targets inside.
On a Perch: The player overlooks an urban street corner, apparently scouting for enemies to engage.
Peek-a-boo: In caution, the player sneaks a look around a corner to avoid return fire.
12. War of Rights
War of Rights Official Gameplay Trailer (Civil War FPS Game)
Take a side, Confederacy or Union, in one of the bloodiest wars that the western hemisphere ever knew. Ambitiously constructed maps, every inch of the Battle of Sharpsburg is to photo/historical record and the amount of players in game makes the conflict feel realistic. The models for units and weapons are accurate to the period with wear and tear over use, for those with a fondness for antiquity.
The Union troops line-up in firing block formation and prepare for a confederate charge of bayonets. The field is open and bare, leaving the charging greys little cover. As you can see in the below photo, only one withstood the charge and was then immediately dispersed with by the captain’s revolver. This organization of regiments and distinct fighting styles makes this game unique, standing out against the modern shooters on the list.
You say Hello, I say Goodbye: The leader of the regiment makes mince meat out of the charging soldier, laying him to rest next to his fellow mates.
No Pushing!: The confederate line-up condenses to increase the amount of continuous fire-power sent down range. (Muzzle loaders take a while)
11. Onward
Onward Gameplay
The first VR title on the list, this game was made by a college drop-out who dedicated his remaining tuition to developing it. Arm up as a member of the Marine Corps, with assault rifle in your real hand, and aim free. Movement around the map isn’t on a track like many other VR titles. Oh, and I forgot to mention that the game is an online multiplayer; how about them apples?
Under the cover of night, the demo video shows a head nod between players. The approach was on like donkey kong. Night vision goggles activated and silencers attached, the pair move through rows and rows of shipping containers in search of adversaries. Pop! Pop! VR allows them to lean naturally, as opposed to contextually, around the corners in order to take out hostiles.
Lawrence of Arabia: VR eyes look out over a desert base camp of practice shooting targets on the map “Gun Range”.
Five’s a Party: The bar light is on and so is a temporary siesta from typical festivities, i.e. combat.
10. Heroes & Generals
Heroes & Generals Soviet Union Gameplay
Hailed as the ultimate World War II game, Heroes and Generals allows players in a MMO setting to determine the outcome of the war between Germany, The Soviet Union and The United States. Players can take control of planes, grunts (heroes), recon units, and even generals determining the strategic course of attack. Every kill, objective, and decision counts as the online community continues through the war years. The game is free to play on Steam.
Armed with automatic fire the Russian rides through the wooded hills on a motorcycle looking for allies and enemies alike. Early on he mentions that alone he tacks on over one hundred kills. For some, tanking will be their role in the conflict. For others bombing raids will decimate foes just as well. Check it out.
Load-Outs: Here is the character customization screen with subsequent unlocks shown on the right for gold value.
A Real Tank: Mounted up with four units or more, this land vessel works as a destroyer and a drop ship simultaneously.
9. War Thunder
War Thunder Gameplay
A massive, free to play MMO game, War Thunder allows players to control planes, helicopters, and ships against one another in all-out war. Besides combining different sorts of vessels, this MMO is also cross platform too. (Steam, Xbox, Playstation)
The video involves a particular “adventure” vessel chasing down other aircraft, causing them to burst into flames and make a deadly descent out of the skies. The plane has access to rear guns, lower scoped fire and front automatic weapons. Enemies appear in the vicinity as red blips of text.
Dogfighting Ain’t For Everyone: The German fighter gets shot down by a trailing U.S. trailing plane.
Smoke on the Water: The game is not only involving aircraft; there are also many playable ships available.
8. Escape from Tarkov
Escape from Tarkov Gameplay
Imagine a Stalker MMO game set in a Russian town called Tarkov that happens to be sealed off from the outside world. Inside is a living, quest riddled maze with danger at every corner. Certain packs can be purchased at game’s start that will provide boosts like greater stash size and weapon upgrades, but considering how easy it is to get killed and looted, they are of modest use.
The alpha demo shows an area called customs which is basically a train yard with surrounding walls and buildings for exploring. This player is accompanied by a companion who will back them up if the situation goes south. Shotgun in hand, anything in range will be obliterated. The issue arises when targets are way down range and a handgun is the only alternative.
Too Close for Comfort: This guy is in the hot seat with a shotgun in his face, that’s never fun.
Raid, Loot, Repeat: A gas station with Russian signage, it presents a perfect opportunity for attainable recoverable goods.
7. Hell Let Loose
Hell Let Loose Gameplay
Hell Let Loose is another first person WWII title that has large armies paired off against one another. Developed by Black Matter games, this ambitious project is beautiful to look at. With water reflection and sunlight piercing through clouds, it’d almost be great if there was no fighting going on. Set in Normandy or Northern France, players fight for control of fluid territory instead of flags or command posts.
Depending on what resources are captured over the course of the fight determine how quickly vehicles respawn for one side, or whether or not artillery bombardments can be used. Teamwork is essential in obtaining useful pieces of land and to overcome enemy tanks and artillery. There are 100 players in a match, making the conflict immense and fulfilling.
Iron Sights: Despite common sense, there may be an enemy lying in the grass, waiting to be picked off.
Picturesque Beauty: Black Matter manages to craft incredible views of the WWII’s Norman front.
6. ARMA 3
ARMA 3 Gameplay
Open world and downright tactical, Arma 3 picks up where the last game left off. Set in the 2030s, technology has surpassed expectations, meaning drones, UAVS, large armored vehicles and advanced personnel equipment. Developed by Bohemia Entertainment, the game is online and massive, with speculations of 160 players in a map! Incredible.
The video shows some of the missions that you’ll be set on; working with fully armored battalions, dropping in with a few sneaky fellows to take out unawares adversary, and immersive jungle firefights. This game hits the whole gambit of scenarios where Arma 2 may of left off.
Heli Inbound: High-Tech troopers set up an LZ, landing zone, for a personnel helicopter in an open field.
All Ghillie, All Day: In long range, reconnaissance camouflage, a sniper team searches the distance for target(s).
5. Squad
Squad Gameplay
Set during “Modern Times” the Canadian developer, Offworld Industries created Squad to be a tactical 40 v. 40 person online mash-up. Each player selects a different role in groups, or squads, of nine players, with jobs like rifleman, medic, heavy anti-tank, etc.
The video shows a middle eastern fighter taking out an entire squad of U.S. soldiers without them even knowing what hit ‘em. The entire time the gamer is over the headset coordinating this maneuver with the others on his team. They truly are a squad, to victory or death..
Over the Garden Wall: As the game title suggests, players move as a squad to secure locales and take out enemies. These players are fighting for the American side.
Born on the Bayou: An image of U.S. forces moving through a shallow water way, watching both sides for threats.
4. Day of Infamy
Day of Infamy Gameplay
Based on a mod of another game on our list, Insurgency, this game is another take on WWII in the European theatre. A little buggier than the other titles, Day of Infamy is an entirely online game that creates teams of 16 for the Axis and the Allies on maps across Europe. Teams of 16 can also face off against a team of bots in similar game modes.
The player is seen with a Bar rifle in hand tossing smoke grenades into a stone building with a Nazi flag about the windows. “Throwing smoke” he yells. Infiltrating the building, the soldier is in for a hail storm from all sides, using the stairwell for adequate cover and mobility.
The Other Front: On a map called “Barrage”, the player can see through walls in a glitch right ahead. (Never said this mod game wasn’t going to be a bit buggy)
Pick Your Poison: The opening menu that looks as if it were hand drawn; you can see the several modes of play also.
3. Red Orchestra 2
Red Orchestra 2 Gameplay
The sequel to Red Orchestra one, another Russian war simulator, developed by Tripwire Interactive, Red Orchestra 2 is in the thick of the Battle for Stalingrad. Stalingrad is very realistic here; all guns have drop and all cover can be used seamlessly to avoid powerful gunfire.
The gameplay is downright intense. The player needs to use cover in order to survive, both short and long range environments. The scene is a virtual bedlam of chaos and destruction as dozens of enemies pour through the streets into german MP-40 fire. The feeling of these exchanges feels much different from titles like Day of Infamy or Hell Let Loose. There is that clear destruction and dread that hangs over the historical battle itself, and the game captures that.
Like Needle and Thread: The sniper scope is a useful tool in the ruins of Stalingrad.
Left Out in the Cold: This German soldier looks as if he’s seen better, more comfortable days. (Stalin stands like stone in the background)
2. Wolfenstein: The New Order
Wolfenstein: The New Order Gameplay
Developed by Machine Games and Bethesda Softworks, Wolfenstein’s reboot is on Steam and consoles. The single player campaign revolves around a timeline where the United States gets conquered by the Germans in WWII. Racial elitism, advanced technology and rebellion permeate the game, now years later in 1960. The game’s hero, BJ Blazkowicz, happens to be one of the Nazi’s targets for extermination, a one man army behind enemy lines.
The opening of the campaign is interesting to play from this perspective. BJ mounts guns and takes care of Nazis like nobody’s business. The attached video is downright brutal with countless knifes to the neck and bloody fist smashes. This game is not for the faint of heart.
Big, Bad, Mother#$%@%^&: A couple of armored,German mechs that Protagonist BJ Blazkowicz will come to face throughout the game’s storyline.
Beware of Dog: Canine mechs are another force to be reckoned with in Wolfenstein: New Order.
1. Battlefield V
Battlefield V Gameplay
Battlefield V is developed by EA Dice and is the 11th game in the franchise. It is a World War 2 tactical online shooter with a standalone single player campaign. The game is to have all the same game modes as prior; Team Deathmatch, Conquest and Domination. This time around however, like Battlefield 1, there will also be a game mode called Grand Operations. That means that players can go through historic campaigns with specific objectives relating to the map and pick sides within the context of the war.
The video features a map called Rotterdam which is located in a European city center. The player runs around using a tactical top load rifle. The environment is remarkably beautiful with advanced lighting and depth of field. The map has plenty of good sight lines for firing upon adversaries. The demo video touches on another key feature of the game, weapon and class customization.
The Blur of War: With the score about tied up, both teams are full bravado in order to eliminate the enemy team.
The British Are Coming: One of the playable armies in Battlefield V, the British are like no other; this screen displays the types of units that will be on the field.
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