CS2 aim training maps are customized private servers that revolve around practice and training your
aim. These maps will help you hone your skills, improve your aim, flicks, sprays, spray-transfers, counter-
strafing, crosshair placements, tracking and many more!
Ever struggled with your aim in CS2? These top-tier training maps are your secret weapon to boost your
accuracy and dominate the battlefield.

Aim-low, is a straight-forward aim training map that spawns you in a room with bots to train with you!
This map focuses on your aim and counter-strafes as you have the option to make the bots mirror your movements. This hones your aim and memory to apply it in the real game as your enemies would be strafing as well.
Reasons to choose Aim-Low:
- Straight-forward aim training to specifically improve your accuracy
- No other modes, which means that you can focus on training one thing
- Less visual clutter and it is a well-lit map to ease up on your eyes
9. Aim-Training by Bunny

This aim training map spawns you in an open fire arena where you can choose to be a counterterrorist or a terrorist!
This map means business from the start, it spawns you in and everybody starts shooting. You can practice with any gun of your liking. The map stretches wide so you can practice your accuracy, flicks and sprays.
Reasons to choose Aim-Training by bunny:
- Straight-forward open arena where you have multiple options on how to take fights
- It has a casual, competitive and custom mode if you want to play with friends
- A really nice combination of angles to train your aim with
8. Fruit Ninja – Aim training

You read it right! Fruit Ninja-esque. If you feel tired of shooting bots, why not shoot fruits?
This aim training map offers a fun experience in training your aim and decision making. Fruits come in fast and there are also bombs that you have to avoid. This greatly helps your aim, tracking, reaction time and trigger discipline as the fruits fly by.
Reasons to choose Fruit Ninja – Aim training:
- Casual and fun training method that will help you improve your aim
- Fruit varies in size meaning it will test and train your accuracy and precision
- It has 3 modes, which is the practice, classic and 360 for a more challenging training
7. Aim_Training Reflex

A large aim training map with a lot of modes you can explore, and a lot of rooms you can go. A well-made map too!
This map offers different fields of bot spawns where you can experiment on scenarios. The map gives options on how you can take your enemies and greatly helps with aim transfers, spray controls, and generally improves your reflexes as well.
Reasons to choose Aim_Training Reflex:
- Explorable aim training map with extra modes you can experiment with
- Variety of fields and rooms you can choose to practice your aim and accuracy
- Extra movement training such as jumps and strafes to help you in the battlefield
6. DLH Skills Lab

A beautiful well-made training map that will help you with your aim and specially to improve your other skills in-game.
DHL offers 4 modes to help you out! Of course, there is the aim training, second would be the grenade throwing, third is the recoil and lastly, time trial. These modes will help you train your accuracy, your timing, aim on the grenades and your reaction time that will help you in the game.
Reasons to choose DHL Skills Lab:
- Visually pleasing map that would not hurt your eyes while aiming
- A well-made UI that’s easy to understand and interact with
- Improves not only your aim, but also your other essential skills to dominate
5. Recoil Master

One-of-a-kind aim training map that focuses specifically on your recoil control to mow down your enemies in the battlefield!
Recoil master is a map to master your recoil as the name says. You can train with all the guns with recoil patterns as it appears on the wall, and you can follow it. This greatly helps your sprays and spray transfers.
Reasons to choose Recoil Master:
- Another straight-forward training map that focuses on your recoil control
- A lot of options and settings you can tinker in the map to help you train your aim
- This map will help you train and build your muscle memory
4. Aim Botz – Aim training

Some of you might be familiar with this one because this is what most of the pro players use in their warmups!
This map offers a 360-training ground to practice your aim and accuracy. You can use all guns and there are options to challenge yourself. You can make the bots move randomly, put obstacles, walls and many more. There is also a time trial so you can gauge your reaction time and speed.
Reasons to choose Aim Botz:
- A 360-training map that gives you freedom to practice your aim, flicks, tracing and more.
- Smooth map and less visual clutter so you can focus on your training
- If the pros are using it, then we know it’s good and effective
3. Fast Warmup

Fast warmup is a great aim training map that you can choose every time before you start a game!
This map offers a smooth and rewarding experience. The bots’ spawns in different angles and elevations to train your aim, accuracy and reaction time. They also run and strafe in a random way which simulates real in game duels. It is forgiving because the bots do not shoot, and you can focus on training your aim or your warmup.
Reasons to choose Fast Warmup:
- A very well-made map that truly helps you warmup quick and train your aim for your games
- It has a reaction time mode and bots that are just running to train your tracking
- A really good overall aim training map to remind yourself of your aim
2. Aim rush/Aim training

It is second on the list for a reason and this aim training map will not disappoint!
A training map where there are options that will put you in a clutching scenario. 1v1 to 1v5s, which greatly helps your aim, crosshair placements, isolating duels, reaction time, movement and decision making. Overall, a solid map to train your skills with.
Reasons to choose Aim Rush:
- The enemies shoot back, and they are good
- Greatly helps and improve your mental in a 1vX situations
- Has options to choose a different map to train with
1. SC Aim Course V2.0

Top 1 would not disappoint of course, this map is so great in many levels and you will know why when you try!
This aim course offers a lot of training like recoil, reaction time and definitely aim training. This map simulates the real maps in the game. It will help you with your crosshair placement and angle management. Flicks, spray transfers, taps and a fast reaction time is needed to complete this course.
Reasons to choose SC Aim Course V2.0:
- The enemies shoot your head if you’re too open and you take too long to clear
- Trains you to dissect corners and angles to isolates duels and not get traded
- Trains your reaction time and crosshair placement
- Simulates real maps which means you can carry your training in the game when you play
- Smooth, rewarding and a great way to practice and train your skills
All of the maps mentioned are tested, working and available.
Goodluck on your training soldier and conquer the battlefield!