What is DayZ?
Made by Bohemia Interactive, DayZ has gained a massive following since its first iteration as a mod for the military simulator game, Arma 2. Set in a post-apocalyptic scenario where a mysterious viral outbreak has caused the population to turn into zombies. The game takes place in a fictional region of the North Caucasus called “Chernarus”.
DayZ focuses heavily on realism and survival. The sheer amount of survival mechanics makes you think of any possibility. You could die of hypothermia, you can die because the food you ate was rotten, you can even die because you tried transferring the wrong blood type to somebody.
As for story, DayZ doesn’t really have one. Most is left to interpretation as the main focus from Bohemia Interactive was to transform the game from a mod to its own standalone version. There are some theories but nothing official.
What is the gameplay like?
DayZ’s gameplay mainly consists of a lot of walking, searching towns and cities, and occasional zombie or player encounters. It’s a very slow-paced game and the main objective is to gather as much gear as you can and survive for as long as you can.
There’s tons to do and it’s all handed to you with adrenaline and sometimes paranoia. It can get stressful at times as all your hard work can be destroyed in seconds. But despite all of that, it’s all down to how you choose to play. There’s endless freedom.
The beauty of DayZ’s gameplay is its moldability. The fact that the game has a massive library of content to choose from. Hundreds of custom servers and thousands of mods combined together can make way for some amazing experiences.
1. Inventory System
The first thing one might notice about DayZ is the game’s inventory system. The inventory system is set up in a grid format where each article of clothing has a set amount of slots, and based on the type of clothing, the slots are set up in specific ways.
Every item that can be picked up has a set number of slots that it takes up, weight and condition. The more you carry, the more stamina your character uses. Player hunger and thirst also deplete based on your weight. DayZ’s inventory system is meant to mimic reality as best as possible. Crafting follows this narrative too by the fact that it’s completed by combining items in your character’s hand slots.
2. Health System
DayZ includes a realistic health system where the character is susceptible to various injuries. You can break legs, bleed out, go unconscious, and get infections. All of these have their respective challenges and can really alter the rest of your gameplay experience.
If your character is running around in the cold with clothing not suitable for that weather, then they may catch a cold. If your character is drinking water that is unpurified, then they may get a virus. Both of which are treatable with antibiotics.
When getting shot your character will bleed, so you would have to use either rags that you’ve crafted from clothing, or bandages. Bohemia Interactive went as far to add different blood types, blood testing kits, and blood bags. So you can transfer blood to your character when necessary.
3. Wildlife
Aside from looting buildings to find food, in DayZ you can hunt for it. Deer, pigs, and other game animals roam Chernarus. Killing any animal will give you the opportunity to skin and quarter them which will drop meat, bones, fat, guts and pelts. All of which can be used in various crafting recipes.
Not all animals are friendly however. Wolves and bears wander the land as well. Bears are by themselves but wolves run in packs. They’re highly aggressive and terrifying to encounter. Just another hostility and challenge that Bohemia decided to include.
4. Horticulture
If hunting isn’t for you, then players also have the option to grow and harvest their own food through gardening. There’s a beautiful horticulture mechanic that has been introduced into DayZ, allowing players to become self-sufficient.
Players need to use shovels, pick-axes or garden hoes to break up the soil so it can be used for planting. There are also different fertilizers and growth aids that you can find to assist with the plant’s growth, and all plants have their own needs to grow. A fun system that offers players a way to immerse themselves further.
5. Combat
One of the most memorable parts of DayZ is the combat that you get involved in. Gunplay at times can feel clunky and weird but what makes combat so exhilarating, are the moments that lead up to it. There’s always a level of tension that exists before, during, and after combat.
Meeting someone and trying to determine friend or foe by watching the way they speak and move, then taking the initiative to take them out once you’ve identified they’re an enemy. While in combat you have to play strategically, some fights can last up to an hour. The main objective is to live.
Once the fighting is over, if you’ve won then you get to loot and claim your reward. But this is just as stressful as you’ve now alerted anyone around you where you are. The combat is fun when it occurs but it’s always best to take a methodical approach.
6. Community
DayZ' has always had a very active community. Afterall, DayZ exists because Arma 2’s modding community was flourishing. People have been creating mods for the standalone version of DayZ and there is also a modded launcher you can use to load and unload mods efficiently.
Aside from mods, the DayZ community offers a vast selection of servers to choose from. Complete with custom settings that even without mods can change the whole feel of the game. Not everyone is as friendly in-game, as they are on forums though. So it’s necessary to proceed with caution.
7. Player to Player Interaction
A wonderful aspect of DayZ is the lack of people around the map. Sometimes it may take a little bit to find someone, and that is what makes each interaction such a stressful experience. You have no idea if the first person you’ve met after not seeing anyone for an hour is going to ruin your progress or potentially help you.
VOIP is a big part of DayZ, communicating with players and expressing your wants and needs. There’s a lot of negotiation and sometimes begging involved. With the ability to duct tape people’s hands and mouths, robberies and sometimes kidnapping can occur. DayZ’s player interactions are the most memorable moments you’ll have playing the game.
8. Base Building
DayZ has an interesting base building system that can make way for prolonged survival in the world. By chopping down trees or finding materials such as planks and sheet metal, you’re able to create amazing structures.
Along with building your shelter, you can also utilize one of the many structures around the map. You can lock any usable door, and can set up tents, and other storage items. You’re free to make anywhere your home, just be aware that other players can break through to your stuff.
9. Map Design
In its current stage DayZ has 2 official maps. “Chernarus” and “Livonia” are two very large maps at 181 km² and 163 km². They both house a total of 60 players (sometimes more with mods) and are both incredibly detailed.
Chernarus is more hostile because of the large amount of military and police buildings to loot. Players end up gearing up quicker. In Livonia there aren’t as many of those buildings, instead there’s a larger focus on hunting and gathering materials. A more survival experience.
Both maps do a very good job at capturing that post-apocalyptic, “last man alive” atmosphere. Trash and rubble fill the streets and billboards show a time before the outbreak. Truly exceptional level design.
10. Free Will
Freedom is a big thing in survival games. Feeling like there are no limits gives players a reason to keep playing. Immersive experiences cloud DayZ. You’re able to create your own story and play the way you want to.
As said before, there are countless custom servers and mods to incorporate in your DayZ experience so you’re never short of going on incredible adventures. The developers have set up the gameplay in such a way where you’re not forced to do anything.
You might play DayZ for a hundred hours and may never have to deal with some of the features listed above. Be a bandit, a hero, a farmer, or fighter it doesn’t matter. It’s up to you to decide how to play the game.