The Blight can be described as one of the fastest killers in the game, with his ability to move around the map very fast due to his ability of the Lethal rush, which can track survivors faster, and patrol generators more effectively.
Nonetheless, in this article, we are going to show you the best 25 tips & tricks you should know for the Blight so that you could have successful gameplay with an increased chance of winning the game.
25. Plan the attack after activating Lethal Rush
After activating Lethal Rush, during the session, you will not be able to attack the survivors, as you will only be able to move very fast until you hit an object or eventually run out.
To effectively get a successful hit, you should be able to plan with Blight, which objects you should bounce off so that you can hit a survivor successfully after.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eD_mkw3kqJU&t=1m05s
Guide Presented by NikoFrost starting at 1:05 of the video
24. Use as much movement as possible with the Blight
Blight's main power is his movement speed, where he is able to move around as fast as possible around the map, making him one of the fastest and most powerful killers in the whole of the dead by daylight.
Nevertheless, one of the main things to concentrate on is the speed, where you should use it as much as possible so that you could create pressure on the survivors, and therefore increase the chance of winning.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eD_mkw3kqJU&t=1m27s
Guide Presented by NikoFrost starting at 1:27 of the video
23. In order to gain distance, bounce accordingly
It is important to understand the technique of using the lethal rush, and timing the 'bounce off objects' correctly in order to gain the specific task as the killer.
If you want to gain distance, you shouldn't bounce too early as this would affect your speed and distance coverage, as bouncing too early would just waste the lethal rushes faster, not being to gain in survivors or generators.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eD_mkw3kqJU&t=1m45s
Guide Presented by NikoFrost starting at 1:45 of the video
22. Watch out for specific obstacles when in the lethal rush
You should watch out for specific obstacles whilst being in the phase of the lethal rush, as some might cause you to slide off them which might slow down the speed and run out of rush.
On the other hand, you can use 'the sliding-off objects as an advantage, which can confuse the survivors whilst in a chase and therefore allow you to get a hit on the survivors.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eD_mkw3kqJU&t=2m01s
Guide Presented by NikoFrost starting at 2:01 of the video
21. Use Lethal Rush as an advantage on breakable objects
When in the phase of lethal rush, you can use this power as an advantage in many actions, one of them being using lethal rush to break breakable objects such as pallets and doors.
This is a very good tactic as it would speed up the game, allowing you to gain distance, similar killers such as Hillbilly have the same power, where he is able to use the chainsaw to break breakable objects.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eD_mkw3kqJU&t=2m37s
Guide Presented by NikoFrost starting at 2:37 of the video
20. Have the ability to "turn" whilst in a Lethal Rush by 'flicking'
Whilst being in the lethal rush, it is a great strategy to manoeuvre while having the ability to turn, therefore a great way to hit survivors who might be in corners or on the edges of objects.
In order to achieve this, you would have to 'flick', in other words, by flicking your camera with your mouse. May seem hard at first; however, very effective in all situations.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eD_mkw3kqJU&t=2m52s
Guide Presented by NikoFrost starting at 2:52 of the video
19. Use the 'flick' method against survivors who change movements last second
Using the 'flick' method can have many uses and advantages such as being able to manoeuvre around short cornered objects in order to hit the survivors.
However, one of the most common situations would be using the 'flick' method to hit the survivors whilst they are changing their movements at the last second. For instance, when running towards the survivor, the survivor looks like it's going left; however, quickly goes right. therefore being able to use the flick method in this situation is very useful.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eD_mkw3kqJU&t=3m16s
Guide Presented by NikoFrost starting at 3:16 of the video
18. Get very close to survivors for an increased chance of a hit
Blight is described as having a huge hitbox around him, imagine having a hitbox, a size of a cone, in other words, he has around a radius of 320 degrees around him.
With this feature, it is a good tactic to come close to survivors, as even if they tried to do a 360, it would be very difficult to avoid getting hit, as in this case, the survivors are very likely to get hit by the back because of its radius, making it very powerful.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eD_mkw3kqJU&t=3m29s
Guide Presented by NikoFrost starting at 3:29 of the video
17. Use Blight's power advantage for loops and mind games
Blight's lethal power rush power has a great advantage against loops and is very effective against mind games where he can use the speed and the technique to confuse survivors, and therefore be able to get an effortless successful hit.
With a small break between Blight's rush, he can become very unpredictable, and it is a very good follow-up, as after getting an m1, you can easily catch up on the survivor and get them down.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eD_mkw3kqJU&t=3m48s
Guide Presented by NikoFrost starting at 3:48 of the video
16. Experiment with Blight's add-ons
In order to get comfortable with the killer, you should be able to experiment with different add-ons, to see how each add-on works, and what is the game style of his main power.
Nonetheless, with the experiment, you will be able to test which add-on suits best for you and therefore use the add-on as a game advantage, creating easier successful gameplay and a better win rate.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eD_mkw3kqJU&t=4m39s
Guide Presented by NikoFrost starting at 4:39 of the video
15. Understand Blight's weaknesses
One of Blight's weaknesses is the manoeuvrability within indoor maps, and they might be a lot more difficult for Blight to move around, as there are might be too many objects blocking, or too many corners in which you might not be able to catch up with Blight's power.
Nevertheless, it is important to understand its weaknesses in order to overcome them, in this situation, it is to use smaller bounces in order to achieve small distances and break breakable objects, and not use his power so no time is lost.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eD_mkw3kqJU&t=6m00s
Guide Presented by NikoFrost starting at 6:00 of the video
14. Adapt to the Survivors' game style
In order to achieve an effective game style, you should be able to adapt to the survivor's movements. In other words, predict their movements and use your mind games to out-predict them to get a successful hit.
Game styles include Juking and Faking, where a similar game style goes against a nurse when she is blinking; however, instead of going forwards and backwards, you would be faking going left or right for the Blight, which is a notice you should watch out for.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eD_mkw3kqJU&t=6m07s
Guide Presented by NikoFrost starting at 6:07 of the video
13. Learn the game maps in order to secure movement
Having to learn the map directions and specific movements around the map is incredibly useful, especially when playing against the blight as there is a lot of manoeuvrability going on, and at the same time, you will be able to mind game survivors in different situations.
The specific knowledge required to move around the maps is the use of loops, when memorised, you will be able to predict to what loops the survivors are going to, and therefore move in advance and get a headstart on catching them.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eD_mkw3kqJU&t=6m48s
Guide Presented by NikoFrost starting at 6:48 of the video
12. A more advanced tip - using a controller
Using a controller whilst in the possession of playing the Blight is a technique that is recommended by many players, especially myself where I have used the controller occasionally on my computer in order to get flawless gameplay.
The reason why playing with the controller is better is because of its control, where you are able to comfortably turn with Blight with a touch of a joystick being, easier to do the 'flick method' as well, compared to PC, where you have to press the key several times in order to get a proper timing.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eD_mkw3kqJU&t=6m55s
Guide Presented by NikoFrost starting at 6:55 of the video
11. "Hit survivors once you feel like you can bite them"
"Hit survivors once you feel like you can bite them" is one of Otzdarva's quotes, in other words meaning that you should press the m1 button once you are very close to the survivor, so close that it feels that you can literally bite them.
By doing this, you avoid getting missed attacks and therefore allow you to continue with the chase with no regrets; however, hitting too early will cause you to miss the survivor which would then lose a lot of distance.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xburrNzfNQ&t=5h56m20s
Guide Presented by not Otzdarva starting at 5:56:20 of the video
10. Bump into things 'unnecessarily' to wait out the survivor's powers/skills
One of the techniques you can use a blight is to hit onto objects on purpose so that you could wait out specific survivor moments which might be regretted if not waited out.
The survivor's moments such as 'dead hard' can be avoided when bumping into objects causing pressure and therefore, with no choice, causes the survivor to press dead hard and therefore get hit after the next bump.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xburrNzfNQ&t=6h00m15s
Guide Presented by not Otzdarva starting at 6:00:15 of the video
9. Use the advantage of Rush at the Killer Shack
One of the most advanced techniques of using Blight's rush is by sliding down the killer shack.
In other words, it is a technique which would allow you to move around and slide around the killer shack flawlessly without having to bump into anything, creating a perfect radius, making it easier to hit survivors who are looping around it and especially at critical moments where they have vaulted a window which will allow you to hit them on the interior and outer window.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xburrNzfNQ&t=6h01m55s
Guide Presented by not Otzdarva starting at 6:01:55 of the video
8. Adjusting your dpi to create a better visual movement experience
One of the most difficult techniques and tips of using the Blight is adjusting the dpi, which is adjusted during the gameplay and is suited depending on the situation.
For instance, the higher the dpi, the better chances of doing the flick and therefore having a greater angle of hitting a survivor, nevertheless, going back to normal dpi will be useful in terms of straight chases.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xburrNzfNQ&t=6h04m50s
Guide Presented by not Otzdarva starting at 6:04:50 of the video
7. When entering loops, think further ahead
When coming into loops and chases, it is important to think ahead and look around your surroundings. A similar situation goes for all the killers; however, with blight, you need more sense of perception.
With blight, you need to think further as there are many things you can do with this power because of his speed, and therefore be able to analyse the objects around him to check what he can use to get the fastest and most effective hit.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52QhUHAc3BA&t=1m12s
Guide Presented by NAGGETZ - Dead by Daylight DBD starting at 1:12 of the video
6. The use of the perks Barbecue and Chilli & Tinkerer
With the perks, Barbecue and Chilli, and Tinkerer they are considered very powerful to use with the Blight, as they power up the game considerable and these are one of the most recommended perks for all levels.
With those perks, you will be able to use them efficiently because of the speed, catching up on survivors which you can see far away, and at the same time, being able to catch generators which are 70% in progress.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZJmW2UgTWA&t=2m35s
Guide Presented by The King starting at 2:35 of the video
5. The Understanding of the Iridescent add-on "Blight Tag"
With the iridescent add-on what it does is: "Upon using all Rush Tokens, your last Lethal Rush will put Survivors into the Dying State", as simple as that.
Nevertheless, one of the methods of using this add-on effectively is to plan the lethal rush, so that you reach the appropriate distance on the last rush without hesitation.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZJmW2UgTWA&t=8m29s
Guide Presented by The King starting at 8:29 of the video
4. Cancelling the lethal rush power by swinging
One of the important tips is when you want to cancel the lethal rush, as there could be situations such as spotting a survivor mid-rush, therefore you would have the ability to cancel it, and then activate the power again.
To do this, all you need to do is swing, or in other words, just press m1, this way it would cancel the whole power with a little time lost but worth it, once wanting to change directions quickly if in an open area.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZJmW2UgTWA&t=12m10s
Guide Presented by The King starting at 12:10 of the video
3. Don't overuse your lethal rush power
One of the most common problems when playing the Blight is that players tend to overuse Blight's power. This can be in situations such as when chasing a survivor in tight loops.
This way, if the power is overused, you would slow down the progress and distance because most of the time it would rely on smashing into objects, and the time taken to regenerate from the last rush.
Therefore, playing tight loops is best to play like a normal killer, and then use the power when necessary.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZJmW2UgTWA&t=13m05s
Guide Presented by The King starting at 13:05 of the video
2. Use Blight's posture advantage around objects & loops
Using Blight's posture is very advantageous, especially when playing with loops. One of the reasons that the blight is one of the best killers for looping is the fact that he is a small killer, and therefore it would be harder for the survivors to notice, and you will have the chance to use many mind games against the survivors which would make it harder for them to escape from.
Nevertheless, making it a perfect killer for loops, it is best to take the loops as an advantage.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyuTmnd825A&t=13m00s
Guide Presented by Scott Jund starting at 13:00 of the video
1. The Technique of instant hits after rush
The technique of instant hits after performing the rush is one of those things that you need to learn when playing the Blight, as it is a situation that will come across most of the time.
How it works is after getting the bounce of the rush, you need to be able to automatically hit the m1 button after pressing the m2 button to get the rebound. It is quick thinking and very useful once you caught up with the survivor.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyuTmnd825A&t=21m29s
Guide Presented by Scott Jund starting at 21:29 of the video
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