Albert Wesker, also known as Mastermind, is currently the newest killer that has been introduced in dead by daylight, exactly 5 days on August 30th 2022, and the second killer who originates from Resident Evil. One of his main powers is his special attack called bound attack where he is able to dash around the map very fast, and he is able to jump over vaults and pallets and having the ability to catch up on survivors substantially from a far distance, which I personally think deserves a place in A tier on the killer list due to his abilities.
Nonetheless, let's look at the builds of the new killer, named Mastermind, to see how powerful the killer can get.
5. The Pentimento of All Hexes Build
Dead by Daylight gameplay by JaveHunt
The Pentimento of All Hexes is a build designed for fun and entertainment and made for survivors who will constantly try to focus on the totems rather than the generators, as a mistake could cost them their whole game. In other words, with hex pentimento, its ability is to decrease specific action phases of survivors for each rekindled totem active such as decreasing the healing speed, and the danger comes in when once all the totems are rekindled, then the entity blocks it and the survivor action disadvantages will come through the rest of the game, which would make it easier to win as a killer.
Nonetheless, apart from the totems that will be a huge distraction for the survivors, the other perks concentrate on the regression and blocking of the generators, and therefore focusing on these two aspects will make it much easier to catch the survivors along the way, making it an incredible build for play.
What The Pentimento of All Hexes Build Excels In:
- With the combination of the perks hex: pentimento and hex: plaything, you will be able to have multiple opportunities of strategies to play against, and it would be difficult for survivors to get rid of as it can be easily resurrected by the hex: pentimento.
- With the perks of deadlock and call of brine, you will be able to efficiently monitor the generators and be able to block them automatically with their effects.
Build details & Perks:
- Call of Brine: After damaging a Generator, the Call of Brine activates for 60 seconds. The Generator regresses at 150/175/200 % of the normal Regression speed and its Aura is revealed to you. Each time a Survivor completes a Good Skill Check on a Generator affected by Call of Brine, you receive a Loud Noise Notification.
- Hex: Plaything: If there is at least one Dull Totem remaining in the Trial Grounds, Hex: Plaything activates on a random Totem each time a Survivor is hooked for the first time: The hooked Survivor suffers from the Cursed and Oblivious Status Effects until Hex: Plaything is cleansed. For the first 90 seconds, only the Cursed Survivor is able to cleanse the Hex Totem. The Aura of Hex: Plaything's Hex Totem is revealed to the Cursed Survivor within 24/20/16 metres. The Hex effects persist until its Hex Totem is cleansed.
- Hex: Pentimento: You see the Auras of cleansed Totems. You can perform a ritual on a cleansed Totem to resurrect it as a Rekindled Totem. For each Rekindled Totem active at the same time, Hex: Pentimento gains an additional effect: 1 Totem: Decreases all Survivors' Repair speed by 20/25/30 %. 2 Totems: Decreases all Survivors' Healing speed by 20/25/30 %. 3 Totems: Decreases all Survivors' Recovery speed from being downed by 20/25/30 %. 4 Totems: Decreases all Survivors' Exit Gate Opening speed by 20/25/30 %. 5 Totems: All Totems are permanently blocked by The Entity. When a Rekindled Totem is cleansed, its remains are consumed by The Entity and it cannot be rekindled.
- Deadlock: Whenever a Generator is completed, The Entity blocks the Generator with the most progression for 20/25/30 seconds. The Aura of the blocked Generator is revealed to you in white during this time.
4. The Best of the Quiet Bamboozle Build
Dead by Daylight gameplay by Ccojobro
The best of the quiet bamboozle build is a build that can be very useful to jump scares and the sudden momentum once reaching the generators with the perk tinkerer. This build is incredibly powerful when it comes to loops, as with bamboozle, Mastermind has the ability to vault the windows very fast, similarly to legion, and therefore at the same blocking the window, causing the survivor to retreat and continue running.
Nevertheless, apart from the powerful anti-chase combination, the build also consists of call of brine and save the best for last, which are very good side perks especially with call of brine, where you can keep track of the damaged generator and at the same time let it regress at 200% of its normal regression speed making it a very good build in those conditions.
What The Best of the Quiet Bamboozle Build Excels In:
- The combination between Bamboozle and Tinkerer works very well in terms of chasing, as bamboozle will block vaults pressuring the survivors to continue the chase, and tinkerer would be activated if any generator is 70% or higher and therefore it would be even harder during chasing as the survivors wouldn't hear or see the red killer's stain.
- With the perk save the best for last, it will be much easier to chase and hit survivors, as the cool downtime is decreased for every hit making on a survivor, up to a maximum fo 40% cool-down reduction.
Build details & Perks:
- Bamboozle: Performing a Vault action is 5/10/15 % faster and calls upon The Entity to block that Vault location for Survivors for 8/12/16 seconds. Only one Vault location may be blocked this way at any given time.
- Tinkerer: Whenever a Generator is repaired to 70 %, you benefit from the following effects: Triggers a Loud Noise Notification for that Generator, revealing its location. Grants the Undetectable Status Effect for the next 12/14/16 seconds. Tinkerer can only trigger once per Generator per Trial.
- Save the best for last: Each time you hit a Survivor other than your Obsession with a Basic Attack, Save the Best for Last gains 1 Token, up to a maximum of 8 Tokens: Gain a stackable 5 % Cool-down reduction on successful attacks per Token, up to a maximum of 40 %. Each time you hit your Obsession with a Basic Attack, Save the Best for Last loses 4/3/2 Tokens. When the Obsession is sacrificed or killed, you can neither gain nor lose any more Tokens. You can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.
- Call of Brine: After damaging a Generator, the Call of Brine activates for 60 seconds. The Generator regresses at 150/175/200 % of the normal Regression speed and its Aura is revealed to you. Each time a Survivor completes a Good Skill Check on a Generator affected by Call of Brine, you receive a Loud Noise Notification.
3. Mastermind's Terror Radius Trap Build
Dead by Daylight gameplay by zStormP
The masterminds' terror radius trap is a build made out of the definition within the title. It is literally a trap once you are in the radius for many reasons. First of all, the healing would take much longer to do because of the perks of coulrophobia and sloppy butcher, and with self-care, the survivors shouldn't even try because they will literally sit there healing themselves for the next 2 hours.
Nonetheless, apart from the healing difficulty, another challenge that the survivors would be facing would be within the perk 'unnerving presence', which in other words, would make skill checks incredibly difficult in any situation such as healing or repairing a generator, overall making this a great build for pressuring survivors.
What Mastermind's Terror Radius Trap Build Excels In:
- The trio combination of distressing, coulrophobia and unnerving presence, as an increased terror radius, the difficulty of the survivors' actions is tremendously increased making them harder to do skill checks and at the same time reducing healing speed by a maximum of 50%.
- With the perk 'sloppy butcher', it is an addition to coulrophobia which would make healing pretty much impossible as the time it would take would be much, much longer, therefore having the chance for the killer to catch up to those survivors who are healing.
Build details & Perks:
- Sloppy Butcher: Wounds inflicted by Basic Attacks cause Survivors to suffer from the Haemorrhage and Mangled Status Effect: Increases the Bleeding frequency by 50/75/100 %. Increases the Regression rate at which partial Healing Progression is lost through Haemorrhage by 15/20/25 %. Both Status Effects are removed once the Survivor is fully healed.
- Distressing: Increases your Terror Radius by 22/24/26 %. Grants 100 % bonus Bloodpoints for all actions in the Deviousness Category.
- Coulrophobia: For all Survivors within your Terror Radius, the following effects apply: Reduces the Healing speed by 30/40/50 %. Increases the Rotation speed of Healing Skill Checks by +50 %
- Unnerving Presence: Survivors repairing or healing within your Terror Radius suffer from the following effects: Increases the Trigger odds of Skill Check by 10 %. Decreases the Success zone of Skill Checks by 40/50/60 %.
2. The Deadly Pick & Carry Build
Dead by Daylight gameplay by MSA_Matei
The deadly pick & carry build is a very rare build that is not often used a lot, however it can be very useful in multiple situations, and very powerful indeed. One of the tactics would be with the use of the trio perks which are: awakened awareness, starstruck and agitation, where you could see the exposed survivors whilst carrying a survivor very fast, and this is very great for spotting, as usually survivors would have flashlights to save the survivor, and therefore you have the ability to drop the survivor, and then surprise them whilst using awakened awareness, creating a sort of mind-game gameplay.
Nonetheless, with this gameplay it would incredibly hard for the survivors to save a carried survivor, and therefore increasing the chances of sacrificing the survivor, which would result in an increased chance of winning the game, making it one of the most powerful builds especially during the stage of hooking the survivor.
What The Deadly Pick & Carry Build Excels In:
- A very powerful combination between starstruck and agitation, where you have the ability to manoeuvre around much quicker whilst carrying a survivor, and at the same time have the perk starstruck activated, creating a chance to down an exposed survivor.
- The trio perk combination of awakened awareness, starstruck and agitation will allow you to spot survivors while carrying and then surprise them by downing a survivor whilst carrying one.
Build details & Perks:
- Corrupt Intervention: At the start of the Trial, the 3 Generators located farthest from you are blocked by The Entity for 80/100/120 seconds. Corrupt Intervention deactivates prematurely once the first Survivor is put into the Dying State
- Agitation: While carrying a Survivoryou benefit from the following effects: Increases your Carrying Movement speed by 6/12/18 %. Increases your Terror Radius by 12 metres.
- Starstruck: When carrying a Survivor, Starstruck activates: Survivors suffer from the Exposed Status Effect while in your Terror Radius. The Status Effect lingers for 26/28/30 seconds after leaving your Terror Radius. After hooking or dropping the carried Survivor, Starstruck deactivates: The Status Effect persists for 26/28/30 seconds for any Survivor inside your Terror Radius at that moment. Starstruck has a cool-down of 60 seconds once the Survivor is no longer being carried.
- Awakened Awareness: While carrying a Survivor, the Auras of all other Survivors are revealed to you when they are within 16/18/20 metres of your location.
1. "You Can't See Me" Build
Dead by Daylight gameplay by Cocojobro
The "You can't see me" build I personally think is considered to be one of the most powerful builds for the mastermind, and therefore ranking this build at number one for many reasons. First of all, all the perks have the opportunity to use powers on the survivors as the oblivious status effect in different situations, therefore creating the biggest amount of pressure on the survivors ever in this game.
Nevertheless, 3/4 of those perks are no-hex powered, therefore it is impossible to get rid off and it would cause a huge amount of confusion especially once the hex: plaything is cleansed, causing the survivors to be more aware of the surroundings and therefore less progress on the generators, which sums up to a higher probability of successful skill checks. Nonetheless, comparing the oblivious, it is very powerful especially with mastermind, as his speed is very advantageous and the survivor won't even have time to look back until the moment that he is on the hook, making it a very powerful build.
What "You Can't See Me" Build Excels In:
- The trio-non hex perks make it an incredibly powerful combination towards the oblivion of the survivors, as it cannot be avoided and therefore creating more pressure on the survivors.
- With tinkerer, you have the ability to go on the most progressed generator undetectable, which is very powerful with mastermind because of its speed and the ability to catch up on the generators very fast.
Build details & Perks:
- Hex: Plaything: If there is at least one Dull Totem remaining in the Trial Grounds, Hex: Plaything activates on a random Totem each time a Survivor is hooked for the first time: The hooked Survivor suffers from the Cursed and Oblivious Status Effects until Hex: Plaything is cleansed. For the first 90 seconds, only the Cursed Survivor is able to cleanse the Hex Totem. The Aura of Hex: Plaything's Hex Totem is revealed to the Cursed Survivor within 24/20/16 metres. The Hex effects persist until its Hex Totem is cleansed.
- Tinkerer: Whenever a Generator is repaired to 70 %, you benefit from the following effects: Triggers a Loud Noise Notification for that Generator, revealing its location. Grants the Undetectable Status Effect for the next 12/14/16 seconds. Tinkerer can only trigger once per Generator per Trial.
- Dark Devotion: You become obsessed with one Survivor. Whenever the Obsession loses a Health State by any means and thus enters the Injured State, Dark Devotion activates: Your Terror Radius transfers to the Obsession for 20/25/30 seconds, and its radius is set to 32 metres. Grants the Undetectable Status Effect for the same duration. The Obsession with your transferred Terror Radius is also considered to be 'inside the Terror Radius' for other purposes. You can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.
- Hysteria: Whenever you put a healthy Survivor into the Injured State, all injured Survivors suffer from the Oblivious Status Effect for 20/25/30 seconds. Hysteria has a cool-down of 30 seconds.
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