What is Brutality?
Brutality is one of three stat colors in Dead Cells, which applies to any red colored items you come across or red mutations you choose in between levels. You can improve your stats with Scrolls of Power, which give you points to put into the stat color of your choice, and it’s recommended that you put all of your points into the same color. Most Brutality weapons are melee weapons with fast attack speed, your mutations are centered around offense, and the status effects you’re most likely to come across are bleed and fire. Brutality is all about getting in as much damage as possible as fast as possible, so if you need some more raw power to get your next Boss Cell try out some of these weapons in your next run
5. Face Flask
Why the Face Flask is great for Brutality
- The Spite Sword is another item that deals critical hits after taking damage, and you can use the Face Flask to safely activate this weapon as well
- Weapon modifiers can make or break the Face Flask. There’s a good chance your Face Flask will also inflict status effects onto nearby enemies, giving you more opportunities to synergize your build
- The Face Flask’s self damage will activate Vengeance and the Spite Sword, but it won’t reset your killstreak or cause a curse to kill you
Face Flask stats
- Deals 5 damage to yourself
- When used with Vengeance, briefly buffs your damage and resistance
4. Hattori’s Katana
Why Hattori’s Katana is great for Brutality
- When you’re playing Brutality, being able to deal damage fast is just as important as the damage itself, and Hattori’s Katana has some really impressive attack speed! It only takes 0.2 seconds to land each hit in its combo, and the dash attack takes about as long to charge up!
- The dash attack has a generous vertical range, being able to take out flying mobs above and below you that would otherwise be well outside your effective range
- The Combo mutation works well with your fast attack speed, and Predator can be fun to use with your dash attack
Hattori’s Katana stats
- Regular attack: 3 hit combo that lasts 0.9 seconds and has 187 base DPS
- Charged attack: Dash past enemies and deal a critical strike of 179 base damage
3. Bloodthirsty Shield
Why the Bloodthirsty Shield is great for Brutality
- The bleed effect is applied in a massive AoE that extends to just about half your screen and even goes past walls, just by parrying once you can take out a lot of weaker mobs and soften up the tougher ones, and you’ll be parrying way more than just one time
- The downside of the Bloodthirsty Shield is that it deals less damage directly to the target you just parried. However, with more scrolls your overall damage increases exponentially, and after getting enough points it can easily outperform any other non-Brutality shield
- Many other shields in the game have their own unique effects, but the Bloodthirsty Shield is the only one that activates every time you parry a projectile instead of only when you parry melee attacks
Bloodthirsty Shield stats
- Blocked attacks cause enemies to bleed
- Parried attacks cause all enemies in an area of effect to bleed
2. Pyrotechnics
Why Pyrotechnics is great for Brutality
- Raw power is the name of the game for Brutality, and Pyrotechnics has that in spades! The fire DPS will be enough to take care of most enemies, and your last projectile in the combo is an extra powerful fireball
- Pyrotechnics doesn’t have any ammo that can run out, meaning you have an endless stream of fireballs at your disposal
- When using Pyrotechnics with Brutality you have several great options for your build that would be impossible with Tactics! Pyrotechnics as a ranged off hand, Pyrotechnics with a shield, Pyrotechnics and Combo, get creative with it!
Pyrotechnics Stats
- 4 hit combo every 1.35 seconds for 139 base damage
- Attacks inflict fire damage over time
- Deals critical hits to enemies covered in oil
1. Assassin’s Dagger
Why the Assassin’s Dagger is great for Brutality
- Phaser is a skill that teleports you behind an enemy, and Scheme is a mutation that adds extra damage to your next attack after using a skill. When you use these with the Assassin’s Dagger you have a dangerous combo that can one shot enemies and melt bosses with minimal effort
- The Assassin’s Dagger is particularly great against bosses, in most fights you should already be trying to stay behind the boss and you have the damage potential to take chunks out of their healthbar at a time
- Your base damage for a critical hit is 402, which places the Assassin’s Dagger in an exclusive club of items that have more than 400 base damage, and out of all of them the Assassin’s Dagger has the most reliable crit condition
Assassin’s Dagger stats
- Deals critical damage when attacking an enemy in the back
- 134 base DPS, 402 base critical DPS
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