Sometimes it’s best you pick off the enemy team from a distance so they don’t crowd you and your buddies. Other times you just can’t get in close to a boss because they’ll just squish you, if not for those reasons, maybe your bubble of personal space is a few hundred meters wide. Whatever the case, we’ve made a list of the 3 best kinetic snipers in for PvE and PvP; for when you can’t be bothered to leave that nice shooting perch high above those peasants below.
How this list works
Instead of dumping all the information for you to scroll through, we'll be listing each sniper's curated stats and exotic or intrinsic perk. We will link a page in the Weapon Details section where you can see each weapon's complete perk tree. So keep in mind that the perks we list are not the only ones the weapon has.
Our Top 3 PvE Snipers
- Izanagi’s Dream
- Tranquility
- Bite of The Fox
1. Izanagi’s Burden
"Shame. Guilt. Fear. We all bear them. Gather your regrets, purge them as best you can. Let your enemies feel the weight of your burdens." —Ada-1
Starting off our list we have the Exotic sniper Izanagi’s Burden. This rifle packs a pretty hard punch when you use it’s Exotic perk, which consumes all the bullets in a magazine and exchanges them for a round that has more damage and range. Great for boss fights where that extra damage really counts.
Weapon Stats with Curated Perks:
- Impact: 70
- Range: 62
- Stability: 60
- Handling: 52
- Reload Speed: 46
- Rounds/Min: 90
- Magazine: 4
Exotic Perk:
- Honed Edge: Holding reload consumes the magazine and loads a round with additional range and damage.
What makes Izanagi’s Burden excel:
- Handles flinch very well
- Perk rolls work well together
- Massive damage increase when all 4 rounds consumed with perk
Weapon details: https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/db/items/3211806999-izanagis-burden#
How to get Izanagi’s Burden:
The process is a bit of a marathon, but the payoff is worth it. Here’s a guide to help you:
Izanagi’s Burden in Action:
2. Tranquility
"They think violence will bring peace. Maybe it can." —Eris Morn
Next on our list is the Legendary sniper Tranquility. It’s consistent and handles decently. To boot it’s range is solid, even more so with the right perk rolls. All around a good sniper.
Weapon Stats with Curated Perks:
- Impact: 70
- Range: 57
- Stability: 52
- Handling: 52
- Reload Speed: 45
- Rounds/Min: 90
- Magazine: 4
Intrinsic Perk:
- Adaptive Frame: Improved ADS (aim-down-sight) speed, Faster weapon switch speed, Move faster while ADS
What makes Tranquility excel:
- Good range
- Decent Precision
- It can roll with the Dragonfly perk, helps accrue more damage against powerful enemies
Weapon details: https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/db/items/1645386487-tranquility#
How to get Tranquility:
You’ll have to complete the Essence of Vanity
Tranquility in Action:
3. Long Shadow
Inhale. Exhale. Flash of light. Endless fallout.
Our last for the PvE list is not exactly flashy or over the top, but a reliable gun. Long Shadow is a snappy, adaptive frame sniper that feels good and looks good.
Weapon Stats with Curated Perks:
- Impact: 70
- Range: 51
- Stability: 48
- Handling: 46
- Reload Speed: 46
- Rounds/Min: 90
- Magazine: 4
Intrinsic Perk:
- Adaptive Frame: Improved ADS (aim-down-sight) speed, Faster weapon switch speed, Move faster while ADS
Most perks for this rifle are random, remember to check the weapon details for the full list of perks you can get for this gun
What makes Long Shadow excel:
- Decent overall stats
- Good perk pool
- Perk combinations can significantly improve the good aspects of the rifle
Weapon details: https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/db/items/3745990145-long-shadow#
How to get Long Shadow:
Long Shadow is a Vanguard sniper. This simple and reliable gun can be acquired through simple means: complete strikes and earn Vanguard rank-up packages from Commander Zavala and you can receive this gun from those engrams.
Long Shadow in Action:
Our Top 3 PvP Snipers
- Revoker
- The Supremacy
- Shepherd’s Watch
1. Revoker
When they have your back to the wall, when all seems lost—steel yourself! Command your future!
Here’s a solid choice for PvP. Revoker is an aggressive frame rifle that’s surprisingly forgiving when you miss, thanks to one of it’s perks. Reversal of Fortune, which gives you back the rounds that missed, theoretically giving you infinite ammo.
Weapon Stats with Curated Perks:
- Impact: 90
- Range: 80
- Stability: 34
- Handling: 31
- Reload Speed: 37
- Rounds/Min: 72
- Magazine: 3
Intrinsic Perk:
- Aggressive Frame: High damage, high recoil
What makes Revoker excel:
- High Impact
- High Range
- Recover missed shots
Weapon details: https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/db/items/654608616-revoker#
How to get Revoker:
This is a Crucible Pinnacle weapon, so you’ll need to first obtain the In Your Sights quest from Shaxx and complete it. Get ready because this might take some time. Here’s a guide for you:
Revoker in Action:
2. The Supremacy

"He didn't recognize me, at the end." —Jolyon Till the Rachis
The Supremacy is a throwback to the Bungie’s former franchise Halo, it was modeled after the SRS99 sniper from that universe. Here in Destiny, it’s got a little more to show than it’s Halo counterpart. It has a relatively high reload speed and a rapid fire frame so missing a shot won’t be too much of a problem since it won’t slow you down.
Weapon Stats with Curated Perks:
- Impact: 55
- Range: 43
- Stability: 62
- Handling: 71
- Reload Speed: 66
- Rounds/Min: 140
- Magazine: 5
Intrinsic Perk:
- Rapid Fire Frame: Deep ammo reserves. Fast reload when empty.
What makes The Supremacy excel:
- Good handling
- Faster firing speed
- Good reload speed
- Responsive shooting
Weapon details: https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/db/items/686951703-the-supremacy#
How to get The Supremacy:
This sniper is found in chests or drops from bosses in the Last Wish Raid. You might need to farm the raid so grab some friends to help out.
The Supremacy in Action:
3. Shepherd’s Watch
Nobody talks about the day the Shepherd's staff became the Shepherd's rifle.
Protect your flock with Shepherd’s Watch. This adaptive frame sniper is smooth and snappy when aiming down the sights, as well as decent impact and perks. It’s perk Moving Target enhances that experience even more, it’s a solid rifle that doesn’t mess around.
Weapon Stats with Curated Perks:
- Impact: 70
- Range: 70
- Stability: 57
- Handling: 35
- Reload Speed: 43
- Rounds/Min: 90
- Magazine: 4
Intrinsic Perk:
- Adaptive Frame: Improved ADS (aim-down-sight) speed, Faster weapon switch speed, Move faster while ADS
What makes Shepherd's Watch excel:
- Good impact
- Good range
- Smooth ADS movement
Weapon details: https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/db/items/3312073053-shepherds-watch
How to get The Shepherd’s Watch:
You can find this rifle in rank-up packages from Failsafe, who is located on Nessus. There’s also a chance to find it in other legendary engrams, so keep an eye out.
Shepherd’s Watch in Action:
Think there’s a sniper that should have been on this list? Tell your favorites in the comments below!
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