5. Lumina's Grace
Let's talk about the healers. While Destiny 2 has no such specific class, there are ways that the Warlock can become a fountain of healing with the right equipment. This build excels at Crucible by dealing moderate damage to your enemies, yet excels by bringing health to the team. Your fireteam will have to make up the offensive deficit by making their builds more damage-heavy.
Whats good Luminas Grace excels at
- Healing, you are the lifeline of the fireteam.
- Quick energy to rift abilities
- Focus on regeneration for the
4. Grenadier Stormcaller
A tried and tested build; this aggressively styled build makes Warlock players that want to stand out with their arc abilities. The two exotic form makes the player a walking talking force of nature that will destroy everything it touches with its electricity. The high damage output means this Warlock is more tip of the spear than back up with this build.
What Grenadier Stormcaller Excels at
- Quick energy to grenades
- Super energy charges close second.
- It requires two exotics but makes a great combination.
- Easy to find mods
3. Corruption
Lumina is the best hope for health Thorn is still the damage-dealing soul consuming nightmare it has always been. Keep in mind that the gameplay with this build focuses on aggressive playstyle as you take the hand cannon and the exotic armor piece to corrupt enemies and have them spread the damage much as a virus does. As you wound your opponents and they seek refuge in numbers, they start poisoning their compatriots.
What Corruption excels at
- Dealing Damage
- Great for aggressive play
- Necrotic grip poisons enemies that in turn poison other enemies
2. Icarus Dawnblade
Burn away your enemies, your problems, basically anything that stands in your way. This build still shines as even to this date in the frozen expansion that has been Beyond light. It is still dealing massive damage to enemies, great to draw the enemy out and fantastic to corner enemies and burn them to an ashen crisp. Yet another build focused on speed and agility.
What Icarus Dawnblade excels at
- Speed combat and agility
- Front line combat
- Great to draw out the enemy
1. Two Tap
It would be a sin to dismiss some of the most creative builds for Destiny 2 since Beyond Light came out. The cold-based subclass adds speed, and with the added perks for the equipped subclass, speed and guile are requisite for making this build shine. The power granted to the weapons makes the player a force to be reconned with; aim and dominate the field with this. Most importantly, have fun.
- What Unlimited Void excels at
- Makes Hand Cannons Two tap kills
- Fantastic for pressuring enemy fireteams
- Uses Stasis for fast and furious gameplay
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