What Are The Best Grenade Launchers in Destiny 2?
A Guardian charges into action with their trusty Grenade Launcher.
Introduced with the launch of Destiny 2, Grenade Launchers have seen their share of ups and downs over the years. At their height, Grenade Launchers have absolutely dominated the meta in both PvE and PvP. While their glory days might be gone, the right Grenade Launcher in the right hands can still cause all sorts of havoc and should not be underestimated. So, which ones are the best? Let’s dig in.
10. Anarchy (Great for PvE)
A Warlock readies the infamous Anarchy for battle.
At one time, Anarchy wasn’t just meta. It was the meta. Having once sported usage rates in the toughest activities upwards of 80 or even 90 percent, it’s safe to say Anarchy was the best and most iconic weapon in Destiny 2.
While it has been nerfed considerably since then, this thing is still no slouch. An extremely versatile weapon, Anarchy can be used in just about any PvE activity ranging from Vanguard Ops and Seasonal Activities to Grandmaster Nightfalls, Dungeons, and Raids.
What Anarchy Excels In:
- Damage Over Time – There are only a few weapons in all of Destiny 2 that deal damage over time, and Anarchy is their father. The original shoot-and-stow powerhouse, Anarchy pairs exceptionally well with Special Ammo DPS weapons like Sniper Rifles and Slug Shotguns. Simply shoot off two Anarchy rounds onto a boss, switch to your Special Weapon, and fire away.
- Damage From Safety – In some of the hardest content in Destiny, Guardians find themselves at a lower power level than the enemy. In Grandmaster Nightfalls, for example, when you’re 25 Power below the opponents, getting one-shot by enemy Champions is extremely common. This is where Anarchy truly shines. Pop out of cover for the briefest of instants to stick the problematic champion with a couple shots before ducking back into cover, watching their HP deplete from the safety of your rock.
- Ammo Efficiency – Where a standard Heavy Ammo Grenade Launcher might take 6, 7, or even more shots to kill enemy Champions, Anarchy typically only needs 2 shots fired off, along with a few rounds from your Special Ammo weapon.
Weapon Stats:
- Blast Radius - 70
- Velocity - 100
- Stability – 60
- Handling – 59
- Reload Speed – 63
- Aim Assistance – 69
- Airborne Effectiveness – 20
- Rounds Per Minute - 150
How to Get:
Anarchy is obtainable at the Exotic Archive in the Tower.
9. Wendigo GL-3 (Great for PvE and PvP)
The reprised powerhouse, the Wendigo GL-3.
After its original iconic version was sunset, Wendigo returned to much fanfare in Season 19. Like the original, Wendigo can still obtain its signature perk, Explosive Light, giving it high-end DPS potential, but these days it has a few more tricks up its sleeve as well.
A variety of highly sought-after perks gives Wendigo terrific versatility in both PvE and PvP. A rare weapon that can roll Chain Reaction in the third column, Wendigo can tackle even the tallest orders of add-clear with ease while bringing top-shelf damage perks like Explosive Light and Full Court in the fourth column. If PvP is more your style, you can get near maximum velocity grenades with perks like Impulse Amplifier and Rangefinder.
What Wendigo Excels In:
- Boss Damage – Combine your choice of Auto-Loading Holster (for maximum combo potential), Field Prep (for maximum ammo and high reload speed), or Clown Cartridge (for huge magazines) with damage-enhancing mainstays like Explosive Light or Full Court for a Grenade Launcher that can pump out some serious damage. When the next GL meta rolls around, you’ll be glad you did.
- Solo Content – When you’re running some of the most difficult content solo, you can’t count on teammates to bring the heat in their loadouts. Instead, you need to pack as much punch in each of your weapons as you can. Combine Chain Reaction with Full Court for a monstrous mixture of add-clear and damage that will carry you through.
- Easy Guardian Kills – There’s nothing worse than finally getting your hands on Heavy Ammo in the Crucible just to waste it, so it’s a good thing Wendigo makes things as easy as possible for you. With perks like Proximity Grenades, Impulse Amplifier, and Rangefinder, feel confident you won’t let your team down when you grab Heavy.
Weapon Stats:
- Blast Radius - 50
- Velocity - 29
- Stability – 38
- Handling – 41
- Reload Speed – 46
- Aim Assistance – 66
- Airborne Effectiveness – 16
- Rounds Per Minute - 120
How to Get:
Wendigo can be obtained in Nightfalls.
8. Lingering Dread (Great for PvE)
The stylish Stasis Grenade Launcher from the Duality dungeon, Lingering Dread.
Lingering Dread was introduced in Season 17 alongside the Duality dungeon. Sporting stylish looks and Stasis payloads, it’s one of the more unique Grenade Launchers on our list.
As the first Stasis breech-loaded Grenade Launcher introduced to Destiny 2, Lingering Dread brought with it a much-needed boost to loadout versatility. Before its release, Guardians could not pair a breech-loaded launcher with their favorite Energy slot Primary Weapons. When Lingering Dread came out, a whole new world of build-crafting came with it. With a variety of strong traits available, Lingering Dread can be one of the very best utility weapons in the entire game.
What Lingering Dread Excels In:
- Disruption – Disorienting Grenades (formerly called Blinding Grenades) has long been considered one of the best perks in the game. Instantly silence entire groups of enemies, preventing them from fighting back entirely. Lingering Dread takes this a step further. By adding Chill Clip to the mix, Guardians can not only disorient enemies, but they can slow or even freeze them entirely.
- Stunning Champions – Thanks to some recent reworks to the Champion system, a Lingering Dread with Chill Clip can now counter both Overload and Unstoppable champions.
- Diversifying Loadouts – As mentioned above, Lingering Dread inherently diversified loadouts with its release as the first Kinetic-slot breech-loaded Grenade Launcher; however, it didn’t stop there. By packing add-disruption from Disorienting Grenades and anti-Champion utility from Chill Clip all into one weapon, the rest of your loadout will have much more flexibility to play the way you like.
Weapon Stats:
- Blast Radius - 100
- Velocity - 73
- Stability – 24
- Handling – 70
- Reload Speed – 70
- Aim Assistance – 75
- Airborne Effectiveness – 3
- Rounds Per Minute - 90
How to Get:
Lingering Dread is obtained in the Duality dungeon.
7. New Pacific Epitaph (Great for PvE)
The first ever Stasis Wave Frame Grenade Launcher, New Pacific Epitaph.
Like Lingering Dread before it, New Pacific Epitaph is a Stasis breech-loaded Grenade Launcher and is used from the Kinetic slot. Unlike Lingering Dread, however, New Pacific Epitaph is a Wave-Frame Grenade Launcher.
It’s no secret that Wave Frame Grenade Launchers are currently some of the most powerful and popular weapon choices for PvE content. New Pacific Epitaph is no exception. The first weapon to bring the ease-of-use and add-clear power of a Wave Frame to the kinetic slot, New Pacific Epitaph is a weapon that players had been waiting for a long time.
What New Pacific Epitaph Excels In:
- Add-Clear – Wave Frames are the epitome of add-clear. Simply shoot one shot at the ground and light up an entire row of enemies.
- Ease of Use – While a lot of players have historically avoided breech-loaded Grenade Launchers due to their difficulty to use and master, Wave Frames are some of the easiest weapons in the game to get their maximum effectiveness out of. Since you only have to shoot the ground, very little aiming capability is required. If you haven’t already, give New Pacific Epitaph a try. It’s so easy, anyone can do it.
- Loadout Diversification – Before New Pacific Epitaph, Guardians had to use a Kinetic Primary Weapon if they wanted to use a Wave Frame Grenade Launcher. With its launch, however, countless new combinations opened up to players.
Weapon Stats:
- Blast Radius - 100
- Velocity - 73
- Stability – 26
- Handling – 71
- Reload Speed – 71
- Aim Assistance – 76
- Airborne Effectiveness – 4
- Rounds Per Minute - 72
How to Get:
Acquired from the Ghosts of the Deep dungeon.
6. Explosive Personality (Great for PvE & PvP)

The aptly named Solar Wave Frame Grenade Launcher, Explosive Personality.
Explosive Personality in Action
Introduced in Season 16, Explosive Personality got a lot of hype upon its release for being the first Solar Wave-Frame Grenade Launcher since the fan-favorite (but now sunset) Martyr’s Retribution.
As another Wave Frame Grenade Launcher (I did say they were good, right?), Explosive Personality brings the pinpoint customization of crafting into the fold. Since many of the other best Wave Frames are difficult to obtain and are subject to random rolls, Explosive Personality (assuming you got the pattern before Lightfall came out) is one of the most reliable and future-proof Grenade Launchers on this list thanks to its craftable nature.
What Explosive Personality Excels In:
- Blinting – A phrase originally coined in Destiny 1, Blinting refers to hitting an opposing Guardian in PvP fast and hard with a special weapon like a Sniper Rifle’s body shot then quickly swapping off to a Primary Weapon for a quick and easy kill. Explosive Personality excels at being the first half of this type of combo since it is so easy to hit with, requiring very little aim. As long as you hit the ground in front of an enemy, the wave will hit more often than not. On top of that, the Disruption Break perk then boosts the damage your primary will do, making it easier than ever to seal the deal.
- Being a Tank – By combining its aptly named Origin Trait “Land Tank,” which increases your damage resistance as a reward for getting kills, with other defensive perks like Unrelenting or Turnabout, Guardians can become extremely difficult to kill.
- Solar 3.0 Builds – Solar is all about healing and empowering, and Explosive Personality does both quite well. In addition to the defensive perks mentioned above, it also sports one of the most powerful empowering perks in the game in Golden Tricorn. Getting a Solar grenade or melee kill while the perk is active will boost the weapon’s damage by a ridiculous 50%. With many Solar builds also having easy access to the Radiant effect, Explosive Personality can quickly become an absolute powerhouse.
Weapon Stats:
- Blast Radius - 100
- Velocity - 72
- Stability – 23
- Handling – 73
- Reload Speed – 68
- Aim Assistance – 67
- Airborne Effectiveness – 1
- Rounds Per Minute - 72
How to Get:
If you didn’t get one before Lightfall, you’ll have to check Banshee-44 and Xur’s rotating weapon stock.
5. Harsh Language (Great for PvE and PvP)
The new best Void Grenade Launcher, Harsh Language.
Yet another Wave Frame on our list, Harsh Language was added in Season of Defiance. As a world drop, there’s no direct farm method for this weapon, but it’s one you should always be on the lookout for.
With a small perk pool packed full of excellent options, Harsh Language is a top-tier weapon for endgame PvE. Mixing the ease-of-use Wave Frames are known for with top-notch offensive and defensive perks, this weapon is on the top of countless wish lists.
What Harsh Language Excels In:
- Add-Clear – Like all Wave Frames, Harsh Language is excellent at clearing adds. Unlike other Wave Frames, it can roll with Envious Assassin, allowing it to have up to 3 shots loaded at one time, giving it some serious burst potential capable of wiping out an entire room.
- Blinting – Like Explosive Personality, Harsh Language is a top candidate for the Blint playstyle. If you’re lucky enough to find one with Disruption Break and Shot Swap, you’ll be able to pull off some of the fastest kills possible in the Crucible.
- Void 3.0 Builds – If you like to feel immortal, combining Repulsor Brace with common Void debuffs like Weaken or Volatile will allow you nearly infinite Void Overshields. If you prefer massive explosions, go with Destabilizing Rounds for maximum mayhem potential.
Weapon Stats:
- Blast Radius - 100
- Velocity - 73
- Stability – 20
- Handling – 66
- Reload Speed – 65
- Aim Assistance – 71
- Airborne Effectiveness – 3
- Rounds Per Minute - 72
How to Get:
World drop.
4. Cataphract GL-3 (Great for PvE & PvP)
The Strand Heavy Grenade Launcher from Trials of Osiris, Cataphract GL-3, sporting its Adept look.
The Cataphract GL-3 is the latest in the controversial line of “Bungie putting top-end PvE weapons in Trials.”
There are rarely so many top-tier perks packed into one weapon. Envious Assassin, Field Prep, Auto-Loading Holster, Demolitionist, Explosive Light, Chain Reaction, Bait and Switch, and more are all here. A lineup like that practically guarantees Cataphract will remain a top contender for years to come.
What Cataphract Excels In:
- Burst Damage – With a roll like Spike Grenades, Envious Assassin and Bait and Switch, Cataphract has some of the highest burst damage potential in the entire game. You will, however, run out of ammo very quickly, so this will work best when paired with another strong DPS weapon elsewhere in your loadout.
- Crucible Multikills – Like with Wendigo, Proximity Grenades and Impulse Amplifier make for quick, easy kills when you manage to snag Heavy Ammo. Unlike Wendigo, the Cataphract is able to boast the Hatchling perk which will spawn Threadlings after a multikill allowing you to surprise opponents for further chaos.
- Strand Builds – As the newest damage type in Destiny 2, there aren’t a ton of good Strand power weapons. Cataphract offers excellent synergy for Strand players with Hatchling as well being able to take advantage of Strand Surge effects.
Weapon Stats:
- Blast Radius - 50
- Velocity - 40
- Stability – 44
- Handling – 47
- Reload Speed – 47
- Aim Assistance – 63
- Airborne Effectiveness – 12
- Rounds Per Minute - 120
How to Get:
Trials of Osiris.
3. Salvager’s Salvo (Great for PvE)
Arguably the best Ritual Weapon of the post-sunsetting era, Salvager's Salvo.
Released in Season 13, Salvager’s Salvo reigned supreme as the best Arc Grenade Launcher for a long time. Even though it has been usurped, this thing is still a total powerhouse.
Not subject to random rolls, Salvager’s Salvo is an incredibly consistent and reliable Special Weapon. It has four excellent perks to choose from: Ambitious Assassin and Demolitionist in the third column and Vorpal Weapon and Chain Reaction in the fourth. The perks are interchangeable, allowing Guardians to tailor the weapon to the type of activity they are doing.
What Salvager’s Salvo Excels In:
- Add-Clear – With Chain Reaction, Salvager’s Salvo can mow down hordes of enemies in no time. Ambitious Assassin will then proc on reload, allowing for two Chain Reaction shots in the next mag.
- Boss Damage – Salvager’s Salvo makes for an excellent complementary weapon for secondary DPS in your loadout. For example, if you’re using Anarchy, you can pair it with Salvo and some Arc Surge mods for very strong and sustained damage output.
- Grenade Spam Builds – Lots of weapons have Demolitionist for recharging your grenade energy. Not very many weapons with Demolitionist hit quite as hard and kill quite as quickly as Salvager’s Salvo, making the returns on Demolitionist much higher than with most weapons.
Weapon Stats:
- Blast Radius - 100
- Velocity - 70
- Stability – 26
- Handling –70
- Reload Speed – 70
- Aim Assistance – 70
- Airborne Effectiveness – 2
- Rounds Per Minute - 90
Where to Get:
Salvager’s Salvo is purchasable from the Exotic Archive in the Tower.
2. Forbearance (Great for PvE)
The weapon that shaped a meta, Forbearance.
Remember when I said another weapon had usurped Salvager’s Salvo as the strongest Arc Grenade Launcher in Destiny 2? Well, here we are. Introduced with the Vow of the Disciple raid, Forbearance quickly cemented itself as not only one of the best Grenade Launchers in the game, but as one of the best weapons in the game, period.
While all Wave Frame Grenade Launchers are very good, Forbearance is a cut above. All you really need is one shot from a Forbearance with Chain Reaction and you will clear out entire rooms of enemies, even in raids. Due to its incredible ease of use, effectiveness, and the fact that the weapon is craftable, this thing is completely futureproof. No matter what comes out moving forward, Forbearance will absolutely always be a top-tier choice for slaying out. There’s just nothing bad about it.
What Forbearance Excels In:
- Add-Clear – In terms of add-clear, Forbearance is a classic case of “anything you can do, I can do better.” Lots of the launchers on this list excel in add-clear, but not like Forbearance. It truly is a the best in the business. Literally just one shot on the ground near some enemies will wipe out everything.
- Survivability – Have you ever heard the phrase “The best defense is a good offense?” Forbearance is that phrase embodied as a Grenade Launcher. First of all, your enemies will have a hard time killing you after they’re already dead. On top of that, Forbearance also has the terrific Origin Trait from Vow of the Disciple, Soul Drinker, which heals its user based on the number of hits before reloading. This has excellent synergy with Chain Reaction, since you’ll be getting no shortage of hits on every shot.
- Ammo and Mod Efficiency – When one shot can take out an entire room, you’ll find it is very easy to make it through entire activities with very few ammo drops. This means you really don’t need to dedicate valuable armor mod slots to finders for this weapon, allowing you to focus on other areas of your build more easily.
Weapon Stats:
- Blast Radius - 100
- Velocity - 74
- Stability – 27
- Handling – 70
- Reload Speed – 71
- Aim Assistance – 79
- Airborne Effectiveness – 4
- Rounds Per Minute - 72
Where to Get:
Vow of the Disciple raid.
1. Witherhoard (Great for PvE and PvP)
The pinnacle of all Grenade Launchers and one of the most used weapons in all of Destiny 2, Witherhoard.
Here we are at last – the best Grenade Launcher in Destiny 2. Introduced in Season of Arrivals, Witherhoard quickly established itself as the gold standard for not only Grenade Launchers, but Exotic Weapons in general.
Like Anarchy before it, Witherhoard is one of the very few weapons capable of true damage over time. It is an absolute monster for boss damage, add-clear, Crucible, and pretty much anything else you can come up with.
What Witherhoard Excels In:
- Boss Damage – Witherhoard is a true staple when it comes to DPS strategies. Almost every serious fireteam will expect a Witherhoard on its roster. The Witherhoard player can simply put a shot on the boss and then switch off to a Legendary Heavy Weapon like a Rocket Launcher, Linear Fusion Rifle, or even another Grenade Launcher to continue damaging.
- Spawn Trapping Enemies – Almost no weapon in the game can spawn trap enemies as effectively as Witherhoard. One shot at their spawn point will leave a pool on their ground that lasts for quite a while. Enemies will spawn and die before they can even attempt to become a problem for your team.
- Area Control – Witherhoard is a very versatile weapon in the Crucible as well. One popular use is to take away certain paths from your opponent, leaving them trapped and easy to pick off.
Weapon Stats:
- Blast Radius - 60
- Velocity - 12
- Stability – 63
- Handling – 48
- Reload Speed – 33
- Aim Assistance – 84
- Airborne Effectiveness – 6
- Rounds Per Minute - 90
Where to Get:
Witherhoard can be purchased at the Exotic Archive in the Tower.
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