The lone wolf stereotype is still alive and kicking. There are those among us that take a different path accepting challenges and willing to invest hours of frustration for the satisfaction of attaining that one piece of item that stands out all alone. Destiny has loads of quests for the Chosen of the Traveler as the main storyline progresses. Once done with the main storyline, the quest for exotics and other loot begins; though a great number requires teamwork, some can be taken on alone. Here is a list of 10 of the best solo quests for exotics you can find. These vary in either power, difficulty, and even nostalgia for older gear. What is important is that they are fun.
10. Ace of Spades
Great for PvP and PvE
Known as Cayde-6's weapon of choice, this hand cannon is a beast. It causes significant damage to those who encounter it. A gun that clears enemies off the maps and wreaks havoc on the PVP battlefield. SPOILER ALERT! A sad quest to embark on since it the character's conclusion; still a welcome addition to any weapons locker.
Weapon Stats:
- Impact of 84
- Range 78
- Stability 46
- Handling 46
- Reload Speed 48
- Rounds Per Minute 140
- Magazine 13
- Aim Assistance 70
- Inventory Size 56
- Zoom14
- Recoil 100
- Bounce Intensity 0
Exotic: Memento Mori
Barrel: Corkscrew Rifling
Magazine: High-Caliber Rounds
Grip: Smooth Grip
Trait: Firefly
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watchv=j0PLSaHOdU4&ab_channel=NeedlessSpace
Great for PvP and PvE
Since Destiny's first rendition, this infamous weapon made a mark not only for its look but its lore or darkness wielding guardian who focused its power in his signature hand cannon. The poison effect that slowly kills is the hallmark of the dreaded force that is Thorn. Comes in handy in both PVE and PVP settings.
Weapon Stats:
- Impact of 80
- Range 41
- Stability 60
- Handling 68
- Reload Speed 46
- Rounds Per Minute 150
- Magazine 11
- Aim Assistance 85
- Inventory Size 60
- Zoom14
- Recoil 100
- Bounce Intensity 0
Exotic: Mark of the Devourer
Barrel: Corkscrew Rifling
Magazine: Accurized Rounds
Grip: Textured Grip
Trait: Soul Devourer
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watchv=8PKwNC9KElo&ab_channel=KackisHD
8. The Last Word
Great for PvE
Every evil has a story with its counterbalance, a force that does its best to balance the equation. Even though the last Word and Thorn's lore is mostly described in-game lore grimoire, these two are Yin and Yang and a tragic tale worth following. This weapon is more of a hip fired, and gunslinger inspired motif the Last Word is a force unto itself. It was becoming a fast-shotting weapon of destruction, exceedingly feared in PVE.
Weapon Stats:
- Impact 78
- Range 28
- Stability 46
- Handling 28
- Reload Speed 82
- Rounds Per Minute 225
- Magazine 8
- Aim Assistance 40
- Inventory Size 40
- Zoom 11
- Recoil 100
- Bounce Intensity 0
Exotic: Fan Fire.
Barrel: Corkscrew Rifling.
Magazine: Accurized Rounds.
Grip: Hip-Fire Grip, Textured Grip.
Youtube: Destiny 2: How to Get The LAST WORD Exotic Hand Cannon!
Great for PvP
A hot, hot, hot concept weapon, SunShot is not only a fast-solar-inspired shooter that blows upon an accurate headshot. It is also very cool looking combine that with a rapid reload speed, and you have a powerhouse that eliminates enemies with a bang. It is a fun addition to your arsenal and accessible to acquire.
Weapon Stats:
- Impact 80
- Range 38
- Stability 46
- Handling 83
- Reload Speed 75
- Rounds Per Minute 150
- Magazine 12
- Aim Assistance 60
- Inventory Size 53
- Zoom 14
- Recoil 98
- Bounce Intensity 2
Exotic: Sunburn.
Barrel: Chambered Compensator
Magazine: Accurized Rounds
Grip: Textured Grip
Trait Sun Blast
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zdJdlWbbUg&ab_channel=Gamingwatcher
6.Whisper of Worm
Great for PvE
The first snipper riffle on this list not only because it's one of the coolest and best rifles in the game, but because acquiring it, although sightly challenging, is a lot of fun. This dark inspired edition is a monster damage dealer, with a decent reload speed that is a pleasure to shoot. The only downside it's not very good at PvP. Take it on Raids, Stikes, and adventuring in general.
Weapon Stats:
- Impact 100
- Range 78
- Stability 24
- Handling 35
- Reload Speed 42
- Rounds Per Minute 72
- Magazine 3
- Aim Assistance 39
- Inventory Size 50
- Zoom 40
- Recoil 74
- Bounce Intensity 26
Exotic: White Nail
Barrel: Polygonal Rifling
Magazine: Accurized Rounds
Stock: Fitted Stock
Trait: Mulligan
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqxPOX9gF6Y&ab_channel=PauseResetPlay
5. Xenophage
Great For PVE
The machinegun Xenophage is one of the most recognizable and loved heavies in the game. This lead spewing artistry of death is found in Heresy's pit and is admittedly one of the more challenging solo activities you can encounter. Still, the truth is it is incredibly keen cool to have. A monster to take on in Raids and Nightmares. It makes challenging quests much easier dealing with the maximum impact for its acquired level.
Weapon Stats:
- Impact 100
- Range 71
- Stability 39
- Handling 37
- Reload Speed 38
- Rounds Per Minute 120
- Magazine 20
- Aim Assistance 33
- Inventory Size 3
- Zoom 82
- Recoil 85
- Bounce Intensity 15
Exotic: Pyrotoxin Rounds
Barrel: Full Bore
Magazine: High Caliber Rounds
Stock: Composite Stock
Trait: Range finder.
Youtube: Xenophage Easy Solo Dungeon Skip Encounters Guide
4.Bad Juju
Great For PvE
Not only easy to acquire and nostalgic to have in the inventory. Bad Juju is a classic that might not be the most powerful weapon on this list. It is still a must-have for any collection. This scout rifle is accurate and well worth the effort to solo—one of the easier challenges on this list.
Weapon Stats:
- Impact 27
- Range 42
- Stability 66
- Handling 47
- Reload Speed 52
- Rounds Per Minute 450
- Magazine 27
- Aim Assistance 60
- Inventory Size 15
- Zoom 17
- Recoil 85
- Bounce Intensity 15
Exotic: String of Curses
Barrel: Hammer Forged Rifling
Magazine: Steady Rounds
Stock: Short Action Stock
Trait: Hip-Fire Grip.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxmQ0dwnLZM&ab_channel=KackisHD
3. Lord of Wolves
Great for PvP
This shotgun is a beast that would best describe this weapon, and one could quickly end the description there. Acquiring this powerhouse shooter is more straightforward—a bounty provided by Spider that can efficiently be completed and done. Then click-clack and blast the dark away.
Weapon Stats:
Impact 68
- Range 28
- Stability 45
- Handling 46
- Reload Speed 82
- Rounds Per Minute 640
- Magazine 5
- Aim Assistance 80
- Inventory Size 100
- Zoom 12
- Recoil 80
- Bounce Intensity 20
Exotic: Shrapnel Launcher
Barrel: Chambered Compensator
Magazine: Extended Mag
Stock: Composite Stock
Trait: Release the Wolves
Youtube: How to get the lord of wolves shotgun Destiny 2[Text Wrapping Break]HYPERLINK "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sL5q_B8A3J8&ab_channel=ItsFrosty."
2. Izanagi’s Burden
Great for PvE
Though a multi-step fetch quest sounds like a burden to do, it is easy to do a fetch quest that requires finding a chest, followed by a pursuit that is not difficult. The sniper rifle that packs a punch and is also great for Raids and strikes is worth taking the time to acquire.
Weapon Stats:
- Impact 70
- Range 53
- Stability 47
- Handling 52
- Reload Speed 46
- Rounds Per Minute 90
- Magazine 4
- Aim Assistance 62
- Inventory Size 60
- Zoom 45
- Recoil 73
- Bounce Intensity 27
Exotic: Honed Edge
Barrel: Chambered Compensator
Magazine: Accurized Rounds
Stock: Composite Stock
Trait: No Distractions
Youtube: HOW TO GET IZANAGI'S BURDEN SOLO[Text Wrapping Break]HYPERLINK "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AriZBklohwY&ab_channel=CalmZinCombo"
1.Devils Ruin
Great for PvP
The fastest and arguably the most accessible exotic solo on this list, Devils Ruin, is an energy weapon recently explicitly added to take on the barrier or unstoppable champions. Good to have in the current seasons since running into these adversaries could be tricky. Fortunately, energy weapons like this make things easier.
Weapon Stats:
- Impact 49
- Range 46
- Stability 68
- Handling 54
- Reload Speed 42
- Charge Time 1000
- Rounds Per Minute 300
- Magazine 15
- Aim Assistance 56
- Inventory Size 64
- Zoom 12
- Recoil 100
- Bounce Intensity 0
Weapon Perks
Close the Gap – Strong against Unstoppable Champions-
Barrel: Extended Barrel
Battery: Projection Fuse
Trait: Pyrogenesis
Trait: Combat grip
Weapon use and review: Destiny 2: How to Get (& Thoughts on) Devil's Ruin - Exotic Sidearm