Season of the Chosen is here, so let’s take a look at some of the best energy weapons you can use. Some of these are old favorites; tried and true. Others are new to the scene, bringing some new metas and metas to be. Here are our top 15 energy weapons and how to get them.
Our Top 15 Energy Weapons
- Gnawing Hunger (Void)
- Falling Guillotine (Void)
- Bonechiller (Void)
- Last Perdition (Void)
- Age-Old Bond (Void)
- IKELOS_SR_v1.0.2 (Solar)
- Sunshot (Solar)
- Arctic Haze (Solar)
- Trustee (Solar)
- Duality (Solar)
- First In, Last Out (Arc)
- Nature of the Beast (Arc)
- Posterity (Arc)
- Jack Queen King 3 (Arc)
- Shadow Price (Arc)
1. Gnawing Hunger (PvE, PvP, Gambit)
Don't let pride keep you from a good meal.
This adaptive frame Void auto rifle handles nicely and has decent range and stability. Even if you don’t get the perks you want, Gnawing Hunger will carve through enemies like a sharp knife through a slow-roasted turkey.
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 21
Range: 53
Stability: 49
Handling: 77
Reload Speed: 61
Rounds/Min: 600
Magazine: 48
Adaptive Frame: A well-rounded grip, reliable and sturdy.
Overflow: Picking up Special or Heavy ammo reloads this weapon to beyond normal capacity.
Rampage: Kills with this weapon temporarily grant increased damage. Stacks 3x.
What makes Gnawing Hunger good?:
- Good handling
- Decent range
- Good stability
- Good for DPS
Weapon Details:
How to get Gnawing Hunger:
You can acquire this gun from legendary engram world drops.
Gnawing Hunger in Action:
2. Falling Guillotine (PvE)
What won't be given must be taken.
Hey, do you like swords? Yes, you do. Look at this sword. It’s great for PvE and will make all your friends jealous if you have any that is. . It chops up bosses like they’re soft-baked veggies and is amazing at DPS thanks to it’s spinning attack. It’s a very nice sword, so get it if you want to be a cool kid.
Weapon Stats:
Swing Speed: 46
Impact: 58
Guard Resistance: 76
Ammo Capacity: 67
Vortex Frame: Launch a heavy spin attack. Heavy attacks are stronger with full energy. Attacks partially bypass elemental shields.
Heavy Guard: Sword Guard has high overall defenses, but lowers charge rate.
Energy Transfer: Guarding while receiving damage generates class ability energy.
Whirlwind Blade: Rapid sword strikes increase this weapon's damage for a short duration. Guarding also ends the effect.
What makes Falling Guillotine good?:
- Very good for DPS
- Decent defense
- Good ammo capacity
- Become a Beyblade with a heavy spin attack
Weapon details:
How to get Falling Guillotine:
Falling Guillotine in Action:
3. Bonechiller (PvE)
"It seeps under your skin; settles in your bones. Even outside of its presence, you can feel its chill." —The Exo Stranger
It has a cool name and looks a bit like a super soaker but it’s pretty “chill”. Haha, comedy. Jokes aside, it has decent base stats and if you don’t like the perksyou have, you can farm for another one pretty easily. Once you get that roll, Bonechiller is consistent and does some work.
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 70
Range: 74
Stability: 38
Handling: 38
Reload Speed: 31
Rounds/Min: 65
Magazine: 6
Precision Frame: Fires a single-slug round. This weapon's recoil pattern is more predictably vertical.
Surplus: Increases handling, reload speed, and stability for each fully charged ability.
Opening Shot: Improved accuracy and range on the opening shot of attack.
What makes Bonechiller good?:
Good perk pool
Easy to farm until you get the roll you want.
Weapon Details:
How to get Bonechiller:
Bonechiller in Action:
4. Last Perdition (PvE, PvP)
Can't outrun the ending.
A personal favorite of mine, Last Perdition is a well-rounded Void pulse rifle that offers great performance if you’re willing to masterwork it.. Last Perdition is very consistent and stable yet I don’t often see people use it. This is a reliable gun that is a hidden gem among other pulse rifles. Most of its perks are random, but it plays great regardless, if by chance you roll some good perks you too will be wondering why players sleep on this pulse rifle.
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 29
Range: 58
Stability: 63
Handling: 55
Reload Speed: 48
Rounds/Min: 390
Magazine: 38
Adaptive Frame: A well-rounded grip, reliable and sturdy.
Rangefinder: Aiming this weapon increases its effective range and zoom magnification. Increased projectile velocity while aiming Rocket Launchers and Grenade Launchers.
Rampage: Kills with this weapon temporarily grant increased damage. Stacks 3x.
What makes Last Perdition good?:
- Good range
- Good stability
- Good handling
Weapon Details:
How to get Last Perdition:
Last Perdition in Action:
5. Age-Old Bond (PvE, PvP)
Symbiosis. Not predation. Never predation, o wary one mine.
Check out this auto rifle, o reader mine. Age-Old Bond is an adaptive frame archetype gun from the Last Wish Raid. In the curated perk roll, you get a perk that returns two rounds to your magazine on precision hits. And with its crazy high range stat you can nail quite a few headshots.
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 33
Range: 100
Stability: 26
Handling: 35
Reload Speed: 50
Rounds/Min: 360
Magazine: 32
High-Impact Frame: Slow-firing and high-damage. This weapon is more accurate when stationary and aiming down sights.
Fourth Time's the Charm: Rapidly landing precision hits will return two rounds to the magazine.
Rampage: Kills with this weapon temporarily grant increased damage. Stacks 3x.
What makes Age-Old Bond good?:
- Good curated roll
- Great range
- Good for PvE and decent for PvP
Weapon Details:
How to get Age-Old Bond:
You can acquire this gun as a drop from the Last Wish Raid
Age-Old Bond in Action:
6. IKELOS_SR_v1.0.2 (PvE)
Subroutine IKELOS: Status=reinitiated. APOTHEOSIS: Status=active…
Created by the Warmind Rasputin, this rapid-fire frame sniper is said to be one of the best DPS snipers currently. With the right perks, it can tear through most majors with relative ease. It also has a chance of spawning Warmind cells, which create mini-explosions for some area of effect damage; fantastic for PvE.
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 55
Range: 51
Stability: 36
Handling: 66
Reload Speed: 61
Rounds/Min: 140
Magazine: 5
Rapid-Fire Frame: Deeper ammo reserves. Slightly faster reload when magazine is empty.
Triple Tap: Rapidly landing precision hits will return 1 round to the magazine.
Box Breathing: Aiming this weapon for a short period without firing grants bonus range and precision damage that resets after firing or exiting zoom.
What makes IKELOS_SR_v1.0.2 good?:
- Strong DPS
- Decent handling
- Good perk pool
Weapon Details:
How to get IKELOS_SR_v1.0.2:
IKELOS_SR_v1.0.2 in Action:
7. Sunshot (PvE)
"Can't outrun the sunrise." —Liu Feng
Get the sunscreen kids. This Exotic Solar hand cannon packs a punch with an explosive surprise. Sunshot’s rounds explode and highlight targets that are hit in the case they don’t die right away. Its exotic trait Sun Blast adds insult to injury by making enemies explode when they are killed. This is a consistent gun that can chain kills in PvE.
Exotic Weapon Stats:
Impact: 80
Range: 47
Stability: 51
Handling: 92
Reload Speed: 75
Rounds/Min: 150
Magazine: 12
Sunburn: This weapon fires explosive rounds and highlights targets that take damage from Sunshot.
Sun Blast: Targets killed with Sunshot explode in Solar energy.
What makes Sunshot good?:
- Great handling
- Good reload speed
- Good stability
- Good for clearing groups with a few shots
Weapon Details:
How to get Sunshot:
You can acquire this gun as a random exotic engram world drop or purchase it from Xur if he has it in stock for 29 Legendary Shards.
Sunshot in Action:
8. Arctic Haze (PvE, PvP)
"A haze permeates the air here, occluding clear sight. Be very sure of your aim." —The Exo Stranger
Arctic Haze is one of the new weapons from Beyond Light and is already a favorite for some players. It has a good selection of perks, but if you don’t like what you got, you can easily farm it.
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 18
Range: 42
Handling: 48
Reload Speed: 53
Rounds/Min: 720
Magazine: 51
Rapid-Fire Frame: Deeper ammo reserves. Slightly faster reload when magazine is empty.
Genesis: Breaking a combatant's shield with this weapon fills its magazine from reserves. Energy weapons regenerate ammo on hit when matching the damage type to the combatant's shield.
Elemental Capacitor: Increased stats based on the currently equipped subclass. • [Solar] increases reload speed • [Arc] increases handling • [Void] increases stability
What makes Arctic Haze good?:
- Easy to farm
- Good perks
Weapon Details:
How to get Arctic Haze:
Arctic Haze in Action:
9. Trustee (PvE, PvP)
A single word is etched inside the barrel: "Alton-1."
Trustee is a scout rifle from the Deep Stone Crypt Raid. It lives up to its Raid weapon status by being one of the best PvE scout rifles right now. Not only that, but it also is a respectable gun in PvP. If you can roll the Reconstruction perk, you can get up to 35 bullets in your magazine!
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 45
Range: 42
Stability: 58
Handling: 38
Reload Speed: 65
Rounds/Min: 260
Magazine: 17
Rapid-Fire Frame: Fires full auto with deeper ammo reserves. Faster reload when weapon is empty.
Drop Mag: Magazine drops on reload, wasting ammunition but greatly increasing reload speed.
Under Pressure: Improved stability and accuracy as the magazine gets lower.
Redirection: Damaging rank-and-file combatants increases damage against more powerful ones.
What makes Trustee good?:
- Good perk rolls
- Good for both PvE and PvP
- Best feeling scout rifle right now
Weapon Details:
How to get Trustee:
You can acquire this weapon as a drop from the Deep Stone Crypt raid.
Trustee in Action:
10. Duality (PvE)
"The question becomes whether or not to fire, not where to aim." —Osiris
One of the new exotics introduced in Beyond Light, Duality has the unique ability to fire a wide burst of pellets when shooting from the hip and a single slug shot when aiming down the sights. It also boasts some pretty decent stats, as well as offering a unique gameplay experience.
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 80
Range: 78
Stability: 55
Handling: 82
Reload Speed: 11
Rounds/Min: 65
Magazine: 6
Compression Chamber: Fires a pellet spread in hip-fire or a single high-damage slug while aiming.
On Black Wings: Pellet final blows grant a stacking precision damage and reload speed buff. Precision hits with slugs extend the duration.
What makes Duality good?:
- Good range
- Good Impact
- High handling
- Interesting exotic perk
- Good catalyst
Weapon Details:
How to get Duality:
This is currently available to players who own the season pass.
Duality in Action:
11. First In, Last Out (PvE)
"I don't know how it works. You just keep taking damage and keep firing."
This slug shotgun can handle itself very well in both PvE and PvP. That is if you can aim properly (not me). It punches through powerful enemies with relative ease. In PvP, you should opt for range-focused perks to make the most of this gun.
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 70
Range: 71
Stability: 60
Handling: 51
Reload Speed: 51
Rounds/Min: 70
Magazine: 6
Precision Frame: Fires a single-slug round. This weapon's recoil pattern is more predictably vertical.
Pulse Monitor: Automatically reloads the magazine and improves weapon handling when critically wounded—even when this weapon is stowed.
Vorpal Weapon: Increased damage against bosses, vehicles, and Guardians with their Super active.
What makes First In, Last Out good?:
- Good range
- Decent stability
Weapon Details:
How to get First In, Last Out:
First In, Last Out in Action:
12. Nature of The Beast (PvP)
Don't let them change you.
While it is in the less popular 180 RPM archetype of hand cannons, this weapon performs surprisingly well in PvP. The shooting is fairly snappy and is precise for this kind of hand cannon. If you get the chance, give it a try, it might be the right one for you.
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 78
Range: 46
Stability: 60
Handling: 37
Reload Speed: 33
Rounds/Min: 180
Magazine: 12
Precision Frame: Recoil pattern on this weapon is more predictably vertical. Fires quickly with high accuracy.
Subsistence: Kills partially reload the magazine from reserves, but reserve capacity is reduced.
Dragonfly: Precision kills create an elemental damage explosion.
What makes Nature of the Beast good?:
- Good stats
- Reliable
- Best in its archetype
Weapon Details:
How to get Nature of the Beast:
Nature of the Beast in Action:
13. Posterity (Late/Mid)
A single word is etched inside the barrel: "Anastasia-1."
This unique-looking hand cannon belongs to the less popular 180 RPM archetype, but don’t let that scare you away, It’s got it where it counts. This raid hand cannon has some good rolls that pay for your trouble for going through the Deep Stone Crypt.
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 78
Range: 45
Stability: 73
Handling: 42
Reload Speed: 44
Rounds/Min: 180
Magazine: 13
Precision Frame: Recoil pattern on this weapon is more predictably vertical. Fires quickly with high accuracy.
Genesis: Breaking a combatant's shield with this weapon fills its magazine from reserves. Energy weapons regenerate ammo on hit when matching the damage type to the combatant's shield.
One for All: Hitting three separate targets increases damage for a moderate duration.
What makes Posterity good?:
- Good perk rolls
- Decent stability
- Good in PvE
Weapon Details:
How to get Posterity:
Posterity in Action:
14. Seventh Seraph Saw (PvE)
Chained away long ago; its jaws too eager in times of peace.
Bungie reintroduced season 10-11 weapons in the Beyond Light expansion, one of them being the Seventh Seraph Saw. It’s a slower firing machine gun but does well in PvE. In PvP, the slow firing rate can help hit enemies at a distance.
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 70
Range: 70
Stability: 30
Handling: 44
Reload Speed: 38
Rounds/Min: 360
Magazine: 43
High Impact Frame: Slow-firing and high-damage. This weapon is more accurate when stationary and aiming down sights.
Grave Robber: Melee kills reload a portion of this weapon's magazine. Grants ammo for Primary ammo weapons; reloads from reserves for Special and Heavy ammo weapons.
Vorpal Weapon: Increased damage against bosses, vehicles, and Guardians with their Super active.
What makes Seventh Seraph SAW good?:
- Decent impact
- Decent range
- Can roll with Firing Line, which increases precision damage when near teammates
Weapon Details:
How to get Seventh Seraph SAW:
Seventh Seraph SAW in Action:
15. Shadow Price (PvE)
A precision Auto Rifle left behind by Toland, the Shattered. It asks so little, and it offers so much.
The Shadow Price is making its return from Destiny 1. It’s a 450 RPM archetype that does well in PvE and can handle itself in PvP. While Shadow Price is not for everyone, I recommend trying to get it if you have the time. (Side note: there is an adept version of the gun coming out soon!)
Weapon Stats:
Impact: 29
Range: 76
Stability: 51
Handling: 58
Reload Speed: 52
Rounds/Min: 450
Magazine: 33
Precision Frame: Recoil pattern on this weapon is more predictably vertical. Fires quickly with high accuracy.
Bottomless Grief: While you are the last living member of your fireteam, each takedown refills your magazine.
One for All: Hitting three separate targets increases damage for a moderate duration.
What makes Shadow Price good?:
- Decent range
- Good perk pool
Weapon Details:
How to get Shadow Price:
Shadow Price in Action:
Liked our list? Let us know what you think in the comments below!
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