Submachine guns, a relatively new weapon category introduced in Destiny 2, are renowned for their dynamic and aggressive gameplay. With the sandbox changes in the Season of the Wish, SMGs have become highly effective in PvP. These weapons, from easily obtainable world drops to exclusive raid rewards, are excellent choices for everything from PvE dungeons to the Trials of Osiris.
The game offers an extensive range of SMGs, catering to various playstyles. SMGs in Destiny 2 usually have a short range and sometimes a small magazine. Players should look for SMGs with perks that increase range or give bonuses like better stability or quicker ability regen.
What are the best Submachine Guns in Destiny 2?
Here are some of the best submachine guns that can be obtained in Destiny 2, along with their god rolls and where you can find them.
10. No Survivors (Best for PVE)
No Survivors is a new Solar SMG from the Ghosts of the Deep Dungeon that competes directly with the popular CALUS Mini-Tool, which is difficult to obtain nowadays. Right now, No Survivors is the best energy slot SMG available. Thanks to its extensive perk pool, it fits into a solid archetype, has good stats, and excels in PvE.
No Survivors provides a variety of excellent perks suitable for both PvE and PvP activities, making it an adaptable option for all players. It excels in PvE due to its synergy with Solar subclasses, but it can also be a powerful weapon in the Crucible for those who prefer PvP gameplay.
No Survivors Stats
- Impact: 22
- Range: 44
- Stability: 17
- Handling: 57
- Reload Speed: 26
- Reload Time: 2.35 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 38
- Inventory Size: 32
- Zoom: 14
- Airborne Effectiveness: 29
- Recoil: 94
- Rounds Per Minute: 720
- Magazine: 27
PvE God roll:
- Barrel: Corkscrew Rifling
- Magazine: High-Caliber Rounds
- Perk 1: Demolitionist
- Perk 2: Incandescent
How to get No Survivors
No Survivors can be dropped from any encounter in the Ghosts of the Deep dungeon however farming the first boss Ecthar is the fastest way to go about farming for the No Survivors.
9. Multimach CCX (Best for PVP)
The Multimach CCX is currently unavailable but is expected to return in the next season as part of the Iron Banner rewards. In the past, this weapon was considered essential for any PvP player, as it could dominate Crucible matches effortlessly.
Range plays a significant role in Destiny 2, as the ability to effectively engage opponents from a distance with minimal damage fall-off can determine the outcome of a fight. Although the weapon saw a reduction in its zoom, it remained highly effective, earning a top spot among SMGs.
Multimach CCX Stats
- Impact: 15
- Range: 29
- Stability: 38
- Handling: 70
- Reload Speed: 26
- Reload Time: 2.35 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 55
- Inventory Size: 64
- Zoom: 13
- Airborne Effectiveness: 12
- Recoil: 100
- Rounds Per Minute: 900
- Magazine: 36
PvP God roll:
- Barrel: Model 8 Red
- Magazine: Accurized Rounds
- Perk 1: Dynamic Sway Reduction
- Perk 2: Iron Reach
How to get Multimach CCX
This weapon drops randomly on completion of Iron Banner matches but is unavailable in the weapon pool this season. The Iron Banner weapons reappear in the collection, and we hope this amazing submachine gun reappears.
8. Riskrunner (Best for PVE)
Riskrunner is an Exotic weapon that has been a part of Destiny 2 since its debut in 2017. It's a favorite among 99% of players due to its exceptional performance in both PvP and PvE. In Destiny 2, players often take damage, and Riskrunner truly shines when that damage is of the Arc type.
For those who may not have used Riskrunner recently, this SMG fires lightning rounds that chain to nearby targets when its Arc Conductor ability is active. This unique feature makes it an excellent choice when facing Arc damage enemies, turning you into a powerful force in any PvE activity.
Exotic Perk:
"When taking Arc Damage, this weapon becomes more powerful and resists incoming Arc Damage. Shots fired can become chain lightning and return ammo. Kills extend the duration of the effect."
Riskrunner Stats
- Impact: 20
- Range: 50
- Stability: 55
- Handling: 46
- Reload Speed: 35
- Reload Time: 2.2 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 50
- Inventory Size: 50
- Zoom: 13
- Airborne Effectiveness: 31
- Recoil: 94
- Rounds Per Minute: 900
- Magazine: 37
How to get Riskrunner
You can find Riskrunner submachine gun from rare world findings or exotic engrams. you can also purchase the Riskrunner from Xûr. Every Friday, Xûr shows up and sells various weapons.
7. Submission (Best for PVE)
The Vow of Disciple raid introduced some fantastic weapons in Destiny 2, including the Submission submachine gun. Besides its impressive appearance, this weapon provides excellent perks to boost damage and maximize your range stat.
It's considered one of the top SMGs for PvE because it can have the Subsistence perk. When paired with a Demolitionist, you won't need to worry about reloading the weapon or regenerating your abilities, making it a powerful choice. It is also a craftable weapon to craft your favorite roll without worrying about the RNG.
Submission Stats
- Impact: 15
- Range: 29
- Stability: 45
- Handling: 70
- Reload Speed: 29
- Reload Time: 2.3 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 58
- Inventory Size: 65
- Zoom: 15
- Airborne Effectiveness: 27
- Recoil: 100
- Rounds Per Minute: 900
- Magazine: 37
PvE God roll:
- Barrel: Hammer-Forged Rifling
- Magazine: Accurized Rounds
- Perk 1: Subsistence
- Perk 2: Demolitionist
How to get Submission
You can get this weapon from the Vow of the Disciple (VoD) raid, specifically the raid's final encounter. Once the weapon drops, it can appear in secret chests hidden throughout the activity. You can easily farm the red borders of this weapon once this raid is the featured raid of the week.
6. Shayura’s Wrath (Adept) (Best for PVP)
Shayura's Wrath is an excellent choice for Guardians looking to upgrade their Void builds or improve their Crucible performance. This weapon has impressive stats and some of the best Void-specific perks in Destiny 2, so pursuing it is wise. Despite overshadowing other weapon types in the current meta, Shayura's Wrath is still an excellent choice in PvP, especially when equipped with the appropriate perks.
To optimize Shayura's Wrath, aim for the Kzill Clip perk, which boosts the weapon's damage after each kill. Since the weapon's base range is relatively low, looking for range-enhancing perks is crucial. Hammer-Forged Rifling and Accurized Rounds are ideal to extend the weapon's range, making it more effective in combat.
Shayura’s Wrath Stats
- Impact: 25
- Range: 59
- Stability: 44
- Handling: 27
- Reload Speed: 24
- Reload Time: 2.39 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 60
- Inventory Size: 24
- Zoom: 15
- Airborne Effectiveness: 25
- Recoil: 95
- Rounds Per Minute: 600
- Magazine: 27
PvP God roll:
- Barrel: Hammer Forged Rifling
- Magazine: Accurized Rounds
- Perk 1: Heating Up
- Perk 2: Kill Clip
How to get Shayura’s Wrath
Shayura’s Wrath is one of the difficult weapons to get as it is linked with the Trials of the Osiris activity. You can only obtain it from the lighthouse chest, which you can only unlock by going flawless in trials. Once you open it in your collections, you can buy another one from Saint-14 by sacrificing your card and a few other resources.
5. The Hero’s Burden (Best for PVE)
The Hero's Burden, an Adaptive Frame SMG unique in Destiny 2, has returned in the Season of the Witch, along with a new set of perks. This weapon has the same fire rate as a Lightweight SMG but with a slightly more forgiving damage profile.
The Hero's Burden is arguably the best Void SMG in the game, and it fits in perfectly with Void builds thanks to perks like Volatile Rounds and Repulsor Brace, which provides an overshield when defeating a Void-buffed enemy. This SMG makes clearing ads simple and enjoyable when combined with Void builds.
The Hero’s Burden Stats
- Impact: 20
- Range: 44
- Stability: 40
- Handling: 59
- Reload Speed: 53
- Reload Time: 1.93 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 51
- Inventory Size: 43
- Zoom: 14
- Airborne Effectiveness: 12
- Recoil: 93
- Rounds Per Minute: 900
- Magazine: 33
PvE God roll:
- Barrel: Hammer-Forged
- Magazine: Ricochet Rounds
- Perk 1: Feeding Frenzy
- Perk 2: Repulsor Brace
How to get The Hero’s Burden
The Hero's Burden in Destiny 2 is only available during the Iron Banner event, and players can obtain it by participating in the limited-time Crucible mode. This weapon drops randomly on completion of Iron Banner matches and is available in the loot pool in the season of the Wish.
4. CALUS Mini-Tool (Best for PVE)
The Calus Mini-Tool, a returning Opulent Weapon, is now available for players to craft with their preferred perks. You can also level it up to level 16 to unlock the Enhanced perks. With the fantastic Incandescent perk available, the CALUS Mini-Tool quickly became a top-choice weapon with the Solar 3.0 release.
Combining Incandescent with Unrelenting can significantly enhance survival during challenging activities such as raids and Grandmaster Nightfalls. This weapon synergizes perfectly with Solar 3.0 builds and is suitable for use in any PvE activity in the game.
CALUS Mini-Tool Stats
- Impact: 15
- Range: 30
- Stability: 49
- Handling: 65
- Reload Speed: 31
- Reload Time: 2.27 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 49
- Inventory Size: 70
- Zoom: 14
- Airborne Effectiveness: 28
- Recoil: 80
- Rounds Per Minute: 900
- Magazine: 37
PvE God roll:
- Barrel: Smallbore
- Magazine: Accurized Rounds
- Perk 1: Unrelenting
- Perk 2: Incandescent
How to get CALUS Mini-Tool
In the Season of the Wish, the only way to get this weapon is from the gunsmith vendor (Banshee-44). Banshee has sold some amazing rolls of this weapon in the past and offers it frequently in its inventory. You must watch its daily offerings and might be lucky enough to get a god-roll.
3. IKELOS_SMG_v1.0.3 (Best for PVP)
Every version of the IKELOS SMG has been top-quality. The third and most recent version of the IKELOS SMG is the best yet. It has a new Origin Trait and can use the Arc-specific Voltshot Perk. Additionally, this weapon can now be crafted. Currently, it is considered one of the best non-Exotic Arc SMGs in Destiny 2.
While it works well with Arc subclasses, it can also be a deadly weapon with other classes. In PvP, its impressive stats and superior perks make it an extremely powerful weapon. The gun lacks stability, so crafting it with stability perks such as dynamic sway reduction and Tap the Trigger is optimal.
IKELOS_SMG_v1.0.3 Stats
- Impact: 78
- Range: 32
- Stability: 55
- Handling: 33
- Reload Speed: 33
- Reload Time: 3.46 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 75
- Inventory Size: 53
- Zoom: 14
- Airborne Effectiveness: 14
- Recoil: 91
- Rounds Per Minute: 180
- Magazine: 12
PvP God roll:
- Barrel: Chambered Compensator
- Magazine: Seraph Rounds
- Perk 1: Dynamic Sway Reduction
- Perk 2: Tap the Trigger
How to get IKELOS_SMG_v1.0.3
In the Season of the Wish, the only way to get this weapon is from the gunsmith vendor (Banshee-44). Banshee has sold some amazing rolls of this weapon in the past and offers it frequently in its inventory. You must watch its daily offerings and might be lucky enough to get a god-roll.
2. The Immortal Adept (Best for PVP)
The Immortal is often seen as the best PvP SMG in Destiny 2 and is also very strong in PvE. It's a 750 RPM SMG that does Strand damage, which is excellent for players using Strand subclasses with Unraveling Rounds. What makes The Immortal special, like many Destiny 2 guns, are its unique perks.
The Immortal was introduced with the game-changing Target Lock perk, making this SMG able to take down Guardians even in a Well of Radiance, a feature that makes it a must-have for PvP. For the best performance in PvP, the combination of Rangefinder and Target Lock perks is ideal.
The Immortal Stats
- Impact: 23
- Range: 40
- Stability: 25
- Handling: 58
- Reload Speed: 30
- Reload Time: 2.28 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 39
- Inventory Size: 37
- Zoom: 14
- Airborne Effectiveness: 25
- Recoil: 96
- Rounds Per Minute: 720
- Magazine: 28
PvP God roll:
- Barrel: Corkscrew Rifling
- Magazine: Ricochet Rounds
- Perk 1: Rangefinder
- Perk 2: Target Lock
How to get The Immortal
The Immortals Adept weapon is challenging to acquire because it is associated with the Trials of Osiris activity. To get it, you must access the lighthouse chest, which is only possible by achieving a flawless run in the trials. After unlocking it in your collections, you can purchase an additional one from Saint-14 by giving up your card and a handful of other materials.
1. Osteo Striga (Best for PVE)
The Witch Queen expansion brought weapon crafting to Destiny 2, including Exotic weapons. One of the initial Exotics available to players is the Osteo Striga SMG, which stands out for its Screaming Swarm perk that allows it to fire projectiles. Many players quickly fell in love with this weapon because of its exceptional feel when used.
It's highly effective in PvE, as its poison-spreading effect makes it a top choice for clearing ads. Additionally, its enemy-tracking bullets make it user-friendly in PvP. The fact that you can craft your own Osteo Striga adds to its appeal.
Exotic Perk:
"Fires a stream of sentient, toxic projectiles that track the targeted enemy. Landing a final blow or multiple precision hits triggers a burst that poisons nearby targets."
Osteo Striga Stats
- Impact: 25
- Range: 80
- Stability: 37
- Handling: 26
- Reload Speed: 18
- Reload Time: 2.49 seconds
- Aim Assistance: 55
- Inventory Size: 30
- Zoom: 13
- Airborne Effectiveness: 27
- Recoil: 99
- Rounds Per Minute: 600
- Magazine: 27
How to get Osteo Striga
Acquiring the Osteo Striga during the Season of the Wish is quite straightforward. You just need to finish the Witch Queen storyline, and as a reward, you will receive this exotic submachine gun.
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