Iron Banner is the next step in PVP competition after the Crucible. One more event to test your metal against other Destiny players. The prize initially promised an explanation to who the Iron Lords were, plus their gear to do battle. These legendary guardians were famous for their prowess in action, and here is a list of their armaments in arranged from worst to best. To obtain most of these requires you to play Iron Banner and increase your reputation; Lord Saladin will reward you with these weapons as your reputation grows. Here is a list of the weapons you can acquire through the event; and how they rank compared to each other. Have fun, Guardian.
8.The Days Fury.
Solar Grenade Launcher
Great for PvE.

Weapon Stats:
- Stability 60
- Handling 68
- Reload Speed 65
- Velocity 46
- Blast Radius 40
- Rounds Per Minute 100
- Magazine 6
- Aim Assistance 71
- Inventory Size 42
- Zoom 13
- Recoil 60
- Bounce Intensity 40
Weapon Perks:
- Exotic: Precision Frame
- Barrel: Counter mass, Confined Launch, Volatile Launch
- Magazine: Mini Frags, Spike Grenades.
- Trait: Snapshot sights.
How to Obtain: Rank up in the Iron Banner and obtain packages from Lord Saladin.
Weapon use and review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuIi8DExVA0&t=24s&ab_channel=DarkoPawnage
7. The Forward Path.
Weapon Type: kinetic auto rifle.
Great for PVP.

Weapon Stats:
- Impact 21
- Range 50
- Stability 48
- Handling 72
- Reload Speed 64
- Rounds Per Minute 600
- Magazine 43
- Aim Assistance 71
- Inventory Size 60
- Zoom 16
- Recoil 60
- Bounce Intensity 40
Weapon Perks:
- Exotic: Adaptive Frame.
- Scope: Red Dot 2 MOA, Red Dot Micro, Rifle Scope SSF.
- Magazine: Armor-Piercing Rounds, Extended Mag.
- Trait: Tap the Trigger.
- Scope: Cleanshot IS, Hitmark IS, Rifle Scope ST, Rifle Scope SSF, Red dot 2 MOA.
- Magazine: Appended Mag, Tactical Mag, Flared Magwell, Alloy Magazine, Accurized Rounds, Steady Rounds, Extended Mag.
- Trait: Feeding Frenzy, Fourth Time's The Charm, Dynamic Sway Reduction, Grave Robber, Hip-Fire Grip, Pulse Monitor.
- Trait: Iron Grip, Multi kill Clip, Swashbuckler, Eye of the Storm, Tap the Trigger, Iron Gaze.
How to Obtain: Get the quest from Lord Saladin. Then as you progress through the season, Saladin will start dropping these weapons.
- -25 Auto-Rifle Kills.
- -25 Side Ark kills.
Weapon use and review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMkJn9r6OC0&ab_channel=Aztecross
6. The Time-Worn Spire
Weapon Type: kinetic pulse rifle
Great for PVP.

Weapon Stats:
- Impact 23
- Range 33
- Stability 54
- Handling 33
- Reload Speed 37
- Rounds Per Minute 540
- Magazine 37
- Aim Assistance 79
- Inventory Size 53
- Zoom 17
- Recoil 60
- Bounce Intensity 40
Weapon Perks:
- Exotic: Rapid-Fire Frame.
- Scope: Hitmark IS, Red Dot Micro, Rifle Scope SSF.
- Magazine: Tactical Mag, Accurized Rounds.
- Trait: Zen Moment.
How to Obtain: Complete Iron Banner matches; rank-up and earn packages from Lord Saladin.
Weapon use and review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4K0Fd4HJsJY&ab_channel=Mr.Fruit
5. The Steady Hand
Weapon Type: kinetic hand cannon
Great for PVE

Weapon Stats:
- Impact 92
- Range 64
- Stability 32
- Handling 28
- Reload Speed 28
- Rounds Per Minute 110
- Magazine 8
- Aim Assistance 65
- Inventory Size 40
- Zoom 14
- Recoil 85
- Bounce Intensity 15
Weapon Perks:
- Exotic: Aggressive Frame.
- Scope: Truesights HCS, Hitmark HCS, Crossfire HCS.
- Magazine: Flared Magwell, Alloy Magazine.
- Trait: Outlaw.
How to Obtain: Rank up in the Iron Banner and obtain packages from Lord Saladin.
Weapon use and review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mfo4W_JxN5Y&ab_channel=Aztecross
4. The Wizened Rebuke
Weapon Type: Arc Fusion Rifle
Great for PVP and PVE

Weapon Stats:
- Impact 95
- Range 56
- Stability 35
- Handling 30
- Reload Speed 28
- Rounds Per Minute 860
- Magazine 5
- Aim Assistance 62
- Inventory Size 28
- Zoom 15
- Recoil 72
- Bounce Intensity 28
Weapon Perks:
- Exotic: High-Impact Frame.
- Scope: Clean-Shot IS, Red dot 2 MOA, Red Dot Micro.
- Battery: Liquid Coils, Enhanced Battery.
- Trait: Backup Plan.
- Scope: Red Dot 2 MOA, Red Dot Micro, Cleanshot IS, Hitmark IS.
- Battery: Projection Fuse, Enhanced Battery, Particle Repeater, Liquid Coils, Accelerated Coils, Ionized Battery.
- Trait: Auto-Loading Holster, Threat Detector, Under Pressure, Moving Target, Firmly Planted.[Text Wrapping Break]
- Trait: Backup Plan, High-Impact Reserves, Demolitionist, Rangefinder, Tap the Trigger.
How to Obtain: Rank up in the Iron Banner and obtain packages from Lord Saladin.
Weapon use and review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28Q3v63oGiM&ab_channel=Aztecross
3.The Guiding Sight
Weapon Type: kinetic scout rifle.
Great for PVE and PVP.

Weapon Stats:
- Impact 60
- Handling 68
- Reload Speed 65
- Velocity 46
- Blast Radius 40
- Rounds Per Minute 100
- Magazine 6
- Aim Assistance 71
- Inventory Size 42
- Zoom 13
- Recoil 60
- Bounce Intensity 40
Weapon Perks:
- Exotic: Precision Frame.
- Barrel: Counter Mass, Confined Launch, Volatile Launch.
- Magazine: Mini Frags, Spike Grenades.
- Trait: Snapshot Sights.
How to Obtain: Rank up in the Iron Banner and obtain packages from Lord Saladin.
Weapon use and review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuIi8DExVA0&ab_channel=DarkoPawnage
2.The Hero's Burden
Weapon Type: a void submachine gun.
Great for PvE and PvP

Weapon Stats:
- Impact 20
- Range 50
- Stability 46
- Handling 63
- Reload Speed 58
- Rounds Per Minute 900
- Magazine 33
- Aim Assistance 51
- Inventory Size 43
- Zoom 13
- Recoil 93
- Bounce Intensity 7
Weapon Perks:
- Exotic: Adaptive Frame.
- Scope: Slo-12 Post, SPO-26 Front.
- Magazine: Appended Mag, Flared Magwell.
- Trait: Moving Target.
- Trait: Kill Clip.
Scope: SPO-57 Front, SPO-28 Front, SPO-26 Front, SLO-12 Post, SLO-21 Post, SLO-10 Post.
Magazine: Appended Mag, Ricochet Rounds, Flared Magwell, High-Caliber Rounds, Extended Mag, Alloy Magazine, Armor-Piercing Rounds, Light Mag.
Trait: Zen Moment, Moving Target, Slideways, Pulse Monitor, Under Pressure, Field Prep, Snapshot Sights.
Trait: Kill Clip, Tap the Trigger, Threat Detector, Dynamic Sway Reduction, High-Impact Reserves, Grave Robber, Genesis.
How to Obtain: Rank up in the Iron Banner and obtain packages from Lord Saladin.
Weapon use and review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPyYaeIqVJs&ab_channel=Aztecross
1. The Fools Remedy.
Solar Sidearm
Great for PVP and PVE.

Weapon Stats:
- Impact 35
- Range 34
- Stability 64
- Handling 63
- Reload Speed 44
- Rounds Per Minute 450
- Magazine 15
- Aim Assistance 58
- Inventory Size 69
- Zoom 12
- Recoil 94
- Bounce Intensity 6
Weapon Perks:
- Exotic: Suros Rapid-Fire.
- Scope: Control SAS.
- Magazine: Ricochet Rounds.
- Trait: Pulse Monitor.
- Trait: Iron Grip.
Scope: Quickdot SAS, Control SAS, Shortspec SAS, Tactic SAS, Target SAS, Farpoint SAS.
Magazine: Ricochet Rounds, Flared Magwell, Light Mag, Extended Mag, Appended Mag, High Caliber Rounds, Alloy Magazine, Armor-Piercing Rounds.
Trait: Feeding Frenzy, Fourth Time's the Charm, Subsistence, Moving Target, Pulse Monitor, Hip-Fire Grip.
Trait: Quickdraw, Kill Clip, Iron Grip, Eye of the Storm, Iron Gaze, Rangefinder.
How to Obtain: Rank up in the Iron Banner and obtain packages from Lord Saladin.
Weapon use and review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOqRgxg1dIA&t=81s&ab_channel=Aztecross
Have fun.
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