Destiny 2: How to Get the Gjallarhorn - Exotic Quest Guide
Wreck up Raids and Strikes with this classic Exotic Missile Launcher from the original Destiny, but don't expect it to be what it was.
The Gjallarhorn has a special place in the hearts of longtime Destiny players. In the first year of the original Destiny’s launch, the Gjallarhorn Exotic was a coveted missile launcher that served a devastating amount of damage.
As a year 1 Destiny player myself, I remember hearing how it was almost required for the final boss fight in the Vault of Glass Raid a while after it was first released.
Now, for Bungie’s 30th Anniversary, the prodigal launcher of rockets has returned to Destiny 2. Longtime players can now use a watered-down version of the weapon, and newer players can see some of what the fuss is about.
For as long as its available, the Gjallarhorn is a must-have among Exotic weapons. Here’s how to get yours:
How to Get the Gjallarhorn in Destiny 2:
- First, open the Director and press/click on Eternity, then select Xur’s Treasure Hoard.
- At the Treasure Hoard, talk to Xur. Select the Quest “And Out Fly the Wolves.”
- Go to the Cosmodrome and meet Shaw Han.
- Check out the Loot Cave and complete the “Grasp of Avarice” dungeon.
- Return to Shaw Han with the Wolfpack Round.
- Defeat strong Fallen enemies around the Cosmodrome and collect 7 more Wolfpack Rounds.
- Return to Shaw Han with the rest of the Wolfpack Rounds.
- Go to the Tower and talk to Banshee-44 about the Gjallarhorn.
- Return to the Cosmodrome and go to the Divide.
- Complete Lost Sector “Exodus Garden 2A”.
- Return to Shaw Han. Use the tool chest in his hideout to reassemble the Gjallarhorn.
- Return to Shaw Han and at last, receive the Gjallarhorn Exotic missile launcher.
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