Destiny 2 gives you many different ways to play the game, and just as many different armor types to enhance it. Everyone plays Destiny in the way that they enjoy the most, either just to pass some time, compete with other players, or just admire the environment and storytelling. Regardless of how you play, you are going to need armor to protect you, or else you are going to be a smear on the pavement before you even step outside of the Last City’s walls. But how do you pick when there are so many?
Never fear, Guardian, because here is a list of selected exotic armors that will help you greatly in your journey. They have been chosen both for the ease in which to obtain them and the various traits within that can fit just about every play style under the sun. As every player gets three character slots, five armor pieces have been chosen for each class. If you ever wondered what it would be like to play another class, this is a great time to give it a try. Who knows, you may find a new favorite!
All armors chosen for this list will certainly give you a leg up on the competition, or at the very least, keep you alive until you find something else you like better. With new armors coming out with each new expansion, I predict that you have much to look forward to in the future. But for now, here are some that can help you survive to get there.
15. Celestial Nighthawk (best for PVE)
“Starlight is your guide. No vacuum will contain you.”
If you play a Solar Hunter, you must get a Celestial Nighthawk as soon as you can. It exploits the burn system in a way that if you see a solar burn symbol on an activity, you know you are going to finish it fast. What it does is combine your Golden Gun shots into one single shot, but multiply the damage of that one shot by six. Add on to the fact that when you make a kill with it, it also explodes and takes out anything close to your victim. If this wasn’t awesome enough, it also refunds a third of your super energy when you explode an enemy.
I play regularly with a Hunter main, and the sheer delight in their voice when there is a Solar burn lets me know that I’m not going to get to kill any bosses that day. It's not only great for regular world play, but it’s also amazing in raids when you have only a short window of time to do as much damage as possible. If it’s not part of someone’s regular armor ensemble, it’s usually kept in inventory for easy swapping. It’s a situational exotic, but boy does it sure put in the work when used.
Why Celestial Nighthawk is great:
- Rewards players who like precision-style gameplay.
- Does a massive amount of damage in a single hit.
- Invaluable in raids where a lot of damage has to be done fast.
- Final kills that explode refund super energy.
What Celestial Nighthawk excels in:
- Killing most Lost Sector and Strike bosses with one shot.
- Speedrunning Lost Sectors and Strikes.
- Making dungeon/master lost sector solo runs much easier on a solar burn.
- Popping multiple supers in a short amount of time.
Celestial Nighthawk details: Link to Wiki Page
How To Get Celestial Nighthawk:
- Very rare exotic engram drops from playing various activities in-game.
- Sometimes it is sold by Xur for legendary shards and glimmer.
- Can be gotten from the Exotic Engram sold by Xur. These engrams have a pool of available items and will not drop duplicates until every item has been dropped first.
- Sometimes awarded when completing Legend & Master Lost Sectors.
14. St0mp-EE5 (best for PVP and PVE)
“I call them the Stompies! For when your legs need that extra kick." —Marcus Ren
Another must-have for a Hunter’s armory, St0mp-EE5 makes the parkour-like movement of a Hunter even more extreme than it already is. Say goodbye to jumping puzzles when wearing these, because a Hunter using them will just breeze on by. Not only does it give you a triple jump ability, but it also increases your sprint speed and your slide distance. Combining all three makes for a very hard-to-catch Hunter, both in PVE and PVP.
I’ve seen this in action many times on the PVP battlefield and have died as a result. St0mp-EE5 gives a Hunter more air time, more speed, and lets them just slide right past you before you know what is happening. You try to get a bead on them, but they are already jumping up and out of the way, only to twist around in midair and shoot you. It’s frustrating, but you can’t help but admire a Hunter when they pull that off, even if it makes you a bit salty in the process.
Why St0mp-EE5 is great:
- Helps you get to places a normal Hunter cannot reach.
- Provides a lot of control over your movement.
- Is perhaps the best utility exotic currently in-game.
- Useful for both beginner and veteran players.
What St0mp-EE5 excels in:
- Making jumping puzzles easier.
- Providing more mobility in both PVP and PVE.
- Allowing more dodging options when dealing with a foe.
St0mp-EE5 details: Link to Wiki Page
How To Get St0mp-EE5:
- Very rare exotic engram drops from playing various activities in-game.
- Sometimes it is sold by Xur for legendary shards and glimmer.
- Can be gotten from the Exotic Engram sold by Xur. These engrams have a pool of available items and will not drop duplicates until every item has been dropped first.
- Sometimes awarded when completing Legend & Master Lost Sectors.
13. Liar's Handshake (best for PVP and PVE)
“Look 'em in the eye.”
For the most part, Hunters are the type that likes to stay out of immediate danger, sticking to the shadows and taking down enemies from afar. But sometimes…you just really want to punch someone, and that is what Liar's Handshake is for! Its intrinsic perk, ‘Cross Counter’, activates in one of two ways. Either you hit someone with an arc melee ability or someone hits you with a melee. If that happens, you can counterpunch with extra damage and it heals you at the same time. When you get cornered and low on health, sometimes you need to punch yourself to safety, and this exotic rewards you for that.
Liar's Handshake is great for Arcstrider Hunters and Hunters who run shotguns with the ‘one-two punch’ trait. One-two punch already enhances your melee damage after shooting something with the shotgun, but this only enhances the damage. Thus, you can usually kill more low to mid-tier enemies in one to two hits. Not only that, but it’s great in PVP. For a Hunter to get close tends to surprise people, and they won’t expect you to punch them to death. Keep these on hand for those times you want to cause a bit of chaos.
Why Liar's Handshake is great:
- Fits in well with Arc and Shotgun-based Hunters.
- Satisfies that chaotic little goblin in all of us that just wants to punch things.
- Helps you get out of the trouble you get yourself into.
What Liar's Handshake excels in:
- Freeing yourself when surrounded and trapped.
- Surprising opponents in PVP with a one-hit kill.
- Punching Dungeon bosses to death.
Liar's Handshake details: Link to Wiki Page
How To Get Liar's Handshake:
- Very rare exotic engram drops from playing various activities in-game.
- Sometimes it is sold by Xur for legendary shards and glimmer.
- Can be gotten from the Exotic Engram sold by Xur. These engrams have a pool of available items and will not drop duplicates until every item has been dropped first.
- Sometimes awarded when completing Legend & Master Lost Sectors.
12. Foetracer (best for PVP)
"I see you."
Do you like feeling like the Terminator? Do you like sowing fear in the PVP arena? Then you need to get Foetracer. It doesn’t matter what subclass you run, Foetracer’s job is to help you find your prey…and eliminate them. Relentless Tracker lets you mark a target, so you always know where they are, and they cannot hide from you. This perk also buffs damage to low health marks, so once you do find them, you can take them out quickly.
It’s not only good for damage. For a stealthy sort, it lets you ping an opponent and track their movements, which is valuable in a team setting. Calling out when a target is getting close to a capture point or another teammate can be the difference between victory and defeat. For those that prefer reconnaissance to face-to-face combat, you’ll find yourself playing an important role in your team. Either solo or in a team, Foetracer will more than help you climb those Crucible and Trials ranks.
Why Foetracer is great:
- Inflicts psychological warfare against the opposing team.
- Can be utilized by all subclasses.
- Valuable in team-based PVP play.
- Finishes off wounded marks before they can run and regenerate health.
- Considered the best Hunter exotic for Crucible.
What Foetracer excels in:
- Reconnaissance and stealth build Hunters.
- Battlefield control.
- Instilling paranoia in enemies after they get pinged.
Foetracer details: Link to Wiki Page
How To Get Foetracer:
- Very rare exotic engram drops from playing various activities in-game.
- Sometimes it is sold by Xur for legendary shards and glimmer.
- Can be gotten from the Exotic Engram sold by Xur. These engrams have a pool of available items and will not drop duplicates until every item has been dropped first.
- Sometimes awarded when completing Legend & Master Lost Sectors.
11. Orpheus Rig (best for PVE)
“Never, ever, look back.”
If you are a Nightstalker main, you are going to want to have these equipped before diving into battle. Do you want to use your super often? Well, you can! You just use your Shadow Shot to tether enemies like usual. However, the more enemies become tethered, the more super energy gets refunded (up to 50%). This lets you keep chaining supers and constantly generate orbs of light for your team. If you are a bottom tree Nightstalker, you instead get two extra Shadow Shot arrows in your super. With Void 3.0 released, a lot of hurt is going to be unleashed on the foes of Humanity.
Because of the ability to chain reactions and generate orbs, this exotic is best used in PVE as a way to deny enemy movement. If you are up against a boss that will move around a lot and need them to stay put, tether them and let your friends help you chip down their health. With enough practice, you can completely trap a boss in a sea of the void, not allowing them a single second to escape. On void burn weeks, bottom tree Nightstalker is the way to go, and you will quickly kill everything in your path.
Why Orpheus Rig is great:
- Causes massive damage due to Void 3.0.
- Chains supers together due to regen speed.
- Pinning bosses to one spot to allow bombardments without misses.
What Orpheus Rig excels in:
- Denying enemy movement.
- One Hit Kills on bosses during void burn weeks.
- Helping your team by generating orbs of light.
Orpheus Rig details: Link to Wiki Page
How To Get Orpheus Rig:
- Very rare exotic engram drops from playing various activities in the game.
- Sometimes it is sold by Xur for legendary shards and glimmer.
- Can be gotten from the Exotic Engram sold by Xur. These engrams have a pool of available items and will not drop duplicates until every item has been dropped first.
- Sometimes awarded when completing Legend & Master Lost Sectors.
10. Phoenix Protocol (best for PVE)
"Do not grieve the dying star. Its death kindles newer life, and thus the wheel turns again."
If you main Well of Radiance Warlock, this is an absolute must-have. For most folks that main this subclass, we know that it takes a while to build up your super meter. With this little number, that time is effectively cut in half. With Phoenix Protocol active, kills while within a Well of Radiance return super energy, up to 50% of it. This would already be good on its own, but it also counts kills by your fireteam too. This means you can drop wells more often and keep your team alive for longer.
It doesn’t get much play in PVP due to usually needing a more aggressive and mobile exotic to survive. Phoenix Protocol keeps you in one place and that is not something to do during Crucible and Trials matches if it can be helped. Thus, it is much better to take with you into dungeons and raids where you can expect a lot of enemies coming at you at once. This not only helps recharge your super but I have yet to see a fireteam that doesn’t appreciate having a Well of Radiance user in their party. With this exotic, your team will be nearly unstoppable.
Why Phoenix Protocol is great:
- Wonderful for support style players.
- Appreciated by nearly every teammate.
- Cuts down super regen time by 50%.
- Can be paired with an Empowering Rift for max damage.
What Phoenix Protocol excels in:
- Looping Super regen for maximum Well drops.
- Keeping a fireteam alive in raids/dungeons.
- Giving breathing room in overwhelming situations.
Phoenix Protocol details: Link to Wiki Page
How To Get Phoenix Protocol:
- Very rare exotic engram drops from playing various activities in the game.
- Sometimes it is sold by Xur for legendary shards and glimmer.
- Can be gotten from the Exotic Engram sold by Xur. These engrams have a pool of available items and will not drop duplicates until every item has been dropped first.
- Sometimes awarded when completing Legend & Master Lost Sectors.
9. Crown of Tempests (best for PVP and PVE)
"Mighty are they of the stormcloud thrones, and quick to anger, but bounteous to those whom they love."
Do you love to play a Stormtrance Warlock? Do you like being an absolute menace in PVP? Then you need to pick up a Crown of Tempests. Its ability to regenerate your arc abilities after using said arc abilities is great enough, but this will also extend the time of the Stormtrance super. Stormtrance can clear out a room full of mobs just as fast as it can clear a capture point in Crucible before getting boosted by Crown of Tempests. With its perk active, Stormtrance becomes even more deadly. Most people run when they hear a Stormtrance coming, but with the super lasting longer, you will eventually catch them.
It’s great in PVP but it’s also great for clearing out Lost Sectors and Dungeons when there are a lot of enemies that need to be killed fast. Popping Stormtrance here will guarantee a full clear, and with Crown of Tempests you can also take on the higher level enemies as well. You will be able to spam your grenade and melee abilities as well, and it won’t be long before you are left with a room full of corpses.
Why Crown of Tempests is great:
- Great for PVP and PVE.
- Extends an already powerful super.
- Regenerates arc abilities when using said abilities.
What Crown of Tempests excels in:
- Making Stormtrance Warlocks even scarier.
- Clearing out enemies quickly, including Guardians.
- Looping regen for constant arc damage.
Crown of Tempests details: Link to Wiki Page
How To Get Crown of Tempests:
- Very rare exotic engram drops from playing various activities in-game.
- Sometimes it is sold by Xur for legendary shards and glimmer.
- Can be gotten from the Exotic Engram sold by Xur. These engrams have a pool of available items and will not drop duplicates until every item has been dropped first.
- Sometimes awarded when completing Legend & Master Lost Sectors.
8. Ophidian Aspect (best for PVP)
"Have I the aspic in my lips?"
Warlocks tend to be the type that attacks from a distance, and that is what most people expect a Warlock to do. But imagine their surprise when said Warlock runs right up to them and sucker punches them into a wall. A ‘Nasty Surprise’ is how I best describe this exotic, due to your melee range being increased. Nobody expects to be punched at a distance not thought to be possible for a Warlock, and that bit of surprise is enough to get an edge on an opponent.
Not only that, but Ophidian Aspect also increases your ready and reload speed. This lets you switch weapons quickly and boosts the reload speed of typically slow weapons, like shotguns and rocket launchers. Since it’s a neutral and passive exotic, any subclass of Warlock can make the most of it. It’s invaluable in PVP where speed and reaction times make the difference between life and death. These boosts can more than give you an edge, and it’s worth giving it a try.
Why Ophidian Aspect is great:
- Allows melee damage without getting in range of most counter-attacks.
- Not being tied to an element means that any subclass can use it.
- Requires no activation, everything is passive.
- Great for more solo and aggressive gameplay-style players.
What Ophidian Aspect excels in:
- Increases the reload and ready speed of notoriously slow weapons.
- Escaping sticky situations by meleeing from further away than what most combatants are used to.
- Keeping a Warlock mobile by not relying on a rift or well.
- Being a menace in PVP.
Ophidian Aspect details: Link to Wiki Page
How To Get Ophidian Aspect:
- Very rare exotic engram drops from playing various activities in-game.
- Sometimes it is sold by Xur for legendary shards and glimmer.
- Can be gotten from the Exotic Engram sold by Xur. These engrams have a pool of available items and will not drop duplicates until every item has been dropped first.
- Sometimes awarded when completing Legend & Master Lost Sectors.
7. Lunafaction Boots (best for PVP and PVE)
"I thank you for the gift of these atoms. I will use them well." — The Stoic
Another staple for raid teams, Lunafaction Boots is invaluable for those DPS phases whereas much damage has to be done as quickly as possible. What it does is make the Empowering Rift much more…empowering! With this in general, any rift (including Well of Radiance!) will increase the weapon reload speed for anyone within it, but Empowering Rift makes your weapons more effective over longer ranges. Combine Empowering Rift with a Well of Radiance, and your team can shred a boss in safety. I’ve run many raids with these boots, and they have made things go much faster than running without them.
It can also be used in PVP for those that like to sit and wait. If you are guarding a capture point or watching a corridor, this ability can take out an enemy before they realize what is happening. Usually, I discourage exotics that force you to stay still in PVP, but these boots offset the cons enough as long as you are strategic on your positioning. The effect will help extend the ranges of weapons like shotguns and hand cannons, so give this exotic a try if you regularly run those kinds of guns.
Why Lunafaction Boots is great:
- Great for both aggressive and support style players.
- One of the best exotics for pure DPS phases.
- Pairs with Well of Radiance for ultimate team protection and DPS enhancement.
- Any player on your team can make use of the enhanced rifts.
What Lunafaction Boots excels in:
- Giving high-powered and short-range weapons a buff to their range.
- Helping carry a team through raids and dungeons.
- Setting up ambush and guard positions in PVP.
Lunafaction Boots details: Link to Wiki Page
How To Get Lunafaction Boots:
- Very rare exotic engram drops from playing various activities in-game.
- Sometimes it is sold by Xur for legendary shards and glimmer.
- Can be gotten from the Exotic Engram sold by Xur. These engrams have a pool of available items and will not drop duplicates until every item has been dropped first.
- Sometimes awarded when completing Legend & Master Lost Sectors.
6. Felwinter’s Helm (best for PVE)
"To survive out here, you need eyes in the back of your head." — Lord Felwinter
For those that want a more aggressive approach to giving team support, Felwinter’s Helm is the way to go. Sadly, it does not work with the stasis subclass, but it will work for void, solar, and arc. What it does is that when using a melee ability attack or finishers on an enemy, it makes an area of effect that weakens enemies around it. This grants up to 30% more damage for a set amount of time. Even better, if you use a finisher on a major enemy, it increases the area of effect and extends the debuff for longer. This doesn’t only work for you, but it works for members of your fireteam!
It is one of the exotics I recommend taking into raids. If you aren’t running Well of Radiance, this is a great alternative to boost the DPS of your team. Not everyone likes to be tied to the Well-lock role and this exotic allows a little more freedom. You aren’t being tied down to rifts, so you have more mobility options available than just having to stay in one spot. Your teammates also benefit too, as they are free to move around in positioning that works the best for them. With Bungie starting to make encounters that you just can’t stay still and DPS, this helm is going to be finding more use very soon.
Why Felwinter’s Helm is great:
- Great for players with a more aggressive playstyle.
- Can be used by arc, void, and solar subclasses.
- Enhances finishers to do more damage, off-shooting the super energy penalty while doing so.
- Helps take down bosses that move around.
What Felwinter’s Helm excels in:
- Providing a boost to DPS phases in dungeons/raids.
- Allowing more movement on the battlefield for both you and your teammates.
- Enhances solo play, not just team play.
Felwinter’s Helm details: Link to Wiki Page
How To Get Felwinter’s Helm:
- Very rare exotic engram drops from playing various activities in-game.
- Sometimes it is sold by Xur for legendary shards and glimmer.
- Can be gotten from the Exotic Engram sold by Xur. These engrams have a pool of available items and will not drop duplicates until every item has been dropped first.
- Sometimes awarded when completing Legend & Master Lost Sectors.
5. Heart of Inmost Light (best for PVP)
"On the cusp between life and light, between death and destruction."
For those Titans that don’t want to have to wait around for abilities to regenerate, this is the exotic armor for you! Whenever you use a core ability, Heart of Inmost Light will empower the other two remaining ones. This means that they regenerate faster, do more damage, and keep a barricade up longer. Pair this with mods that reduce cooldowns even more and you can easily spam grenades and pop barricades on the fly. This is incredibly valuable in PVP where orbs of light are scarce and you need to be clever with your abilities to get an edge.
The best thing too is that this is a passive ability. It may take a bit of practice to figure out the most effective way to string your abilities together, but once you get it down you’ll find yourself having a hard time taking this exotic off. It shines a little more in PVP compared to PVE, because PVP centers around the scarcity of ammo/orbs and using your noggin to work around that most effectively. PVE has more drops and thus it’s a little more useful to use a different exotic to capitalize on that. Still, it’s a great exotic to have and highly recommended.
Why Heart of Inmost Light is great:
- Neutral, allowing any subclass to use it.
- Exotic perk is passive and does not need specific scenarios to work.
- Great for any playstyle.
What Heart of Inmost Light excels in:
- Wrecking damage across the PVP field.
- Offering enhanced defense and offense.
- Faster charge rates means having access to powerful abilities more often.
Heart of Inmost Light details: Link to Wiki Page
How To Get Heart of Inmost Light:
- Very rare exotic engram drops from playing various activities in-game.
- Sometimes it is sold by Xur for legendary shards and glimmer.
- Can be gotten from the Exotic Engram sold by Xur. These engrams have a pool of available items and will not drop duplicates until every item has been dropped first.
- Sometimes awarded when completing Legend & Master Lost Sectors.
4. Cuirass of the Falling Star (best for PVE)
"The lightning from the farthest cloud strikes the hardest."
If you are a mid-tree arc striker, you need to give this exotic a try! It makes Thundercrash, already a fun super, even better. It increases the damage to the point where it’s as viable as other supers like Golden Gun to do a massive amount of damage quickly. Not only that, but you also get an overshield that lasts longer the further away you started your launch. Now, when you inevitably end up at the feet of the foe you just hurled yourself at, you have a buffer of health to get you out of the way or follow up with another attack before it stomps you.
Thundercrash is fun but risky to use, and this exotic makes it safer to cast. It’s great for Gambit where you need to get the Primordial’s health down fast, or just absolutely wreck a very unfortunate invader. It’s entirely situational, but to Striker Titans who want to be a living missile, this is a must-have exotic.
Why Cuirass of the Falling Star is great:
- Makes Thundercrash safer to use and cast.
- Overshield can last a long time depending on how far away you were from the target.
- Ramming into an Arc shielded foe will usually outright kill them.
What Cuirass of the Falling Star excels in:
- Providing a one-hit burst of damage that can rival Golden Gun.
- Surviving after the super to either get out of the way or follow up with an attack.
- Making use of an open battlefield where there is less cover and obstacles.
Cuirass of the Falling Star details: Link to Wiki Page
How To Get Cuirass of the Falling Star:
- Very rare exotic engram drops from playing various activities in-game.
- Sometimes it is sold by Xur for legendary shards and glimmer.
- Can be gotten from the Exotic Engram sold by Xur. These engrams have a pool of available items and will not drop duplicates until every item has been dropped first.
- Sometimes awarded when completing Legend & Master Lost Sectors.
3. One-Eyed Mask (best for PVP)
"An eye for an eye."
This exotic is great for making people fear Titans even more than they already do in PVP. It outright punishes people for daring to cause you damage, letting you hunt them down and eliminate them for such an insult. What happens is that it highlights the last person who damaged you, and when you track down and kill them it gives you both full health and an overshield. This allows for ridiculous damage chains because as soon as someone damages you, the effect activates again. It’s great for those Titans that like a 1v1 fight, as it gives you the boost you need to go after your next victim.
However, it does take strategy, as the overshield doesn’t last long. Be aware of being baited into an ambush where you can quickly get overwhelmed and make this ability moot. However, it’s great for roamers who like to slip behind enemy lines and quickly remove a threat before it can get close to the rest of your team. With it being a neutral exotic, every subclass and playstyle can get good use from it. There’s a reason why it’s still being used in PVP today, and nothing scares me more than seeing that helmet pop out of the dark to surprise me in Crucible.
Why One-Eyed Mask is great:
- Great for solo and team players, as it allows for callouts on enemy positioning.
- Great for roamer-style players that like to be strategic.
- Overshield allows a little more safety when engaging another target.
- Neutral, allowing play in any subclass and build.
What One-Eyed Mask excels in:
- 1v1 style PVP.
- Making people paranoid to damage you.
- Wiping out teams that do not work together or have little cohesion.
- Psychological warfare.
One-Eyed Mask details: Link to Wiki Page
How To Get One-Eyed Mask:
- Very rare exotic engram drops from playing various activities in-game.
- Sometimes it is sold by Xur for legendary shards and glimmer.
- Can be gotten from the Exotic Engram sold by Xur. These engrams have a pool of available items and will not drop duplicates until every item has been dropped first.
- Sometimes awarded when completing Legend & Master Lost Sectors.
2. Dunemarchers (best for PVP and PVE)
"Whether on solid rock or shifting sand dune, the inexorable Sand Eaters never slow their pace.”
Another great must-have neutral exotic, Dunemarchers offers not just increased mobility, but also clears densely packed mobs. It can even finish off Guardians attempting to escape to safety in PVP. It’s a menace and every Titan needs to have some Dunemarchers ready to go in their inventory. How does it work? It increases your sprinting speed, which is good already, but you build up a static charge when doing so. You build up enough that when you punch something, the static will leap out and chain damage to all enemies nearby. If you already like to punch things, this just makes it much more powerful. Enhance this with melee mods and this can easily clear out waves of mobs.
Not only is it great in PVE, but it also gets a lot of use in PVP because the static does not bypass cover. That means it’ll still hit a Guardian that happens to be in its range, and it’s a pretty large range at that. You could be huddled in a building and still die to this effect if a Titan punches someone on the other side of the wall. This is enough to usually kill already weakened Guardians, but it’s also enough to put the hurt on a full health one. Usually, this gets said Guardian to attempt to escape to somewhere safer, but this just allows you to run them down for a second helping of fist.
Why Dunemarchers is great:
- Makes Titans faster, and thus, much scarier.
- Chain damage ignores cover.
- Neutral, allowing play in any subclass and build.
- Pair with melee mods for even more ridiculous damage.
What Dunemarchers excels in:
- Causing chain damage that can either clear a room or take out a Guardian.
- Finding play everywhere, not just in the Crucible, which offers flexibility.
- Adding more speed and mobility to an already mobility-limited class.
Dunemarchers details: Link to Wiki Page
How To Get Dunemarchers:
- Very rare exotic engram drops from playing various activities in-game.
- Sometimes it is sold by Xur for legendary shards and glimmer.
- Can be gotten from the Exotic Engram sold by Xur. These engrams have a pool of available items and will not drop duplicates until every item has been dropped first.
- Sometimes awarded when completing Legend & Master Lost Sectors.
1. Synthoceps (best for PVP and PVE)
"Caution: the organism has been known to develop consciousness. In these cases, immediate termination is recommended."
Nobody punches better than a Titan, and Synthoceps make it ten times as painful to be on the receiving end of it. Great for any kind of play mode, Synthoceps brings a lot of exploitable power to the table if you know how to best use it. This exotic increases your melee lunge range and makes your melee and super deal more damage if you end up surrounded. You may turn your nose up that you need to be surrounded to get the best effect from it, but it quickly becomes very useful when the tide of battle changes. If you find yourself swamped in a mob wave or being pursued by a team of Guardians, Synthoceps can get you out of that jam.
The fact it also improves your super is often overlooked, which is a shame. Running these and then popping Sentinel Shield makes you feel like a superhero, and you can plow your way to safety and do damage on the way out. You can also just jump right into the thick of things to activate its effect, but you can also bait an overconfident team of Guardians right into your fists. Sometimes, it doesn’t need so much thinking. Sometimes you just want to punch things, and Synthoceps certainly helps with that.
Why Synthoceps is great:
- Allows for strategic level play in PVP.
- Neutral, allowing play in any subclass and build.
- Allows more reach for melee without needing to be surrounded.
- Doesn’t need much strategy to use, but can be exploited for more elaborate strategic play.
What Synthoceps excels in:
- Enhancing Supers that usually are a little lackluster at best.
- Getting you out of trouble when surrounded.
- Clearing rooms of mobs.
- Punishing overconfident PVP teams.
Synthoceps details: Link to Wiki Page
How To Get Synthoceps:
- Very rare exotic engram drops from playing various activities in-game.
- Sometimes it is sold by Xur for legendary shards and glimmer.
- Can be gotten from the Exotic Engram sold by Xur. These engrams have a pool of available items and will not drop duplicates until every item has been dropped first.
- Sometimes awarded when completing Legend & Master Lost Sectors.

No matter what you pick, you're going to look awesome!
In conclusion, just about any armor piece can be useful in specific situations, but the best armor for you is the armor that you like the most. A game is meant to bring enjoyment and fun, and worrying if you have the ‘right’ armor takes a backseat to that if it does not bring you enjoyment. If you are a competitive person, then most likely that fun for you is pouring over stats to optimize your gameplay, and that is valid. Some folks just want to make things explode, or just punch things, and that is equally valid too. Regardless, what makes you happy is the right armor to choose, and with new expansions coming out, there’s always something to look forward to. Remember to have fun and stay vigilant, Guardian!
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