Armor in Destiny 2 plays a practical and fashionable role for all players but since most armors have randomized stats we can focus more on the latter. While it’s important to have the armor with the right stats, we are allowed a lot of control over what we want to wear. To help you find the threads that suit you, we’ve curated a list of the 10 best armor sets.
Our Top 10 Destiny 2 Armor Sets
- Crystocrene Set (Titan)
- Reverie Dawn Set (Titan)
- Holdfast Set (Titan)
- Insight Rover Set (Hunter)
- Wild Hunt Set (Hunter)
- Anti-Extinction Set (Hunter)
- Scatterhorn Set (Warlock)
- Legacy’s Oath Set (Warlock)
- Crystocrene Set (Warlock)
- Iron Will Set (All Classes)
1. Crystocrene Set (Titan)
"Conserving body heat is key to staving off hypothermia; a serious risk on Europa." —Excerpt from the Eventide Welcome Guide
Armor Focus: Discipline
Are you going skiing or fighting aliens on a frigid ice planet? This set comes from the release of the Beyond light expansion. It boosts your Discipline stat but also gives a little to your recovery stat as well. Also, the boots are like armored UGG boots, so rock out that basic girl style!
How to Get It:
2. Reverie Dawn Set (Titan)
"Perhaps it was not the correct choice. But it was the right choice." —Yasmin Eld
Armor Focus: Discipline and Strength
The Reverie Dawn set mixes in both some Discipline and Strength stat bonuses. Its sleek and shiny look gives you a little bit of that medieval knight look, well, space knight that is.
How to Get It:
3. Holdfast Set (Titan)
"For five miles, we pushed through an enfilade of shock beams and web mines. Not everyone stood at the end. But enough of us did." —Callisto Yin
Armor Focus: Discipline
This set is reminiscent of the Titan armor you’d find in the first Destiny game. The angular bulk makes you look and feel like a tank. The Discipline stat is emphasized, which enhances the speed of your grenade recharge.
How to Get It:
Previously a Season Pass exclusive, you can acquire this armor in random world drops.
4. Insight Rover Set (Hunter)
No living person shall know thy true face.
Armor Focus: Recovery
The Insight Rover set gives you the classic hunter look with nice variations in texture that work well with shaders. This armor is focused on the Recovery stat, which determines how fast your shield charges and how fast you heal after taking damage.
How to Get It:
You can acquire this armor in random world drops.
5. Wild Hunt Set (Hunter)
Strike like a serpent.
Armor Focus: Discipline
This set used to be a part of the Season Pass for Season 12 but is now a world drop. The Wild Hunt armor gives your character the gruff looks of a bounty hunter. This armor is great for Hunters who want more armor plating over cloth-looking gear.
How to Get It:
Previously a Season Pass exclusive, you can acquire this armor in random world drops.
6. Anti-Extinction Set (Hunter)
"As birds are touched by a sudden and invisible instinct to fly to safer ground, so are we." —The Book of Departures, Canto VII
Armor Focus: Resilience
The Anti-Extinction set provides you with a higher Resilience stat, which is important for Hunters trying to stay alive. This set comes from the Dead Orbit Faction, whether or not you agree with them, you have to admit the tactical look is a cool one.
How to Get It:
You can acquire this armor in random world drops.
7. Scatterhorn Set (Warlock)
"Lost things have a way of washing up on the Tangled Shore." —The Spider
Armor Type: Resilience and Mobility
The Scatterhorn set doesn’t revolve around a single stat like some others. Rather, this set mixes both Resilience and Mobility stats. In terms of looks, you get a rugged take on a Warlock’s elegance.
How to Get It:
8. Legacy’s Oath Set (Warlock)
"Wilhelmina's more like me than she admits. Immortality at any cost. Even family." —Clovis Bray I
Armor Focus: Discipline
The Legacy’s Oath set brings a unique aesthetic that’s reminiscent of the Tenno from the MMO Warframe. To get this armor you have to grab some buddies to fight through the Deep Stone Crypt Raid. But on the bright side, high discipline armor recharges grenades quicker, which is great for Voidwalker Warlocks who consume grenades to regenerate health.
How to Get It:
You can get this armor as a drop from the Deep Stone Crypt Raid
9. Crystocrene Set (Warlock)
"Prepare for your arctic adventure with the very best in Bray outfitting!" —Excerpt from the Eventide Welcome Guide
Armor Focus: Discipline
The usual Warlock look comprises of what are essentially robes and coats, the Crystocrene set makes great use of the style by making it look more practical by making you look like you came from a mountaineering trip. You’ve got a backpack to carry your supplies too, which is a cool detail we wouldn’t see on Warlocks. We don’t know what they would carry but it’s not our place to ask what space wizards are carrying.
How to Get It:
10. Iron Truage Set (All Classes)
The Iron Banner tournament keeps alive the heroes of humanity's dark past.
Armor Focus: Resilience
The Iron Truage set shows off the classic Iron Banner aesthetic of nature and the ancient Nordic warrior look. These sets are adorned with plate armor and fur to keep your Guardian nice and toasty in the cold. But it’s not all just for show, these armor sets are focused on the Resilience stat, which increases the amount of damage you can take.
How to Get It:
Liked our list? Let us know what you think in the comments below!
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