What Are The Best Destiny 2 Grenade Launchers?
The Season of Opulence update has given Grenades Launchers a much-needed boost in PvE damage in order for them to compete with other weapons in the current PvE meta.
Now that Grenades Launchers are viable in both PvP and PvE meta, which Launchers should Guardians be on the lookout for?
This list will give you a good look at what you need to bring your loadout utility to the next level.
5. Play of the Game

Play of the Game was one the first Grenade Launchers made available to us in Destiny 2. Upon receiving a revision during the Forsaken DLC, The Play of the Game has become the go-to PvP Grenade Launcher for many while also providing the possibility of high-end PvE damage as well.
Weapon Stats:
- Rounds Per Minute: 120
- Stability: 41
- Handling: 39
- Reload Speed: 51
- Velocity: 45
- Blast Radius: 30
- Aim Assistance: 65
- Recoil Direction: 70
- Zoom: 13
- Magazine: 6
What makes this a top Grenade Launcher?
- The PvP Roll: This weapon can roll Proximity Grenades, Rangefinder, and Snapshot Sights on a single weapon. This would allow for cross-map grenade spam with an extremely generous amount of accuracy and damage that can turn the tide in any PvP situation.
- PvE Potential: This Weapon can roll Genesis, Rampage, and Ambitious Assassin for its second trait. These traits all synergize extremely well with the Grenade Launcher weapon type and can provide an easy solution to any amount of enemies you might have in front of you.
- Availability: This Weapon is highly farmable via turning in tokens to Lord Shax, meaning there is a very dependable way to continuously farm this weapon until you get the role you want.
How to get Play of the Game:
4. Swarm of the Raven

Swarm of the Raven is the Grenade Launcher obtained by random chance in the Iron Banner. While this weapon has been up to par with other Grenade Launcher in the past, this Season's raid thrust the Swarn of Raven into the limelight with its unexpected DPS potential.
Weapon Stats:
- Rounds Per Minute: 150
- Stability: 28
- Handling: 26
- Reload Speed: 28
- Velocity: 54
- Blast Radius: 15
- Aim Assistance: 27
- Recoil Direction: 63
- Zoom: 13
- Magazine: 5
What makes this a top Grenade Launcher?
- A Unique Position: The Tractor Cannon exotic shotgun creates a damage buff on target contact. This buff is ramped to 40% damage increase with void damage, which just so happens to be the Swarm of Raven's element type. This means that the Swarm of Ravens can match PvE endgame damage with almost any exotic weapon while only taking up the heavy slot while the Tractor Cannon damage buff.
- The PvP Roll: This weapon can roll Proximity Grenades, Quickdraw, and Snapshot Sights on a single weapon. While this doesn’t have as much range as the Play of the Game PvP god roll it provides you with quicker reaction time to those fast-moving situations where a half-second longer weapon draw could mean the difference between life and death.
How to get Swam of Raven:
3. Anarchy

This is one of those Exotics that stands out from the rest due to the sheer amount of creativity and fun this weapon provides. The Anarchy Grenade Launcher was the raid exotic for the Season of the Forge and continues to be one of the best ways to control the flow of battle. Whether your funneling enemies through a kill zone during a Nightfall damage phase or simply controlling zones in the Crucible, this weapon excels making the fight go in your favor.
Weapon Stats:
- Rounds Per Minute: 150
- Stability: 64
- Handling: 63
- Reload Speed: 66
- Velocity: 100
- Blast Radius: 40
- Aim Assistance: 69
- Recoil Direction: 50
- Zoom: 13
- Magazine: 6
What makes this a top Grenade Launcher?
- Exotic Perk, Arc Traps: Grenades stick to surfaces and chain Arc bolts to other mines.
- Longevity: Each Grenade stay in place up to 10 seconds, and multiple grenades can be connected and crossed in order to create different traps and DPS web variations depending on the situation.
- Control: While this weapon shines in sustainable damage, it’s true utility lies in its ability to allow you to control a situation. Used correctly this exotic can deny entire firing lanes, set traps in chokepoints, melt Supers and Bosses alike, and so much more. The only limit on this weapon is the creativity and prowess of its wielder.
How to get Anarchy:
2. Mountaintop

The Mountain Top premiered alongside the Recluse in the season of the Drifter and was quickly determined to be as useful if not more than its counterpart. Combining the raw damage that Grenade Launchers now produce with pinpoint accuracy, this Grenade Launcher can one-shot just about anything short of Major enemy, and even then it’s comfortable two taps.
Weapon Stats:
- Rounds Per Minute: 90
- Stability: 30
- Handling: 72
- Reload Speed: 66
- Velocity: 77
- Blast Radius: 55
- Aim Assistance: 75
- Recoil Direction: 62
- Zoom: 13
- Magazine: 1
What makes this a top Grenade Launcher?
- Simple yet Devisating, the Micro Missile Perk: This weapon fires in a straight line and has massively increased projectile speed. This perk alone brings this weapon into a class all of its own with its ability to provide pinpoint accuracy for a devastating payload.
- Coupling Accuracy with Range, The Rangefinder perk. Kill any major or Guardian in your sights with a two-tap from this weapon across the map with Rangefinders increased ADS accuracy and damage at increased ranges coupled with the accuracy of Micro Missile.
- Volatile Launch and Spike Grenades come rolled with this weapon upon completing the pinnacle quest associated with it. These traits combine deal huge amounts of damage to direct hits on targets which are unnaturally easy when combined with Micro Missile and Range Finder.
How to get Mountaintop:
1. The Prospector

Much like the number two slot, this weapon dominated our top spot at number one on our list with the recent and generous buffs to Grenade Launcher PvE damage. With this being a year one season one exotic, almost everyone has a Prospector sitting in their vaults collecting dust that they should be powering up and taking with them into the hardest of PvE activities.
Weapon Stats:
- Rounds Per Minute: 165
- Stability: 41
- Handling: 55
- Reload Speed: 32
- Velocity: 64
- Blast Radius: 10
- Aim Assistance: 60
- Recoil Direction: 75
- Zoom: 13
- Magazine: 8
What makes this the top PvE Gun?
- Exotic Perk, Excavation: Hold to fire grenades. Release to detonate all live grenades simultaneously. Grenades stick to surfaces and set targets on fire.
- The Prospectors DPS ace in the hole is its full auto trigger system coupled with its RPM of 165, making it the quickest firing Grenade Launcher and the highest DPS rating for any Boss damage phase.
How to get The Prospector:
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