Scoot over rocket launchers, it’s time to highlight Destiny 2’s other boom tube; the Grenade Launcher. They’re fun to shoot thanks to their fire rate that’s faster than your traditional rocket launcher and have a nice twist in flavor due to the ability to direct the trajectory of where you want your ordnance to go. These heavy weapons tend to be very versatile once you learn how to use them. Though we’re not going to teach you how in this article, we will show you some good ones to look out for.
Here are our Top 5 Grenade Launchers in Destiny 2 and How to Get Them.
How the List Works:
Many of these weapons have randomized perks, since naming every possible perk for each weapon would be a pain to read, we’ll list it’s curated perks and it’s stats when it has the curated roll. Don’t worry though we’ll provide a link to the full weapon breakdown in the Weapon Details section for each weapon.
Our Top 5
- The Mountaintop
- Truthteller
- The Prospector
- Anarchy
- Militia’s Birthright
1. The Mountaintop

"In the heat of battle, Guardian, you will know the right choice to make." —Lord Shaxx
The Mountaintop is one of the most popular grenade launchers in the game, and for good reason. Its biggest strength lies within its projectile velocity and accuracy thanks to its perk Micro-Missile. It fires rounds in a straight line and is almost like a mini-rocket launcher. Fun times lie ahead.
Weapon Stats:
Blast Radius: 53
Velocity: 100
Stability: 31
Handling: 72
Reload Speed: 67
Rounds/Min: 90
Magazine: 1
Lightweight Frame: Superb handling. Move faster with this weapon equipped.
Rangefinder: Aiming this weapon increases its effective range and zoom magnification. Increased projectile velocity while aiming Rocket Launchers and Grenade Launchers.
Micro-Missile: This weapon fires in a straight line and has a massively increased projectile speed.
What makes The Mountaintop good?:
- Good handling
- High Velocity
- Accurate once the learning curve is overcome
Weapon Details:
How to get The Mountaintop:
The Mountaintop in Action:
2. Truthteller

"If we wish others to accept the grim reality, we must break through every comforting illusion." —Arach Jalaal
With sunsetting coming to Destiny 2 in a matter of time, Truthteller is said to be the weapon to replace The Mountaintop. While nothing can quite be the new Mountaintop, this grenade launcher is nothing to sleep on. In PvE, it performs well and in PvP having the perk Disruption Break helps you do some great damage and works well with hard-hitting Kinetic weapons.
Weapon Stats:
Blast Radius: 55
Velocity: 77
Stability: 26
Handling: 72
Reload Speed: 74
Rounds/Min: 90
Magazine: 1
Lightweight Frame: One-shot handheld Grenade Launcher with remote detonation. : Fire; release to detonate.
Underdog: This weapon gains a boost to reload speed as your health gets lower.
Swashbuckler: This weapon gains increased damage from melee kills and kills with this weapon.
What makes Truthteller good?:
- Good handling
- Good reload speed
- Control when grenades detonate
Weapon Details:
How to get Truthteller:
The Truthteller in Action:
3. The Prospector

"Some things should stay buried."
We’ve dug up some treasure with this exotic. It has a fully automatic firing mode and shoots sticky grenades that burn their target. It has the highest fire rate for a grenade launcher at 165 rounds per minute. Scoring this baby is striking gold. Alright, now I’m done with mining themed phrasing, so please don’t be mad at me later. I just hate it when people “dig” up the past. :)
Exotic Weapon Stats:
Blast Radius: 18
Velocity: 60
Stability: 51
Handling: 51
Reload Speed: 15
Rounds/Min: 165
Magazine: 8
Excavation: Fire grenades. Release to detonate all live grenades simultaneously. Grenades stick to surfaces and set targets on fire.
Full Auto Trigger System: Holding down the trigger will fire this weapon at full auto.
What makes The Prospector good?:
- High fire rate
- Grenades do extra burn damage
- Good for DPS
Weapon Details:
How to get The Prospector:
You can get this weapon in random exotic drops or buy it from Xur when he has it in stock for 29 legendary shards.
The Prospector in Action:
4. Anarchy

"Stick to wall, ground, human… then FFFFFRRRRRYYYYY! Hehehehehehehe." —Siviks, Lost to None
Here is a powerful pick for PvE. Anarchy is another exotic grenade launcher that fires sticky grenades that chain arc lightning. This is a powerful tool for crowd control but also for chipping away at majors/bosses’ health. It’s best when paired with another weapon with the grenades providing constant damage and your other weapon being the cherry on top.
Exotic Weapon Stats:
Blast Radius: 40
Velocity: 100
Stability: 69
Handling: 81
Reload Speed: 76
Rounds/Min: 150
Magazine: 6
Arc Traps: Grenades stick to surfaces and chain Arc bolts to other mines.
Moving Target: Increased movement speed and target acquisition when moving while aiming down sights.
What makes Anarchy good?:
- High projectile velocity
- Good handling
- Good reload speed
- Arc traps good for DPS against powerful enemies
Weapon Details:
How to get Anarchy:
You can get this weapon as a drop from the Scourge of the Past raid. Here’s a farming guide to help:
Anarchy in Action:
5. The Militia’s Birthright

"Earth is our home. Not Mars, not Venus, not even the Reef. We must ensure it is a place we can continue to live for many generations to come." —Devrim Kay
This grenade launcher is a sturdy and reliable option for most gamemodes. It’s not as crazy overpowered like The Mountaintop but can roll with some good perks that make it an underrated powerhouse.
Weapon Stats:
Blast Radius: 55
Velocity: 75
Stability: 31
Handling: 72
Reload Speed: 67
Rounds/Min: 90
Magazine: 1
Lightweight Frame: One-shot handheld Grenade Launcher with remote detonation. : Fire; release to detonate.
Genesis: Breaking a combatant's shield with this weapon fills its magazine from reserves. Energy weapons regenerate ammo on hit when matching the damage type to the combatant's shield.
Threat Detector: Increased reload, stability, and handling when enemies are in close proximity.
What makes The Militia's Birthright good?:
- Versatile
- Good handling
- Good projectile velocity
- Control when grenades detonate
Weapon Details:
How to get The Militia’s Birthright:
The Militia’s Birthright in Action:
Liked our list? What weapons are best? Let us know in the comments below!
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