Submachine guns are Destiny 2’s solution for those who want to riddle their enemies with bullets at close quarters. These compact weapons come as both kinetic and energy weapons, making them good backup guns as well as your go-to. To showcase what we think is best, we’ve compiled a list of the top 15 SMGs and how you can get them.
Our Top 15 Submachine Guns:
- The Huckleberry
- Tarrabah
- Escape Velocity
- Exit Strategy
- Riskrunner
- Death Adder
- Antiope-D
- Multimach CCX
- Friction Fire
- Seventh Seraph VY-7
- Extraordinary Rendition
- Cold Front
1. The Huckleberry (PvE, PvP)
Nothin' in the world that 30 rounds can't solve.
One of the best for clearing out hordes of enemies, The Huckleberry is an Exotic submachine gun that keeps on giving. It’s exotic perk. Ride the Bull partially refills your magazine when you get a kill. It also comes with Rampage which increases your damage after a kill.
Impact: 23
Range: 58
Stability: 56
Handling: 87
Reload Speed: 10
Rounds/Min: 750
Magazine: 37
Ride the Bull: Increased rate of fire and recoil while you're holding down the trigger. Kills with this weapon reload a portion of the magazine.
Rampage: Kills with this weapon temporarily grant increased damage. Stacks 3x.
What makes The Huckleberry good?:
- Good Handling
- Effective against groups
- Reduces need to reload when in PVE
Weapon Details:
How to get The Huckleberry:
You can acquire this gun as a random exotic engram drop or purchase it from Xur if he has it in stock for 29 Legendary Shards.
The Huckleberry in Action:
2. Tarrabah (PvP, PvE)
We walk where our ancestors once walked.
This weapon is quite a beast. Or rather, it holds a beast inside. Its exotic perk called Ravenous Beast stores power when you deal and take damage. When it's full you can activate the perk to increase your damage, rate of fire, and reload speed. Its exotic trait increases the duration of Ravenous Beast to keep the party going. These perks also make it good for PvE as well.
Impact: 23
Range: 62
Stability: 37
Handling: 46
Reload Speed: 42
Rounds/Min: 750
Magazine: 31
Ravenous Beast: This weapon stores power when dealing or receiving damage. Once full, hold reload to unleash the beast.
Bottomless Appetite: Dealing continuous damage extends the duration of Ravenous Beast.
What makes Tarrabah good?:
- Good Range
- Good for both PvE and PvP
- Ravenous Beast makes it high DPS
Weapon Details:
How to get Tarrabah:
You can get this weapon from the Monuments to Lost Lights kiosk at the tower. For a guide on getting old exotics, check this video out: https://youtu.be/HinJ09rJmXk
Tarrabah in Action:
3. Exit Strategy (PvE, PvP)
"If you don't got one, it's time to make one." —The Drifter
Make your getaway with this solid Submachine gun. Exit Strategy is a kinetic gun so it frees up your energy slot for another weapon of your choosing. This SMG can roll with Threat Detector and Surrounded, these two perks synergize to give you a boost in stability, handling, and damage when enemies are near you. Which puts you in an optimal range for a submachine gun.
Impact: 20
Range: 48
Stability: 66
Handling: 64
Reload Speed: 56
Rounds/Min: 900
Magazine: 33
Adaptive Frame: Well-rounded, reliable, and sturdy.
Underdog: This weapon gains a boost to reload speed as your health gets lower.
Swashbuckler: This weapon gains increased damage from melee kills and kills with this weapon.
What makes Exit Strategy good?:
- Good all-around stats
- Makes fighting groups more manageable
Weapon Details:
How to get Exit Strategy:
Exit Strategy in Action:
4. Riskrunner (PvE)
Charge your soul and let the electrons sing.
Riskrunner is an exotic Arc damage SMG that lets loose a violent storm when the conditions are right. Its exotic perk Arc Conductor increases the gun’s damage when you take Arc damage. That perk then procs the exotic trait Superconductor, which gives your shots a chance to become chain lightning and a chance to return bullets into the magazine.
Impact: 20
Range: 55
Stability: 60
Handling: 74
Reload Speed: 24
Rounds/Min: 900
Magazine: 41
Arc Conductor: When taking Arc Damage, this weapon becomes more powerful and resists incoming Arc Damage. Kills extend the time in this overcharged state.
Superconductor: When Arc Conductor is active, shots fired have the chance to become chain lightning and return ammo.
What makes Riskrunner good?:
- Good range
- Good stability
- Larger magazine
- Perks keep magazine mostly filled
Weapon Details:
How to get Riskrunner:
Riskrunner in Action:
5. Antiope-D (PvP)
They look to you to save them.
In case someone asks; no, the Antiope is not an African animal. You’re thinking of an antelope. The Antiope is a legendary SMG with a precision frame and Kill Clip, where you gain a damage boost when you reload after a kill. This gun also has a good range and is fairly easy to control.
Impact: 25
Range: 72
Stability: 48
Handling: 35
Reload Speed: 27
Rounds/Min: 600
Magazine: 27
Precision Frame: This weapon's recoil pattern is more predictably vertical.
Kill Clip: Reloading after a kill grants increased damage.
What makes Antiope-D good?:
- Good Range
- Versatile - good for PVE and PVP
- Decent impact
Weapon Details:
How to get Antiope-D:
You can acquire this gun in Gunsmith Engrams by ranking up with Banshee-44.
Antiope-D in Action:
6. Death Adder (PvE, PvP)
You will not see me coming.
Impact: 15
Range: 38
Stability: 61
Handling: 64
Reload Speed: 33
Rounds/Min: 900
Magazine: 37
Lightweight Frame: Superb handling. Move faster with this weapon equipped.
Hip-Fire Grip: Increases accuracy, stability, and precision hit targeting when firing from the hip.
Eye of the Storm: This weapon becomes more accurate and boosts handling as your health gets lower.
What makes Death Adder good?:
- Good Handling
- Effective against groups
- Reduces need to reload when in PVE
Weapon Details:
How to get Death Adder:
You can acquire this gun as a drop from the Prophecy dungeon.
Death Adder in Action:
7. Escape Velocity (PvE)
"The first step toward truth is to let go of all that we know and hold dear." —Arach Jalaal
Impact: 15
Range: 41
Stability: 39
Handling: 82
Reload Speed: 32
Rounds/Min: 900
Magazine: 37
Lightweight Frame: Superb handling. Move faster with this weapon equipped.
Grave Robber: Melee kills reload a portion of this weapon's magazine. Grants ammo for Primary ammo weapons; reloads from reserves for Special and Heavy ammo weapons.
Quickdraw: This weapon can be drawn unbelievably fast.
What makes Escape Velocity good?:
- Effective PvE
- Good handling
Weapon Details:
How to get Escape Velocity:
You can aquire this gun as a random drop as well as from reward packages from Vendors.
Escape Velocity in Action:
8. Trackless Waste (PvE, PvP)
"No footprints out here." —Olu Alderdice
This adaptive frame gun is sturdy and fires at 900 rpm. It’s nothing fancy, but it’s an effective straightforward shooter and with the right perk rolls you can easily have a monster of your own.
Impact: 20
Range: 46
Stability: 55
Handling: 62
Reload Speed: 55
Rounds/Min: 900
Magazine: 35
Adaptive Frame: A well-rounded grip, reliable and sturdy.
Rampage: Kills with this weapon temporarily grant increased damage. Stacks 3x.
What makes Trackless Waste good?:
- Well rounded
- Handles well
- Decent random perk pool
Weapon Details:
How to get Trackless Waste:
This gun can be acquired by doing activities on the Tangled Shore. Here’s a guide to help you farm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tltN-ol_RvE
The Trackless Waste in Action:
9. Bug Out Bag (PvE)
Grab and go.
Bug Out Bag is a Solar damage SMG that’s all-around a great gun. It has an adaptive frame and a high rate of fire. If you get the curated roll you can get a Multikill Clip, where reloading after multikills gives you more damage. This perk makes it suitable for PVE, where you can really reap its rewards.
Impact: 20
Range: 49
Stability: 50
Handling: 57
Reload Speed: 53
Rounds/Min: 900
Magazine: 32
Adaptive Frame: A well-rounded grip, reliable and sturdy.
Multikill Clip: Reloading grants increased damage based on the number of rapid kills made beforehand.
What makes Bug Out Bag good?:
- Good all-around stats
- Very effective when taking on large hordes
Weapon Details:
How to get Bug Out Bag:
You can acquire this gun by competing in Gambit Prime Matches and ranking up your Gambit reputation.
Bug Out Bag in Action:
10. IKELOS_SMG_V1.0.2 (PvE)
Subroutine IKELOS: Status=reinitiated. APOTHEOSIS: Status=active…
The IKELOS SMG is a favorite among many players and for good reason. This weapon generates warmind cells which make PvE mob clearing a breeze. The IKELOS submachine gun also has a near-vertical recoil pattern making it easy to control.
Impact: 23
Range: 59
Stability: 43
Handling: 78
Reload Speed: 32
Rounds/Min: 750
Magazine: 30
Aggressive Frame: High damage, high recoil.
Grave Robber: Melee kills reload a portion of this weapon's magazine. Grants ammo for Primary ammo weapons; reloads from reserves for Special and Heavy ammo weapons.
Disruption Break: Breaking an enemy's shield with this weapon makes them more vulnerable to Kinetic damage for a brief period.
What makes IKELOS_SMG_V1.0.2 good?:
- Generates Warmind Cells
- Controllable recoil
- Good handling
Weapon Details:
How to get IKELOS_SMG_V1.0.2:
You can acquire this gun as a random drop as well as from reward packages from Vendors.
IKELOS_SMG_V1.0.2 in Action:
11. Multimach CCX (PvE, PvP)
Friends are companions on a journey who ought to aid each other to persevere.
Coming back from year 1 to the Iron Banner, Multimach CCX is a well-rounded SMG that does work. It has a pretty good curated perk roll but has other great perks as well. A very solid choice for most activities.
Impact: 15
Range: 50
Stability: 44
Handling: 82
Reload Speed: 33
Rounds/Min: 900
Magazine: 36
Lightweight Frame: Superb handling. Move faster with this weapon equipped.
Killing Wind: Final blows grant increased mobility, weapon range, and handling for a short duration.
Kill Clip: Reloading after a kill grants increased damage.
What makes Multimach CCX good?:
- Decent range
- Versatile
- Good perks
Weapon Details:
How to get Multimach CCX:
Multimach CCX in Action:
12. Friction Fire (PvE, PvP)
Speed, heat, and Light. Fire away.
Things get heated with this SMG. With the right perks, this can play well for both PvE and PvP. It has very controllable recoil and some decent stats.
Impact: 25
Range: 69
Stability: 34
Handling: 24
Reload Speed: 10
Rounds/Min: 600
Magazine: 29
Precision Frame: This weapon's recoil pattern is more predictably vertical.
Field Prep: Increased ammo reserves. Faster reload, stow, and ready when you're crouching.
Rampage: Kills with this weapon temporarily grant increased damage. Stacks 3x.
What makes Friction Fire good?:
- Good range
- Decent curated roll
- Mostly vertical recoil
Weapon Details:
How to get Friction Fire:
Friction Fire in Action:
13. Seventh Seraph VY-7 (PvP, PvE)
No offense is too small to reprimand.
The Seventh Seraph VY-7 is a versatile piece that has some overall good stats. It’s pretty accurate and controllable. It is a good choice for multipurpose gun.
Impact: 25
Range: 63
Stability: 70
Handling: 78
Reload Speed: 73
Rounds/Min: 600
Magazine: 29
Precision Frame: This weapon's recoil pattern is more predictably vertical.
Ambitious Assassin: Overflows the magazine based on the number of rapid kills before reloading.
Elemental Capacitor: Increased stats based on the currently equipped subclass. • [Solar] increases reload speed • [Arc] increases handling • [Void] increases stability
What makes Seventh Seraph VY-7 good?:
- Good overall stats
- Works well in PvE and PvP
Weapon Details:
How to get Seventh Seraph VY_7:
You can get this weapon as a random drop from the world loot pool.
Seventh Seraph VY_7 in Action:
14. Extraordinary Rendition (PvE)
"My warriors fight not for themselves, or even me, but for each other." —Empress Caiatl
The Extraordinary Rendition was released with Season of The Chosen. Its strength lies in PvE and dare I say one of the best at the moment.
Impact: 23
Range: 57
Stability: 17
Handling: 69
Reload Speed: 30
Rounds/Min: 750
Magazine: 28
Aggressive Frame: High damage, high recoil.
Subsistence: Kills partially reload the magazine from reserves, but reserve capacity is reduced.
Multikill Clip: Reloading grants increased damage based on the number of rapid kills made beforehand.
What makes Extraordinary Rendition good?:
- Good Handling
- Great for PvE
- Good perk pool
Weapon Details:
How to get Extraordinary Rendition:
Extraordinary Rendition in Action:
15. MIDA Mini-Tool
Select application: Flare gun. Water purifier. Interplanetary Positioning System. Encyclopædia Arcana. Personal flotation device. List continues.
The MIDA Mini-Tool is a solar SMG that prefers to work with it’s scout rifle big brother, the MIDA Multi-Tool. The Mini-Tool’s perk MIDA synergy grants a speed boost when you are using both weapons. These two make quite the dynamic duo. At longer and shorter ranges.
Impact: 15
Range: 37
Stability: 59
Handling: 82
Reload Speed: 38
Rounds/Min: 900
Magazine: 37
Lightweight Frame: Superb handling. Move faster with this weapon equipped.
MIDA Synergy: This weapon grants speed benefits when MIDA Multi-Tool is also equipped.
What makes MIDA Mini-Tool good?:
- Great Handling
- Speed when paired with Multi-Tool
- Good Stability
Weapon Details:
How to get MIDA Mini-Tool:
MIDA Mini-Tool in Action:
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