As our little companions and guides, Ghosts help your character make your way through the galaxy and provide support like flying your ship and transporting your weapons to you. They’re with you 24/7, so a little something to make your little robot pal feel more original is always nice.
That’s why you want a nice shell for your Ghost, besides being fashionable, they also provide different perks such as helping you find materials. Today we’ve curated our top 15 list of Ghost shells in Destiny 2 for you to choose from.
How to Get Ghost Shells
Ghost shells are earned by completing Triumphs and Activities or purchasing them from a select few vendors, or by opening Bright Engrams from Eververse. Most of the ones we will list will be available through the Eververse cosmetic store, which rotates different items every week, so if you don’t see the shell you want to keep an eye out for when it’s in stock.
Our Top 15
- Trichromatica Shell
- Eyeball Shell
- Alchemical Dawn Shell
- Kill Tracker Shell
- Cottontail Shell
- Awakened Shell
- Contender’s Shell
- Adonis Shell
- Armory Forged Shell
- Shaded Shell
- Sunshot Shell
- Painted Eye Shell
- Tyrant Shell
- Lantern Shell
- Restless Shell
1. Trichromatica Shell
"Void, Solar, then Arc. Hmm. We're not naive enough to think the order is a coincidence. But we've got bigger things to worry about." —Zavala
This Exotic shell gives your Ghost a subtle void glow as well as some handy perks for when you’re dealing with the gunsmith and fighting on Nessus.
Shell Perks:
- Banshee’s Favorite: Generate Gunsmith telemetry data on any elemental weapon kills at an increased rate.
- Nessus Experience Log: Gain 10% more XP while on Nessus.
- Nessus Cache Detector: Detect caches within a 30-meter range while on Nessus.
How to get this shell:
You can get this shell from the Inverted Spire Nightfall strike when it circulates into the Nightfall playlist.
2. Eyeball Shell
For Ghosts who are literal.
This rounded shell makes your Ghost look like, well, an eyeball. This design harkens back to the early concept art of Ghosts when they were only floating spheres before getting their signature angular shell.
Shell Perks:
The Perks for this Shell are random
How to get this shell:
You can buy this shell with Silver or Bright Dust from the Eververse Store
3. Furtive Shell
For Ghosts who crave the thrill of competition.
Rock the signature Gambit style of dark greens and worn leather with this shell. You get this a Gambit reward so get in that arena if you’re looking to deck out your ghost in dark age style.
Shell Perks:
The Perks for this Shell are random
How to get this shell:
You can get this shell by ranking up your Gambit infamy rank with the Drifter and resetting it 3 times.
4. Kill Tracker Ghost Shell
For Ghosts who want to brag about the achievements of their Guardians.
Formerly a pre-order bonus, the Kill-Tracker shell does what it says on the box. It tracks both your PvP as well as PvE kills and looks great even though the shell shape is the standard design.
Shell Perks:
- Vanguard Kill Tracker: Allows your Ghost to track your kills against the City's enemies.
- Crucible Kill Tracker: Allows your Ghost to track kills in the Crucible.
- 2 Other Random Perks
How to get this shell:
This may be one of the easier shells to obtain. You can get this shell by finishing the Red War campaign, reaching level 20, or just purchasing it from Lord Shaxx if he has it in stock.
5. Cottontail Shell
For Ghosts who set the pace.
It’s not Easter, but who cares? It’s a bunny ghost! Or ghost bunny. Hop over to the Prophecy Dungeon and beat it solo to get it. Get it? Hop over? Haha lmao I pretend to have a sense of humor to mask my insecurities.
Shell Perks:
- Omni-Telemetry: Generate Gunsmith telemetry data on any elemental weapon kills.
- Speed Demon: Your vehicles take less time to summon and reload your weapons while you ride.
How to get this shell:
This can come as a reward for beating the Prophecy Dungeon solo.
6. Awakened Shell
For Ghosts who rise when it's needed most.
The Traveler is awake again at the end of Destiny 2’s vanilla campaign, have your Ghost reflect that by donning this shell that you can get by completing the Moments of Triumph 2020.
Shell Perks:
- Treasure Hunter: Detects caches within a 50-meter range and increases Glimmer gain.
- Banshee’s Favorite: Generate Gunsmith telemetry data on any elemental weapon kills at an increased rate.
How to get this shell:
Complete the 2020 Moments of Triumph, here’s a guide to help:
7. Contender’s Shell
For Ghosts who rise when it's needed most.
This strange shell comes from the Leviathan raid. Like most raid rewards this item has some very unique perks that make the long battle worth it.
Shell Perks:
- Seeker of Glory: Tracks the number of encounters on the Leviathan you have cleared.
- Seeker of Brilliance: In addition to their normal rewards, encounters in the raids "Leviathan" and "Leviathan, Eater of Worlds" can award Bright Engrams. This chance increases each time no Bright Engram drops.
- Seeker of Opulence: Exotic drops from encounters in the raids "Leviathan" and "Leviathan, Eater of Worlds" has a 50% chance of being a Year 1 Exotic not already in your collection.
How to get this shell:
You can get this shell as a reward from the Leviathan raid.
8. Adonis Shell
For Ghosts who float with grace.
It kinda looks like a starfish doesn’t it? This Exotic shell boosts your XP gain by 10%. It’s not a significant boost but it’s nice to know that your starfish Ghost is useful.
Shell Perks:
- Guiding Light: All XP gains increased by 10%.
- Public Defender: Increased loot from public events on all destinations.
- 1 Other Random Perk
How to get this shell:
You can buy this shell with Silver or Bright Dust from the Eververse Store
9. Armory Forged Shell
For Ghosts who honor the tradition of the Black Armory.
This slick Black Armory themed shell is slick and stylish. A perfect choice for red and black enthusiasts. I’m not the only one right? Right?
Shell Perks:
- Omni-Telemetry: Generate Gunsmith telemetry data on any elemental weapon kills.
- Speed Demon: Your vehicles take less time to summon and reload your weapons while you ride.
- 1 Other Random Perk
How to get this shell:
You can buy this shell with Silver or Bright Dust from the Eververse Store
10. Shaded Shell
For Ghosts who like to stay cool.
The most radical shell of them all. Nothing else to say here. Go hit that wave hoss, or whatever beach saying/metaphor fits in this situation.
Shell Perks:
- Banshee’s Favorite: Generate Gunsmith telemetry data on any elemental weapon kills at an increased rate.
- Guiding Light: All XP gains increased by 10%.
- 1 random mod
How to get this shell:
You can buy this shell with Silver or Bright Dust from the Eververse Store
11. Sunshot Shell
For Ghosts who like to stay cool.
Themed after the Sunshot exotic hand cannon, this shell is the perfect pairing for it. Why don’t they make more shells themed after exotics? Maybe one day we’ll have a Gjallarhorn shell to commemorate the legendary weapon.
Shell Perks:
- Omni-Telemetry: Generate Gunsmith telemetry data on any elemental weapon kills.
- 2 random mods
How to get this shell:
You can buy this shell with Silver or Bright Dust from the Eververse Store
12. Painted Eye Shell
For Ghosts who watch—and see all.
Do you like triangles? Of course, you do! Give this shell a try and you’ll come to realize that it reminds you of black Adidas clothes. Great for you Slavic Adidas lovers.
Shell Perks:
2 random mods
How to get this shell:
You can buy this shell with Silver or Bright Dust from the Eververse Store
13. Moonshot Shell
For Ghosts who shoot for the Moon.
After beating powerful enemies on the moon you can get this gold, white, and blue shell. Its soft colors give it an old-school vintage feel. Plus, it’s not too challenging to get….. you’ll just need time….4 weeks that is…..but hey, on the bright side you’ll also get lots of other loot!
Shell Perks:
2 random mods
How to get this shell:
Complete the Wandering Nightmares Triumph, kill powerful bosses that change week to week. Here’s a guide:
14. Lantern Shell
For Ghosts who have known Trials.
This is a very unique shell that gives your Ghost a nice and shiny cover but a slightly creepy iris that makes it look a bit like a human eyeball. To each their own.
Shell Perks:
- Omni-Telemetry: Generate Gunsmith telemetry data on any elemental weapon kills.
- Crucible Experience Log: Gain 10% more XP while in the Crucible.
How to get this shell:
You can get this shell as a random reward from Trials of Osiris matches.
15. Restless Shell
For Ghosts who were torn from the tomb.
It’s always Halloween. Even when it’s not. Let’s hope those bandages aren’t used.
Shell Perks:
- Guiding Light: All XP gains increased by 10%.
- Public Defender: Increased loot from public events on all destinations.
- 1 Other Random Perk
How to get this shell:
You can get this shell as a reward from Eva Levante during the Festival of the Lost event.
Liked our list? What shells are best? Let us know in the comments below!
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