There are few weapons as recognizable in gaming as the automatic rifle. It is a signature weapon found in many games, made popular by countless movies and one of the most featured weapons in the Destiny franchise. The more sci-fi flavored variation of the weapon featured in the game comes with a plethora of options and modifications and cool looking designs. There are a lot to choose from but once you find one you like there might be many like it but that one is yours. Rush the field guardian bring back that win!
10. False Promises
Great for PVE
Weapon Stats
- Impact 33
- Range 75
- Stability 25
- Handling 42
- Reload Speed 44
- Rounds Per Minute 360
- Magazine 32
- Aim Assistance 52
- Inventory Size 54
- Zoom 20
- Recoil 86
- Bounce intensity 14
Exotic: High – Impact Frame
Barrel: Chambered Compensator
Magazine: Ricochet Rounds
Trait: Killing Wind
Trait: Sympathetic Arsenal
What makes weapon name awesome
- Play on words. It says it's an automatic rifle, but fires slow.
- After the first kill you are suddenly running and gunning.
How to Get Weapon Name False Promises: Rare world Drops
9. Suros Regime
Great for PVP
- Impact 21
- Range 50
- Stability 49
- Handling 68
- Reload Speed 67
- Rounds Per Minute 600
- Magazine 25
- Aim Assistance 68
- Inventory Size 0
- Zoom 16
- Recoil 50
- Bounce intensity 50
Exotic: Suros Legacy
Barrel: Hammer-Forged Rifling
Magazine: Tactical Mag
Trait: Spinning up, Dual Speed Receiver
Stock: Hand-Laid Stock
- Golden Age tech created by engineers at Suros.
- Prized among Guardians for efficiency and Rarity.
How to Get Suros Regime: Rare world drops.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7VuOgZqsh8&ab_channel=TriGs
8. The Forward Path
Great for PVP
The Forward Path is a reliable constant workhorse that is efficient at what it does; getting that kill rate up! There are no special tricks here, no second set of extra damage, no specific trigger pulling to cause more damage. Its beauty is its simplicity. The adaptive frame makes it reliable; the iron gaze helps acquire targets. It also has a plethora of options you can use to modify it to suit your personal play style.
Weapon Stats
- Impact 21
- Range 50
- Stability 48
- Handling 72
- Reload Speed 64
- Rounds Per Minute 600
- Magazine 43
- Aim Assistance 71
- Inventory Size 60
- Zoom 16
- Recoil 60
- Bounce intensity 40
Exotic: Adaptive Frame
Scope: Red Dot 2 MOA
Magazine: Armor-Piercing Rounds
Trait: Dynamic Sway Reduction
Trait: Iron Gaze
Random Perks
Scope: Red Dot Micro, Clean shot IS, Hit mark IS, Rifle Scope ST, Rifle Scope SSF, Red Dot MOA.
Magazine: Appended Mag, Tactical Mag, Flared Magwell, Alloy Magazine, Accurized Rounds, Steady Rounds, Extended Mag.
Trait: Feeding Frenzy, Fourth Times the Charm, Dynamic Sway Reduction, Grave Robber, Hip-Fire Grip, Pulse Monitor.
Trait: Iron Grip, Multikill Clip, Swashbuckler, Eye of the Storm, Tap the Trigger, Iron Gaze.
What makes weapon name awesome
- The name itself just screams PVP hinting at the crucible.
- The Forward Path is gained through battle so it must be earned. There is definitely a play on words here.
How to Get the Forward Path: Complete Iron banner matches and rank up packages from Lord Saladin.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzYa-yWVupg&ab_channel=Diaside
7. Monte Carlo
Great for PVE
The Monte Carlo is not so much a gamble as it is a sure thing. This weapon's main features the Monte Carlo method; this reduces the melee cooldown and with each melee hit increases the chances of reloading the clip. The Markov Chain complements this by increasing the damage the weapon does with melee kills and grants it more ammo. In essence, if used right this gun will never run out of ammo. Just run, gun, and punch.
Weapon Stats
- Impact 21
- Range 50
- Stability 60
- Handling 64
- Reload Speed 81
- Rounds Per Minute 600
- Magazine 43
- Aim Assistance 50
- Inventory Size 52
- Zoom 15
- Recoil 80
- Bounce intensity 20
Exotic: Monte Carlo Method
Barrel: Fluted Barrel
Magazine: High-Caliber Rounds
Trait: Markov Chain
Stock: Composite Stock
What makes weapon name awesome.
- The name is reminiscent of the Principality of Monaco famous for its casinos.
- The word method is also call back to supposed guaranteed ways to win at gambling.
How to Get Monte Carlo: Extremely rare world drops
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6teqrQxtCc&ab_channel=Diaside
6. The Summoner
Great for PVP
This PVP dominator is a domination machine. Earned by winning in the trails this killing machine sports an adaptive frame, making it sturdy and reliable. This translates to constant well-placed shots that increase the Rampage trait that can be stacked three times. The increased damage makes this auto-rifle a controlled force of nature to be reasoned with.
Weapon Stats
- Impact 21
- Range 46
- Stability 47
- Handling 73
- Reload Speed 60
- Rounds Per Minute 600
- Magazine 42
- Aim Assistance 62
- Inventory Size 51
- Zoom 16
- Recoil 57
- Bounce intensity 43
Exotic: Adaptive Frame
Barrel: Small bore
Magazine: Armor-Piercing Rounds
Trait: Dynamic Sway Reduction
Trait: Rampage
Random Trait
Barrel: Arrowhead brake, Extended Barrel, Fluted Barrel, Chambered Compensator, Polygonal Rifling, Smallbore, Corkscrew Rifling, Full Bore, Hammer-Forged Rifling.
Magazine: High-Caliber Rounds, Light Mag, Appended Mag, Ricochet Rounds, Flared Magwell, Extended Mag, Alloy Magazine, Armor-Piercing Rounds.
Trait: Overflow, Moving Target, Zen Moment, Underdog, Dynamic Sway Reduction.
Trait: Elemental Capacitor, Rampage, Dragon fly, Rangefinder, Celerity.
What makes weapon name awesome
- The Summoner's namesake comes from a beckoning call. Could be Osiris could be someone else.
- How to Get Weapon Name: Earned in the Trails of Osiris, just keep winning.
Video guide: How to get Summoner Auto Rifle and Summoner God Roll Destiny 2
5.Hard Light
Great for PVP
Hard light really doesn't need an introduction; it once dominated the pvp arena and was used plenty on the battlefield. Its use has since dropped once they nerfed it; still a powerhouse weapon though, with great features like Volatile light that allows for overpenetration and reduced damage falloff. The shots bounce off walls and increase in damage if the ricochet hits! The player could even change the damage type when fighting on PVE. The gun is a lot of fun.
Weapon Stats
- Impact 21
- Range 46
- Stability 68
- Handling 75
- Reload Speed 68
- Rounds Per Minute 600
- Magazine 49
- Aim Assistance 100
- Inventory Size 40
- Zoom 16
- Recoil 100
- Bounce intensity 0
Exotic: Volatile light
Barrel: Polygonal Rifling
Magazine: Alloy Magazine
Trait: The Fundamentals
Stock: Composite Stock
What makes weapon name awesome
- Hard light refers to the bullets that bounce off walls.
How to Get Hard Light: Extremely rare world drops
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUogw1xZ7eQ&ab_channel=Ibetonme
4. Sweet Business
Great for PVP and PVE
Face it there are few weapons that look as cool as Sweet Business. It’s a minigun these guns are usually mounted on vehicles, yet here they are handheld. Its large magazine and legendary trait make shooting this multi-barrel gun is tons of fun. It does decent damage, the longer it is shot the further and faster it shoots. Go out there stand tall, shoot from the hip, and just have fun!
Weapon Stats
- Impact 18
- Range 37
- Stability 46
- Handling 10
- Reload Speed 10
- Rounds Per Minute 360
- Magazine 45
- Aim Assistance 80
- Inventory Size 80
- Zoom 16
- Recoil 100
- Bounce intensity 0
Exotic: Payday
Barrel: Polygonal Rifling
Magazine: Armor-Piercing Rounds
Trait: Business Time
Stock: Composite Stock
What makes weapon name awesome
- The name is a callback to action movies of the pre-Gold Age war flicks.
- In real life, it’s a tribute to Predator or Expendables 3.
How to Get Sweet Business: Rare world drops.
Video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fieEhxvtizA&ab_channel=Ibetonme
Great for PVE
Breakneck is the most rock and roll gun on this list. It takes its traits combines them together to make this a battlefield dominator that excels at medium range. The precision frame keeps things lined up; onslaught increased the gun's rate of fire as Rampage stacks up. At its most powerful this gun can take out up to two guardians. It is a matter of mobility to keep running and gunning.
Weapon Stats
- Impact 29
- Range 68
- Stability 50
- Handling 43
- Reload Speed 51
- Rounds Per Minute 450
- Magazine 34
- Aim Assistance 44
- Inventory Size 45
- Zoom 16
- Recoil 80
- Bounce intensity 20
Exotic: Precision Frame
Barrel: Polygonal Rifling
Magazine: Extended Mag
Trait: Rampage
Stock: Onslaught
What makes weapon name awesome
- The breakneck speed at which you're taking out enemies causes whiplash
How to Get Breakneck: Rare world drops.
Video guide: How to get Breakneck Destiny 2 Shadowkeep
2.The Ringing Nail
Great for PVE
If it's not clear by now, unless the guns sport some particularly powerful feature; reliability and precision is what is desired. Every so often comes a gun that sports both. The Ringing nail not only sports rampage that increases damage, but Dragonfly trait also creates elemental damage explosion. This gun can shoot exploding bullets!
Weapon Stats
- Impact 29
- Range 65
- Stability 51
- Handling 51
- Reload Speed 52
- Rounds Per Minute 450
- Magazine 32
- Aim Assistance 37
- Inventory Size 50
- Zoom 16
- Recoil 69
- Bounce intensity 31
Exotic: Precision Frame
Sights: Rasmussen ISA, Meyrin RDL
Magazine: High-Caliber Rounds
Trait: Dragonfly
Trait: Rampage
Random Trait
Sights: Rasmussen ISA, Meyrin RDS, Meyrin RDL, Satou Focus Lens, Satou Precision Lens.
Magazine: High-Caliber Rounds, Light Mag, Appended Mag, Ricochet Rounds, Flared Magwell, Extended Mag, Alloy Magazine, Armor-Piercing Rounds.
Trait: Zen Moment, Dragonfly, Shield Disorient, Quickdraw, Ambitious Assassin, Under Pressure.
Trait: Kill Clip, Rampage, Disruption Break, High-Impact Reserves, Tap the Trigger, Mulligan.
What makes weapon name awesome
- A reference to the sound made when the last nail is pounded into a coffin.
How to Get the Ringing Nail: Crafted in Black Armory Forge
- Auto Rifle Frame.
Obtain uncalibrated weapon frame from Ada-1. Recover the weapons missing core stolen from the Black Armory in the Outskirts of the Gulch in the EDZ. Obtain photonic power cells from Cabal to charge the weapon core.
- Alpha Frame
Get Multi Kills and defeat cabal with auto rifles. Multi kills: 25 Cabal Kills: 75.
- Beta Frame
Precision kills with Auto Rifles. Precision Kills 30
- Rifle Calibrated Frame.
Collect radiant seeds from powerful enemies. Collected seed 20.
- Auto Rifle Calibration.
Return to Ada- 1 with Radiant Matrix to prepare the final step.
- Auto Rifle Frame.
Craft the Black Armory Auto Rifle by finishing a forge ignition.
Video guide: QUICK & EASY 'Auto Rifle Frame' (Ringing Nail) Quest Guide | Destiny 2: Black Armory
1 Seventh Saraph Carbine
Great for PVE
This gun's first trait is that it modifies itself based on the equipped subclass. Each subclass offers a different perk; solar increases reload speed; arc increases handling and void increases stability. These reflect the usual styles of play; the gun stands out with its precision frame and sturdy stats. What makes it even more special is the fact that it allows for great customization so it can be wielded both in PVP and PvE. Yet it excels in PVE to bring the dark to its knees.
Weapon Stats
- Impact 29
- Range 62
- Stability 45
- Handling 45
- Reload Speed 47
- Rounds Per Minute 450
- Magazine 34
- Aim Assistance 34
- Inventory Size 51
- Zoom 16
- Recoil 74
- Bounce intensity 24
Exotic: Precision Frame
Barrel: Arrowhead Break,
Magazine: Flared Magwell
Trait: Hip-Fire Grip
Trait: Elemental Capacitator
Random Trait
Barrel: Arrowhead brake, Extended Barrel, Fluted Barrel, Chambered Compensator, Polygonal Rifling, Smallbore, Corkscrew Rifling, Full Bore, Hammer-Forged Rifling.
Magazine: High-Caliber Rounds, Light Mag, Appended Mag, Ricochet Rounds, Flared Magwell, Extended Mag, Alloy Magazine, Armor-Piercing Rounds.
Trait: Fourth Time’s the Charm, Auto-Loading Holster, Slideshot, Threat Detector, Hip-Fire Grip, Underdog.
Trait: Vaporal Weapon, Swashbuckler, Rampage, Elemental Capacitor, Rangefinder, Moving Target
What makes weapon name awesome
- A seraph is an angel.
- The seventh is a place of honor among the holy choir of angels.
- Uriel is the Seventh angel meaning the flame of God.
How to Get Seventh Saraph: Complete Seraph bounties.
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