What are the best Builds for Warlocks in Destiny 2?
Destiny 2 is a game with a heavy focus on builds and weapons. Although there are countless build and weapon combinations, only a select number allows the class to reach its full potential. In Destiny 2, the warlock class is one of the most reliable and serves as the foundation of a fireteam. If you're participating in PvP games or challenging PvE material, your Warlock has to be as lethal as possible. If you are a Warlock main, read this post to learn what are the best builds for warlocks. Even if Warlock isn't your main class, these builds will surely excite you.
10. Ghostly Shadebinder (Best for PvP)

In PvP, Shadebinders are extremely powerful and can use their grenades, melee attack, and Super to stop enemies in their tracks. Using Osmiomancy Gloves and several armor mods that increase abilities increases the uptime of abilities in this build. With the power of stasis freezes, you'll be able to stop supers and shotgun rushersand turn 1v1 gunfights in your favor.
Build Full Details:
- Subclass: Shadebinder (Stasis)
- Exotic: Osmiomancy Gloves OR Claws of Ahamkara
- Weapon: Monte Carlo OR anything with Wellspring
- Super: Winter's Wrath
- Grenade: Coldsnap Grenade
- Melee: Penumbral Blast
- Class Ability :Healing rift
- Iceflare Bolts
Shattering a frozen target spawns seekers that track and freeze other nearby targets.
- Glacial Harvest
Freezing targets create Stasis shards around the frozen targets. Higher-tier combatants create more shards.
- Rime
Collecting a Stasis shard grants a small amount of overshield, which falls off after 10 seconds. Collecting additional shards adds to the overshield and refreshes the timer.
- Hedrons
Freezing a target grants +30 Mobility, Resilience, Recovery, better weapon Stability, aim assist, and +20 Airborne Effectiveness for 12 seconds.
-10 Strength
- Hunger
Increases the melee energy gained from picking up Stasis shards.
-10 Mobility and Recovery
- Rending
Kinetic weapons deal more damage against Stasis crystals and frozen targets.
Ghostly Shadebinder Rating: 70/100
9. Crowd Watcher (Best for PvE)

It's only sometimes best to use pure firepower. Sometimes all it takes to change the tide is crowd control. This build mainly focuses on that. Shadebinders can transform their grenades into Stasis turrets that consistently freeze adversaries by activating the Bleak Watcher Aspect. There are a few ways to improve the cooldown of your turrets, even though Bungie may have decreased Bleak Watcher's cooldown rates in the 30th Anniversary Pack. An excellent build for Grandmaster Nightfalls, Master Lost Sectors, and raids, this one focuses on quick grenade cooldowns so you can spawn as many of these turrets as possible.
Build Full Details:
- Subclass: Shadebinder (Stasis)
- Exotic: Osmiomancy Gloves OR Verity's Brow
- Weapon: Headstone Legendaries OR Le Monarque
- Super: Winter's Wrath
- Grenade: Coldsnap Grenade
- Melee: Penumbral Blast
- Class Ability: Healing rift
- Bleak Watcher
Press and hold the grenade button to convert your grenade into a Stasis turret that fires slowing projectiles at nearby targets.
- Iceflare Bolts
Shattering a frozen target spawns seekers that track and freeze other nearby targets.
- Fissures
Increases the damage and size of the burst of Stasis when you destroy a Stasis crystal or defeat a frozen target.
- Durance
Bleak Watcher turrets last longer, and enemies are slowed for longer.
+10 Strength
- Chains
Gain 40% damage resistance while near a Stasis crystal or frozen enemy.
+10 Recovery
- Hedrons
Gain +60 Mobility, Resilience, Recovery, increased weapon Stability and aim assist, and +20 Airborne Effectiveness for 12 seconds upon freezing a target.
-10 Strength
Crowd Watcher Rating: 75/100
8. Chaotic Walker (Best for PvE)

With this build, you'll constantly launch supercharged Vortex Grenades to reduce even the most challenging enemies to stardust while employing Controverse Hold and Voidwalker. Almost every player can utilize this low-risk, high-reward build. With Combat Style mods, you can improve this build even further.
This build can fully utilize Elemental Wells, enhancing your ability to cooldowns.It's simple to construct, deals a tonne of damage, and may be utilized in Destiny 2's most challenging activities.
Build Full Details:
- Subclass: Voidwalker (Void)
- Exotic: Contraverse Hold
- Weapon: Preference
- Super: Nova Bomb: Cataclysm
- Grenade: Magnetic Grenade
- Melee: Pocket Singularity
- Class Ability: Healing rift
- Chaos Accelerant
Hold the grenade key to overcharge your grenade. Vortex Grenades cover a wider area and last longer.
- Feed The Void
Void ability kills grant Devour.
- Remnants
Vortex Grenade last longer.
- Undermining
Your Void grenades weaken targets.
-20 Discipline
- Expulsion
Void ability final blows cause targets to explode.
+10 Intellect
Chaotic Walker Rating: 80/100
7. Weakening Stagger (Best for PvP)

In the Crucible mode of Destiny 2, abilities are mostly focused on weakening rather than eliminating targets but not in this build. You may transform your Void grenades into one-shot killing machines that activate Devour and Volatile Rounds with the help of Verity's Brow and a few Fragments, making you the supreme slayer in 6v6 modes. This build is for you if you want to turn up the lethality of Void 3.0 to 1v1.
Build Full Details:
- Subclass: Voidwalker (Void)
- Exotic: Verity's Brow
- Weapon: Any Void weapon
- Super: Nova Bomb: Cataclysm
- Grenade: Magnetic Grenade
- Melee: Pocket Singularity
- Class Ability: Healing rift
- Child Of The Old Gods
Spawn a Void Soul upon casting your rift. Damaging a target will launch the Void Soul to its location, weakening them while dealing damage. Void Soul restores ability energy while dealing damage.
- Feed The Void
Ability kills grant Devour.
- Persistence
Extends the duration of Void buffs, including Devour.
-10 Recovery
- Undermining
Your Void grenades weaken targets.
-20 Discipline
- Instability
Defeating targets with grenades grants Volatile Rounds to your Void weapons.
+10 Strength
- Expulsion
Void ability final blows cause targets to explode.
+10 Intellect
Weakening Stagger Rating: 80/100
6. Dawnfire (Best for PvP)

This build combines the Dawnblade's excellent mobility skills with the Rain of Fire Exotic. All your weapons will reload when you move quickly around the battlefield, and every Fusion Rifle kill will increase your damage. The Radiant bonus from Rain of Fire is almost always active when used with Vex Mythoclast.
Build Full Details:
- Subclass: Dawnblade (Solar)
- Exotic: Rain Of Fire
- Weapon: Vex Mythoclast
- Super: Well of Radiance
- Grenade: Healing Grenade
- Melee: Celestial Fire
- Class Ability: Phoenix Dive OR Healing rift
- Heat Rises
You may shoot and use abilities while gliding.
You may consume your grenade to gain the Heat Rises buff for 15 seconds while inflicting Cure on yourself and nearby allies. Heat Rises gives +70 Airborne Effectiveness.
Airborne kills grant melee energy.
- Icarus Dash
You may dash midair once every four seconds. With Heat Rises active, you can dash twice every four seconds.
Midair multikills and Super final blows grant Cure to yourself.
- Torches
Powered melee hits grant Radiant to yourself and nearby allies.
- Solace
Radiant and Restoration effects last longer.
- Singeing
Your class ability recharges faster when you Scorch targets.
- Benevolence
Buffing allies with Cure, Radiant, or Restoration increases all ability cooldowns for a short time.
-10 Discipline
Dawnfire Rating: 85/100
5. Elemental Warlord (Best for PvE)

With this relativelyeasy Solar 3.0 setup, you can turn the battlefield into a hellscape of explosions and Elemental Wells. When you deal damage inside an Empowering rift with this build, you'll receive grenade energy thanks to the Starfire Protocol Exotic. Repeat after launching a grenade and firing a few rounds.
Your grenades will go off three times rather than once, cause insane damage to fodder enemies, have competitive raid DPS, and have amazing resilience. Additionally, four Elemental Wells can spawn simultaneously from your grenades, providing you with continuous health regeneration and gifting close teammates 40% ability energy.
Build Full Details:
- Subclass: Dawnblade (Solar)
- Exotic: Starfire Protocol
- Weapon: Witherhoard or Anarchy
- Super: Well of Radiance
- Grenade: Fusion Grenade
- Melee: Celestial Fire
- Class Ability: Empowering rift
- Icarus Dash
You may dash midair once every four seconds. With Heat Rises active, you can dash twice every four seconds.
Midair multikills and Super final blows grant Cure to yourself.
- Touch Of Flame
Your Healing Grenade's Cure and Restoration effects are stronger.
- Torches
Powered melee hits grant Radiant to yourself and nearby allies.
- Empyrean
Solar weapon and ability kills extend the duration of Restoration and Radiant.
-10 Resilience
- Ashes
You inflict more Scorch stacks.
- Eruption
Ignites have increased area of effect.
+10 Strength
Elemental Warlord Rating: 85/100
4. Deadly rift (Best for PvP)

Bungie removed the Warlock's ability to consume their grenade to earn Devour in Void 3.0. Many consider that a fairly significant loss, but Secant Filaments can restore that functionality. The "Devouring rift" created by these boots gives you Overload Rounds while you're inside it and Devour when you cast it.
This build emphasizes quick ability cooldowns so that you always have grenades and rifts available. You'll be able to play aggressively, frequently throw grenades, and two-tap opponents while they're standing in your rift, and you'll receive access to some of the most substantial aspects and fragments of the Voidwalker.
Build Full Details:
- Subclass: Voidwalker (Void)
- Exotic: Secant Filaments
- Weapon: Any
- Super: Nova Bomb: Cataclysm
- Grenade: Magnetic Grenade
- Melee: Pocket Singularity
- Class Ability: Empowering rift
- Child Of The Old Gods
Spawn a Void Soul upon casting your rift. Damaging a target will launch the Void Soul to their location, weakening them while dealing damage. Void Soul restores HP while dealing damage.
- Feed The Void
Ability kills grant Devour.
- Persistence
Extends the duration of Void buffs, including Devour.
-10 Recovery
- Starvation
Picking up and Orb of Power grants Devour.
-10 Recovery
- Harvest
Defeating weakened targets with precision final blows will create an Orb of Power.
-10 Intellect
- Obscurity
Finishers make you invisible.
+10 Recovery
Deadly rift Rating: 90/100
3. Ionic Thunder (Best for PvE)

Ionic Traces are energy surges produced by Warlocks and collected to replenish ability energy. Bungie introduced this ability in Arc 3.0. This allows Warlocks to spam their abilities if built around, which is what this build does. Spamming your skills has never been simpler, thanks to the Falling Sunstar helmet and certain Aspects.
You can create ionic Traces with a grenade. To spawn Ionic Traces, use your melee charged or sliding attack. You will produce ionic Traces even while employing arc weapons. Additionally, every trace you make will be extraordinarily quick, replenish 25% of all ability energy, and give your friends energy.
Build Full Details:
- Subclass: Stormcaller (Arc)
- Exotic: Nothing Manacles
- Weapon: Weapons with Demolitionist
- Super: Chaos Reach
- Grenade: Pulse Grenade
- Melee: Ball Lightning
- Class Ability: Healing rift
- Electrostatic Mind
Defeating Arc-debuffed enemies or landing Arc ability final blows will spawn an Ionic Trace. Grabbing an Ionic Trace makes you Amplified.
- Lightning Surge
Slide and use your charged melee to teleport a short distance, creating a lightning storm when you reappear. These lightning bolts can Jolt targets.
- Ions
Defeating a Jolted target creates an Ionic Trace.
- Shock
Your Arc grenades Jolt targets.
-10 Discipline
- Resistance
While surrounded by combatants, you are more resistant to incoming damage.
+10 Strength
- Discharge
Arc weapon final blows have a chance to create an Ionic Trace.
-10 Strength
Ionic Thunder Rating: 90/100
2. Incinerator Snap (Best for PvE)

In Destiny 2, you can typically solve any issue with a well-timed snap of your fingers.
With the Winter's Guile Exotic gloves, the Incinerator Snap melee, one of the strongest melee skills that Warlocks have, can be enhanced absurdly.
By scoring melee kills, you can strengthen each Incinerator Snap and that melee's Scorch and Ignite procs. If you have enough kills, You can kill most majors and Champions with just one snap. With this unconventional Solar 3.0 build, Elemental Wells explodes your screen, and you are practically invincible.
Build Full Details:
- Subclass: Dawnblade (Solar)
- Exotic: Winter's Guile
- Weapon: Dead Messenger
- Super: Well of Radiance
- Grenade: Healing Grenade
- Melee: Celestial Fire
- Class Ability: Phoenix Dive
- Heat Rises
You may shoot and use abilities while gliding.
You may consume your grenade to gain the Heat Rises buff for 15 seconds while inflicting Cure on yourself and nearby allies. Heat Rises gives +70 Airborne Effectiveness.
Airborne kills grant melee energy.
- Touch Of Flame
Your Healing Grenade's Cure and Restoration effects are stronger.
- Torches
Powered melee hits grant Radiant to yourself and nearby allies.
- Solar weapon and ability kills extend the duration of Restoration and Radiant.
-10 Resilience
- Ashes
You inflict more Scorch stacks.
- Searing
Defeating Scorched targets grants melee energy.
+10 Recovery
Incinerator Snap Rating: 95/100
1. No Escape (Best for PvP)

Nobody enjoys playing with teammates who have poor aim. This setup is for you if you want to take care of everything for the team. The foundation of this build, which unlocks a time gate to fire bullets, is "No Time To Explain." You can team-shot any enemy approaching you by calling an Arc Soul or "Arc Buddy" with the Stormcaller subclass. Who needs teammates when you can create a weapons platform whenever you want?
Build Full Details:
- Subclass: Stormcaller (Arc)
- Exotic: Getaway Artist OR The Stag
- Weapon: No Time to Explain
- Super: Chaos Reach
- Grenade: Storm Grenade
- Melee: Chain Lightning
- Class Ability: Healing rift
- Arc Soul
Your rifts spawn Arc Souls when entered. While Amplified, these Arc Souls are supercharged. Additionally, gain increased rift energy regeneration while surrounded by allies.
- Electrostatic Mind
Defeating Arc-debuffed enemies or landing Arc ability final blows will spawn an Ionic Trace. Grabbing an Ionic Trace makes you Amplified.
- Recharge
While critically wounded, your melee and grenade energy regenerates more quickly.
- Magnitude
Your lingering Arc grenades have extended duration.
- Momentum
Sliding over ammo bricks reloads your equipped weapon and grants a small amount of melee energy.
- Volts
Finishers make you Amplified.
+10 Recovery
Incinerator Snap Rating: 95/100
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