Beseeched by all sides by waves upon waves of darkness fueled atrocities. The guardian has to stand fast against the forces that would take them and the Traveler down extinguishing the light that brings hope to all. The fight against the oblivion takes all forms and it's up to the player to pick how he chooses to stand against the gaping maw of the dark. Here is a list of 10 builds to help (and hopefully entertain) players slay on the battlefield and stem the hordes of gnashing teeth.
The current Destiny features a much more robust mod system for its armor pieces allowing players to experiment and play around. This allows for creative combinations while seeking the most efficient ways to gain ammo, charge supers, and grenades. In the name of kicking the enemy in the teeth.
1 Flawless (Not the official build name)
This build makes you a damage output GOD on the battlefield; with focus on charging up your grenades through cleaver use of melee... Not to mention the quick access to supers. Bring the dark light to the enemy shine the hard light in their faces before blasting them away.
- Easy to find mods and this build is mod heavy not exotic based.
- Fantastic for PVE.
- Takes the Warlock from support to a damage dealer.
- Can use with any armor set.
Full Build YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISAEGX6X9Gw&t=487s
2. King of the Deep
This build requires two exotics yes two slots you have to use, but when you do... You dominate PVE. The void has many benefits, this one focuses on regeneration (through the use of Devour), it dominates public events, strikes... well basically anywhere that spawn enemies. Charge up your grenades through the use of your weapons and passive stats; take the battle towards the chaotic menace.
- Requiers 2 exotics. Nezarec's sin and ruinous effigy.
- Will clear a field of enemies through the use of energy and regeneration.
- Becomes a constant stream of damage output to an area of effect.
- Generates energy for melee and grenades.
Full Build YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rQI82p2Kl8&t=446s
3. Never-ending or Well of Radiance (not official build name)
This build is all about resources. Gaining ammo, quick loading, quick energy build. If you're looking for a support class to help your fireteam in raids, strikes, look no further than this build. Take your Solar energy and shine down barrels of lead and death towards your enemies.
- Easy to find mod perks.
- Lightning-fast weapon handling.
- Powerfully rift abilities for enhancing ally's damage or healing.
- Not the fastest super energy builder but gets the job done.
Full Build YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Lz3rhJbpXI&t=7s
4. God of the Sky (not official build name)
A solar-powered flying nightmare that dishes out a grenade and ranged melee damage. This build focuses on building up the power of your melee and grenades. In turn, using the subclasses various skill tree powers to inflict damage while keeping the Warlock at a safe distance in the air. Rain death and fire from above as you paint the battlefield yellow and orange vortex of fire.
- Keeps the player at a safe distance.
- A constant stream of damage.
- Quick energy to the super.
- Great for raids and meaty bosses.
Full Build YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFpWjLjd4v8&t=445s
5. Suncarlo
Some combinations are made in heaven. This exotic combination was probably made in the heart of a star that burns with hatred for the darkness. The gauntlet allows you to cast just streams of grenades while the exotic weapon fills up your melee attacks. It's a beautiful thing to witness the rampage caused by this pairing. Have fun.
- Requires two exotics.
- Builds up energy fast.
- Grants fast grenades for constant damage to groups of energy.
- Great for PvE and PvP
Full build YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seTDCD5EV1c&t=1s
6. Unlimited Grenade Storm
An exotic pairing that takes great advantage of the Stormcallers subclass. Quickly gain energy for your explosives to bring down hordes of enemies. The exotic pairing also is great for PvP as you fall your fellow guardians in the crucible. Bring the pain and the thunder as you fill that super up quick and lash out the lighting from your fingertips.
- Combines Montecarlo and Crown of Tempests.
- A constant stream of energy for your grenades.
- Build up energy using melee attacks.
- The quick build-up for rift abilities for the fireteam.
Full build YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNkv7F6EST0&t=513s
7. Gather Storm (not the official name)
One of the most entertaining builds available for Stormcaller class is this monster right here. Massive damage output, with the wielding of the right weapon added to the quick energy collection for all three gauges (grenade, melee, super). This build just oozes awesome damage to the surrounding area. Mods are “enhanced” to take a while to find but worth it.
- Requires enhanced Mods.
- Uses the Crown of Tempests exotic.
- Makes quick work of boss level threats.
- Amazing for PVE.
Ful build YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLb5q-Ga9Qw&t=482s
8. Endless Lightning and Chaos
This particular build requires some work... but it's so much fun. It builds around Thunder lord and Geomag. These two exotics work with one another to charge up your super. It’s a quick character that dishes out a lot of damage since your heavy will now become your main. Dominate the battlefield with a hail upon hails of arc bullets.
- Build around two exotics.
- Regular mods so not a lot of extra work to find.
- Great for both PvE and PvP.
- One of the few weapons heavy builds for crowd control.
Full build YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KR1nXngusME&t=465s
9. Unlimited Void
A build that will make the Warlock character more like a vampire.The subclass as the forefront of the build, using the exotic as a fantastic charger for all abilities. Have fun devouring the enemies and in turn using their essence to power up your abilities.
- Requires 1 exotic.
- Great area of effect damage.
- Regenerates health quickly.
- Mods are easy to find so an easy build.
Full build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDTxk3tT9dU&t=123s
Take a moment to break from instructional manuals and how too videos. Destiny mods offer you a chance to build around yourself; use a weapon you like or a subclass. It's fun to learn to pair, stack, exploit for your fun and benefit. Sure, builds are great as a guide and even a goal; but a lot of people won't have the requirements, so modify, adapt overcome and most of all have fun.
- Take advantage of your available mods.
- Use your favorite exotics to build around.
- Modify for ammo drop, energy build, health regens.
- Build around your favorite subclass for the greatest advantages.
How to Build YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tt66-xEJrXY
Also be sure to read:
[Top 10] Destiny 2 Best Warlock Exotics
[Top 10] Destiny 2 Best Warlock Builds Right Now
[Top 3] Destiny 2 Best Warlock Armor Sets