Sidearms are typically ignored by many players and that makes sense, it is not the first weapon you grab when dealing with enemies.
But it may be the last one you grab when it comes to life or death situations.
There are many reliable and noteworthy sidearms in The Division 2.
A large selection of pistols to a few sawed-off shotguns for added power.
Named or unnamed, exotic or not, we're going to look at five of the best sidearms that most players have had their best runs with.
1. Orbit
What goes around, comes around.
This weapon is a revolver and would pair up well with an exotic holster like Imperial Dynasty.
Weapon Stats:
- RPM: 160
- MAG: 6 rounds
- Reload Speed:
Why The Orbit Is Great:
- Talent: Perfect Finisher
- Swapping from this weapon within 10 seconds of killing an enemy grants 35% critical hit chance and 40% critical hit damage for 15 seconds.
- If you are running a high firearms or defensive build, this sidearm will go perfect for a type of build like that because it requires skill tier 4.
- Talents like Greased, would pair nicely with this revolver as well.
How To Get The Orbit:
The Orbit is found in the Dark Zone.
2. Survivalist D50
Survival of the fittest.
There is quite a bit riding on this weapon, as it has been a bit difficult to farm in the past.
The Survivalist specialization gives you a perk to finding this weapon much easier.
Weapon Stats:
- RPM: 150
- MAG: 8 rounds
- Reload Speed: 1.9s
Why The Survivalist D50 Is Great:
- Talent: Perfect Sadist
- Deal +25% weapon damage to bleeding enemies. After 3 kills, applies bleed to the next enemy you hit.
- This weapon goes great with hard hitting power builds.
- This weapon has an optical attachment mod slot, for added accuracy.
How To Get The Survivalist D50:
When you choose the Survivalist specialization, you acquire this specific variant.
3. Maxim 9
This baby won't make a peep.
The Maxim 9 is the sidearm pistol that comes with the Technician Specialization.
It has an integrated silencer and a large magazine which gives you the advantage of not having to choose between suppression and performance.
Weapon Stats:
- RPM: 280
- MAG: 17 rounds
- Reload Speed: 1.9s
Why The Maxim 9 Is Great:
- Talent: Perfect Spike
- Headshots grant 25% skill damage for 8 seconds.
- Large magazine so you won't have to worry about reloading so much if you're in a bad situation that calls for you to only use your sidearm.
- Built-in suppression so you won't have to worry about finding a mod piece for it.
How To Get The Maxim 9:
Technician Specialization allows you to acquire this weapon.
4. Mozambique Special
Named for the country's sake.
Mozambique Special is a named weapon and M1911 pistol that can deal incredible damage.
Weapon Stats:
- RPM: 310
- MAG: 7 rounds
- Reload Speed: 1.4s
Why The Mozambique Special Is Great:
- Talent: Perfect Breadbasket
- Landing body shots adds a stack of bonus 50% headshot damage to the next headshot for 10 seconds. Max stack is 2.
- This pistol would be best paired with a rifle or marksman rifle primary build.
- Its talent adds bonus headshot damage at around 50%.
How To Get The Mozambique Special:
Javier Kajika, one of Aaron Keener's tools, drops this weapon once you defeat them.
5. Sharpshooter 93R
Eyes on the prize.
The Sharpshooter specialization sidearm, Sharpshooter 93R.
This sidearm is accompanied by a high rate of fire and a high magazine.
Weapon Stats:
- RPM: 1.1K
- MAG: 20
- Reload Speed: 1.9s
Why The Sharpshooter 93R Is Great:
- Talent: Perfect Unwavering
- Swapping to this weapon grants 400% weapon handling for 5 seconds. Kills refresh the buff. Swapping away disables this from all weapons for 5 seconds.
- High magazine plus the high rate of fire balances out for seamless reload and fire.
- The 93R received a buff back in June and as it would seem, that has extended to the Sharpshooter 93R. Level 40 damage clocking in at over 32K.
How To Get The Sharpshooter 93R:
This weapon can be acquired by choosing the Sharpshooter specialization.
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