The Division 2: Best Marksman Rifles
Interested in what are the top three marksman rifles in Tom Clancy’s The Division 2, we will talk about it in this article?
The Division 2 has showcased some powerful snipers/marksman rifles with the ability to mod and characterize based on the player’s preference.
Among the numerous weapons in the game, there are player who want to know which marksman rifles are the best and if there was a way to get them.
While looking at these weapons, we’re going to be looking at the weapons’ stats in detail, including rate of fire, reload speed, and the best talents that will make your weapon D.C.’s reckoning.
1. Nemesis
The Nemesis is a weapon for stalking prey.
It has high damage that surpasses that of the M700 and the M44, but makes max damage play hard to get as it requires players to set a charge to run all of its damage.
- Weapon Stats:
- RPM: 50
- Reload Speed: 2.4s
- Optimal Range: Long
- Critical Strike Range: 10-70m
- Fire Mode: Bolt-Action
- Magazine: 5+1
What Brings Out The Best In The Nemesis:
- Permanent Talents:
- Counter Sniper
- “Deal 0-100% weapon damage based on how long the trigger is held before releasing. The time to reach max weapon damage is reduced whenever a shot does not kill an enemy it hits”.
- Nemesis
- “Aiming at an enemy marks them as your nemesis for 15 seconds, letting you see them through walls. Your shots gain +5% damage to the nemesis for each second they are market, to a maximum of 50%.”
- Preparation
- “While holstered, gain +25% headshot damage when scoped with your current weapon.”
How To Get Nemesis:
- Blueprints
- FULL NEMESIS GUIDE - How to Get the New Exotic Sniper + All Talents & Gameplay | The Division 2
2. Commando (Paratrooper SVD)
The Commando is named Paratrooper SVD marksman rifle.
Known for its high Mag and rapid fire, the Commando is a fast hitting weapon that deals high damage.
Weapon Stats:
- RPM: 260
- Reload Speed: 2.30s
- Optimal Range: 34m
- Critical Strike Range: ---
- Fire Mode: Semi-Automatic
- Magazine: 10
What Brings Out The Best In The Commando:
- Ranger
- “Every 5m you are from the target grants +2% weapon damage. Requires 4 or less batteries.”
- Lucky Shot
- “Magazine capacity is increased by 20%. Missed shots from cover have a 25% chance to return to the magazine.”
- Extra
- +20% magazine capacity
How To Get Commando:
- Blueprints