We have an obligation to be honest with our readers, especially with this piece.
Crafted weapons have not necessarily been useful for many players, in fact, it can be difficult for a crafted weapon to come out with the stats that a player desires.
Much of the time put into finding material, blueprints, and time to create a weapon that you couldn't otherwise find can be wasted once you craft said weapon.
Still! Your favorite weapons can be crafted at the crafting station in the White House base and the Lower Manhattan base in Warlords of New York.
Crafting is an extremely important aspect of the game, especially when you are reaching level caps.
It is not as crucial to craft weapons and gear at the beginning of the game as it is at endgame and past Warlords of New York.
Along with crafting specific weapons, crafting mods as well as recalibrating crafted weapons becomes the ideal way to go throughout the game.
So basically, we are going to go through some of the best weapons in the game that are craftable and go over how to make them to your liking.
1. FAMAS 2010 Replica
The FAMAS 2010 Replica is just that, a replica of the FAMAS 2010.
Depending on when you grab the blueprints for this weapon, the stats that erupt initially may not be ideal.
It's important to take recalibration into consideration, but when it comes to weapons in general, the FAMAS 2010 is a favorite AR.
Weapon Stats:
- Rate of fire: 900 RPM
- Magazine: 30+1
- Optimal Range: 28m
- Critical Strike Range: 10-45m
- Fire Mode: Automatic
- Reload Time: 2.2s
What Makes FAMAS 2010 Replica Great:
- Many of the qualities of the Replica are like the original.
- Fast reload speed, just like it's OG counterpart.
- Stability is exemplary.
2. Black Market AK-M Replica
The Black Market AK-M Replica is an outstanding weapon, just like it's the original copy.
Recalibrating this weapon to the desired feats will surely create a beast beyond man's control.
An automatic AR, the rate of fire on this instrument is not too fast or too slow, making it a perfectly balanced tool.
Weapon Stats:
- Rate of fire: 600 RPM
- Magazine: 30+1
- Optimal Range: 31m
- Fire Mode: Automatic
- Reload Time: 2.5s
What Makes Black Market AK-M Replica Great:
- Where to begin? The AK-M replica has all of its original's qualities, including stability and accuracy.
- Depending on how a player recalibrates this weapon, one can create decent rolls in weapon damage or run the talent Fast Hands.
- This weapon in general is great, so when crafting this, it's important to wait until you've reached a point in the game that you no longer feel the need to level up.
3. Model 700 Replica
An extended MMR, or marksman rifle, with the sight of an eagle.
There's nothing different from its parent variant, just that if you can find one that suits your fancy, crafting the M700 is just as good.
Weapon Stats:
- Rate of fire: 54 RPM
- Magazine: 7
- Optimal Range: 42m
- Critical Strike Range: 10-45m
- Fire Mode: Bolt-Action
- Reload Time: 6.73s
What Makes Model 700 Replica Great:
- Bolt-Action fire mode that makes it easier to handle, along with lost RPM.
- Reload speed is slow but with mods, one can shorten that time considerably.
- The critical strike range is far, but standard like most MMRs.
4. Police M4 Replica
The Police M4 is already a variant of the M4, but the Replica is just that… a Replica.
Weapon Stats:
- Rate of fire: 850 RPM
- Magazine: 30
- Optimal Range: 28m
- Critical Strike Range: 10-45m
- Fire Mode: Automatic
- Reload Time: 2.9s
What Makes Police M4 Replica Great:
- Nothing new to see here, this weapon has all the amazing stability of its original.
- With a fast RPM, this weapon can take down mobs with speed and efficiency.
- A favorite variant of the M4, this weapon has powerful DPS and speed when it comes to reloading.
5. Classic M60 Replica
The Classic M60 Replica, like the Classic M60, is a great LMG.
Although slow and not as accurate as other weapon types, this instrument has been climbing the ranks of favorites among tank builds.
Weapon Stats:
- Magazine: 100
- Fire Mode: Full-Automatic
- Reload Time: 5.0s
What Makes Classic M60 Replica Great:
- Large magazine with a fully automatic fire mode.
- A hard-hitting weapon and with its large magazine makes it better to not reload as often.
6. Classic M44 Carbine Replica
The M44 Carbine is a great MMR with a steady rate of fire that improves its stability.
The Replica is an obvious choice as it just makes it easier for players who are having a hard time finding this weapon through random drops, to have the blueprint to create this amazing MMR.
Weapon Stats:
- Rate of fire: 55 RPM
- Magazine: 5
- Optimal Range: 60m
- Fire Mode: Bolt-Action
- Reload Time: 5.2s
What Makes Classic M44 Carbine Replica Great:
- Reload time can initially be slow but other mods, including receiver mods can decrease that time.
- The rate of fire keeps the stability of this MMR frequent.
7. Super 90 Replica
A strong shotgun that's perfect as a primary or secondary use, the Super 90 is a powerful tool for many hybrid builds with a central focus on tank-style.
Weapon Stats:
- Rate of fire: 160 RPM
- Magazine: 8
- Optimal Range: 16m
- Fire Mode: Semi-Automatic
- Reload Time: 4.8s
What Makes Super 90 Replica Great:
- Reload speed is moderate.
- Hard-hitting shotgun with a powerful recoil.
- Large magazine for a shotgun.
8. Tactical Mk 16 Replica
The Tactical MK16 is a powerful AR and its Replica will put in the same work.
Weapon Stats:
- Rate of fire: 625 RPM
- Magazine: 30+1
- Optimal Range: 28m
- Critical Strike Range: 10-40m
- Fire Mode: Automatic
- Reload Time: 2.2s
What Makes MK16 Replica Great:
- Quick reload speed with a standard magazine count for quick kills.
- Powerful and beautifully modded AR, can be fitted with amazing Talents.
- Easy to handle, with great accuracy.
9. Vector SBR .45 ACP Replica
The Vector SBR is a fast SMG that is quickly becoming a favorite for crit builds.
The Replica offers the same benefits as its original, and when recalibrated to specific standards, can truly become a wonderful weapon.
Weapon Stats:
- Rate of fire: 1200 RPM
- Magazine: 25
- Critical Strike Range: 0-30m
- Reload Time: 1.8s
What Makes Vector SBR .45 ACP Replica Great:
- Fast reload speed with an even faster rate of fire.
- Decent mag count, but with that quick of a reload speed one won't even notice the difference.
- Great for applying quick deaths against mobs or other players with the right perks.
10. Infantry MG5 Replica
This LMG has been gaining quite a bit of traction in the past few months since TU10.
With its Replica, you can do some serious damage.
Weapon Stats:
- Rate of fire: 800 RPM
- Magazine: 50
- Optimal Range: 30m
- Fire Mode: Automatic
- Reload Time: 5.5s
What Makes Infantry MG5 Replica Great:
- Powerful DPS with incredible initial weapon damage.
- Despite the slow reload time, you'll find it hard to notice with such a high magazine count.
- Automatic fire mode, with a decent amount of stability.
How To Craft
Crafting is a very interesting aspect of the game.
Many players have expressed a sense of ease when it comes to crafting weapons than finding them as drops through their playthrough.
There are few things new players need to take away in order to craft effectively, so if you're familiar with crafting, material, and blueprints this part may not be beneficial for you.
The first thing a person truly needs before they begin to craft is materials, and materials can be found laid out as loot throughout the game.
Specific factions drop loot as well:
- Hyenas - drop polycarbonate generally and also electronics from high level enemies.
- True Sons - drop steel, and carbon fiber from higher level enemies.
- Outcasts - drop ceramics, and titanium from stronger members.
Elite enemies will drop more interesting and rarer material.
The second thing one will need to begin crafting these incredible weapons is blueprints.
Certain side missions will get you the blueprints you need and there are specific places that one can find some of the listed weapons.
You can buy them from vendors, scavenging the world, or specific areas, and missions can grant you the blueprints you're looking for.
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