These are my picks for the best weapons to use if you really want the best out of your builds. Most of these weapons are build specific.
But remember you can mix and match to your own styles. You will always have the most fun playing your own way.
10. Nemesis
The Nemesis Sniper Rifle isn't the best but it is easily slept on. You have to craft this Sniper Rifle before it can be obtained by other means.
The Nemesis Sniper Rifle is great, not only for it's high damage output but also because of it’s weapon talent "Electromagnetic Accelerator" Shots fired from this weapon deal 0-100% weapon damage based on how long the trigger is held before releasing. De-scoping will cancel the charge-up process.
Has a small 5+1 round magazine slot, but packs a powerful punch.
The core attributes to this weapon increase both Marksman Weapon and Headshot Damage for even more power.
Obtaining the pieces to craft this weapon can be a bit time consuming since only certain enemies on certain Missions and Strongholds.
9. Capacitor
The Capacitor Assault Rifle is one of the best weapons to use if you want to use Skill Builds especially due to the Weapon Talent "Capacitance"
You build stacks with every shot landed on an enemy up to 40 stacks, each granting 1.5% skill damage. After 5 seconds though, your stacks start going away 1 a second.
Each skill tier increase gives you a 7.5% weapon damage increase as well, combine this with the Memento backpack and you are in business letting your Striker Drones and Turrets do all your dirty business for you!
This weapon can be easily obtained by completing 5 challenges in The Summit game mode.
With a 700 RPM and a 40+1 Magazine size you will be gaining stacks like crazy increasing your skills DPS.
Always Pair this with the Memento Backpack as it will give you a +5% DMG and Skill Efficiency along with a 10% to Bonus armor per armor core
The Capacitor must be gained by finishing the first 5 Challenge Tiers in the summit, which is very easily done.
8. Chatterbox
The Chatterbox Submachine Gun is the ideal weapon for those who want an extremely high RPM because with the Weapon Talent "Incessant Chatter"
When you reload you gain a 20% increase to your rate of fire and gain a stack for every enemy within 5m up to 5 stacks that's a 100% increase to your rate of fire! Kills also refill 50% of your magazine making you a real menace to take out large groups.
With an already 700 RPM, getting all 5 stacks nets you a 1400 RPM allowing you to get kills nonstop while refilling your magazine.
The "Blabbermouth" Talent is also an exception for your secondary weapons, when holstered, your current weapon gains a 20% Rate of Fire increase after 5s of killing an enemy.
This is a weapon in which you have to find the pieces and craft the prerequisite before you can obtain it. So it can be a bit time consuming.
7. Ravenous
The exotic Ravenous Semi Automatic Rifle is unique in the fact it is a double barrel rifle with a 60 round magazine. It is a great but hard to use weapon.
The Weapon Talent "Geri and Freki" Which fires both shots on the trigger pull, firing from either should apply different Primers, Right is offensive Left is defensive.
Hitting the opposite shoulder detonates the currently set primer. When detonated, each offensive stack grants 100% weapon damage and every defensive stack grants +4% to bonus armor and +10% amplifies damage to armor plates for 5 seconds. Primer effectiveness is doubled at 10 stacks.
This weapon is definitely dangerous when used with proper precision, getting those stacks will allow you to have the upper hand.
The weapons low damage is countered by the 60 round magazine, but remember you fire two shots, so you have nearly a 30 round magazine.
This weapon is dropped from the Iron Horse Raid. Which is not always a guaranteed drop, so it may be time consuming.
6. Lady Death
Lady Death is the best gun if you are into being as aggressive as possible with its Weapon Talent "Breathe Free".
You gain your stacks just by moving around at 4 stacks a second, 8 if sprinting! Each round you shoot consumes a stack and amplifies damage by 75% getting a kill increases your movement speed by 20% as well. So this is your best run and gun weapon for sure.
If you are into aggressive non cover style gameplay, easily one of the best guns you can get.
Since the stacks are based on movement, you will be less inclined to use cover just to keep your damage increase.
Lady Death can be found by New York bosses at a 3% drop rate, but has also been added to the Allocated loot pool to find in The Summit or Countdown.
5. Regulus
The Regulus Handgun is easily the greatest sidearm in the game, but it takes some steps to complete because you have to craft it.
You have to run the Iron Horse Raid, Then go get the two new projects that you get for completing the raid, finish those two projects by essentially completing the gathering of two full gear sets, Bullwark and Future Initiative.
Then proceed to go get the gun pieces themselves from bosses in the Iron Horse Raid Then you can finally craft the Regulus. But it is definitely worth it.
Extremely time consuming
The Weapon Talent "Regicide" is worth getting the weapon whenever you get a headshot kill, an explosion of 5 meters and hurts all nearby enemies.
It is a very powerful Handgun perfect for a One-Shot Pistol Build!
4. Pestilence
Easily one of my favorites to run around with The Pestilence LMG is a great Light Machine Gun.
Most don't use LMGs because of the long reload times, but the Weapon Talent "Plague of The Outcasts" on Pestilence makes it worthwhile.
Every shot you do creates a debuffs where your target takes one hundred percent damage for ten seconds and stacks up to fifty times.
Whenever the enemy dies while debuffed it transfers the debuff to every nearby enemy within twenty-five meters.
The long reload times of LMGs definitely are off putting to most since your DPS is lowered due to the reload times.
With a 605 fire rate and a 100 round magazine, you won't have any issues .
The Pestilence LMG can be found In the Dark Zone by Outcasts or Black Tusk drops, along with any Loot Allocated areas, such as daily areas, The Summit or Countdown.
3. St. Elmo's Engine
St. Elmo's Engine is one of the best assault rifles out there due to its ability to be able to stun enemies with its Weapon Talent "Actum Est" where every bullet fired adds a stack.
At one hundred stacks your entire magazine is filled with shock ammo stopping everything in your path for nearly 71 rounds.
This Assault Rifle is used in a lot of builds for Pve and PvP, but if used in PvP make sure to time your stacks if you are going to go rogue.
With a 20+ Crit DMG and 20+ Crit Chance. The damage this gun outputs is not one to mess with.
The best way to find this weapon is through daily loot locations, Summit or Countdown Assault Rifle Loot Allocation.
2. Scorpio
The Scorpio Shotgun is very powerful and Easily one of the best overall weapons without many major necessities other than farming the shotgun itself out.
Its weapon talent is "Septic Shock". When shooting a target you apply Venom, increasing the stacks provide more valuable debuffs to the target such as Poison, Disorient, Shock and if you get all seven stacks your target takes an additional twenty percent damage from all sources.
Being able to apply damage overtime, stun, disorient and a twenty percent damage increase makes this a great weapon to stunlock anything.
Weapon is easily obtainable by just finding the daily areas with Shotgun drops or by going to The Summit or Countdown with your loot allocation set to Shotguns.
With only a seven shell magazine, you have to make every shot land in order to get the full effect of this shotgun.
1. Ouroboros
The Ouroboros is currently the best weapon in the game for any build you want to do major damage with.
With an 1485 RPM and a 50 capacity magazine is just the tip of the iceberg with this SMG.
The Weapon Talent "Rule Them All" Will be applied to the next 50% of the magazine during which any status effect the agent currently has will then be turned into special ammo to then fire at your opponents.
Ouroboros is one of the current meta of the game and truly hard to get with a 1-5% drop rate.
The RPM of this weapon is truly it's most powerful aspect. Bring that together with a status effect and you are slamming so many elemental rounds at your enemies.
Ouroboros can only currently be found at the Paradise Lost Incursion. So get a team and get your raid on!