Tom Clancy's The Division 2 not only has an inventory of weapons, but also provides these skills that help the player during fights.
With the Warlords of New York extension., there have been added skills that players can mess with.
These skills are to assist the player in a variety of ways, whether it be assault, protection, or healing.
There are quite a few skills that one can choose from, and while they are all valuable, there are a few that will help the player more than others.
Trying out all of the skills is a great way to get the hang of them and seeing which one fits your specific builds, if you have them.
1. The Turret
What's Awesome About The Turret:
- The turret is a small automatic turret mounted on a tripod.
- Opens up bursts of ballistic fire on targets within the vicinity.
- You can throw the turret at a distance, close to your targets.
- The turrets can be modded.
Skill description:
- Assault - This skill attacks the closest target while you are in combat.
- Incinerator- Ignites fuels and burns anything that comes close to it.
- Artillery - Specialized skill for Demolitionist, launches exploding projectiles at targets.
- Sniper - Long range semi-automatic that targets the same enemy that you are.
2. The Drone
What's Awesome About The Drone:
- The drone is one of the best skills for solo players.
- Amazingly, it has five variants to choose from; Striker, Defender, Bombardier, Fixer, and Tactician.
Skill description:
- Striker - This variant is built for combat and will stand against consistent damage.
- Defender - This drone is all about protecting you with the use of microwaves bursts that deflect incoming bullets.
- Tactician - Highlighting the threats so you can plan out your attack to the best of your ability. Available for the sharpshooter specialization.
- Bombardier - Surrounds enemies with explosions.
- Fixer - The fixer drone repairs armor for you or your teammate and can also repair damaged skills.
3. Chem Launcher
What's Awesome About The Riot Foam:
- This skill works a lot like a grenade launcher, except that instead of high-explosive rounds it fires a variety of different chemicals at enemies, making it great for combos and cc builds. At this there are four different chemical charges that you can load into the Chem Launcher.
Skill description:
- Firestarter - Flammable gas that lingers over an area that if shot at, will ignite the area around it.
- Riot Foam - This foam will rapidly expand and solidify, immobilizing anyone caught in its area of effect for a short amount of time.
- Oxidizer - The Oxidizer mod fires corrosive chemicals that eat away at armour and other equipment.
- Reinforcer - TheReinforcer mod has made the launcher perfect for groups. It fires a canister of armour-repairing effects to your teammates. If anyone from the group runs into the cloud it will repair some their armour, while remaining that lands on the ground will repair armor over time.
4. Stinger Hive
What's Awesome About The Stinger Hive:
- Stinger - Micro-drones that will swarm targets that enter the area of effect and deal damage over time.
- Restorer - Any teammate who is missing armour can gowithin range of this skill mod and regain armour.
- Booster - neral combat buffs to each player –
- Reviver - This Hive can be thrown near a teammate and releases a drone that will revive them.
Skill description:
- Hive is a cluster of small drones that hone in on targets and deliver various effects. These can be placed or thrown and will affect enemies in an area of effect. This skill tends to be used for defense, but there are a couple of mods that make it a powerful offensive tool as well.
5. The Seeker Mine
What's Awesome About The Seeker Mine:
- Explosive - The classic skill form pursues targets chosen by the user and explodes, staggering tough enemies.
- Airburst - Airburst instead reaches its target and unleashes explosions at their face.
- Mender - Mender Seeker Drone will release a repairing chemical cloud around a designated ally or yourself.
- Cluster - The Cluster contains a number of smaller charges.
Skill description:
- The Seeker Mine returns from The Division with a few new mods. If you’re unfamiliar with this skill then the Seeker Mine is a self-propelled sphere that can target enemies or friendlies and deliver harmful or helpful effects. Like the Hive, these can be placed or thrown.
6. Pulse Scanner
What's Awesome About The Pulse Scanner:
- There are no longer any damage boosts, no critical hit chance, and it comes in three variants which can be accessed by any Specialization.
Skill description:
- Scanner - Scans the player’s surroundings for hostiles and marks enemies with a visual highlight.
- Remote Sensor- Projectile that continuously scans a location.
- Jammer - Disrupts hostile electronics as well as other player skills in an area.
- Banshee - Banshee launches a forward arc of pulse energy that confuses enemies caught in its path – penetrates cover, too.
7. The Firefly
What's Awesome About The Firefly:
- Blinder- Flashes targeted enemies leaving them blind.
- Demolisher - Destroys enemy weak points.
- Burster - Tags enemies with shrapnel, triggering a chain reaction causing explosions.
Skill description:
- The Firefly is another airborne device that will react to enemy hostiles.
8. Sticky Bomb (Burn & Explosive):
What's Awesome About The Sticky Bomb:
- Fulfills mulitple purposes and acts like a frag grenade.
- The Sticky Bomb is a great tool to use to knock out some armor on Elite and Veteran enemies.
- Sticking the bomb directly on enemies will serve the best damage.
Skill description:
- The Sticky Bombs are back from The Divison and are a new skill for Warlords of New York.
- The blast mod deals explosive damage, while the burn mod deals fire damage.
- The only ways to acquire either of these is to defeat James Dragoc and Vivvian Conley.
9. Trap (Shock Trap)
What's Awesome About The Trap:
- Leaves enemies immobilzed by applying a shock status.
Skill description:
- The Shock Trap scatters a minefield of small devices capable of shocking targets moving in their proximity.
10. Decoy (Distraction Decoy)
What's Awesome About The Decoy:
- This allows you to make more calculated moves as enemies are distracted for a period of time focusing on your decoy.
- It can be used in the Dark Zone against other players.
Skill description:
- A device that creates a holographic image of an agents figure, distracting enemies.
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