The Bullet King is an all-powerful force to not be reckoned with.
It is an incredible LMG weapon that was an addition to The Division 2 when Warlords of New York came out, along with the Title Update 8.
The talent, Bullet Hell, makes it so this weapon never needs to be reloaded so you can bombard other players with raining bullets made of hellfire.
*Note: These builds are what the community has to offer on various mediums. In an attempt to stay as close as possible to TU10 and 10.1, even with the rise of TU11, we will include current stats of weapons, gear, etc, and see if they are still applicable.
This build seeks to exploit the “Bullet Hell” talent that is associated with exotic LMG, Bullet King.
What This Build Excels In:
- Exceeds Crit DMG capabilities, pushing Bullet King to its full potential.
- Looks to ensure armor is top notch with slight armor regen to help in dire times.
Build Details:
- Stats:
- Armor: 944.3K (Dependable)
- Health: 330.5K (Dependable)
- Weapons:
- Bullet King (Exotic)
- Total Damage: 82.7K
- Core Attributes for this weapon are +15.0% LMG Damage and +9% DMG to target out of cover.
- Attributes for the weapon are just one; +10.0& Critical Hit Damage.
- Armor:
- Sokolov Concern - Full Set
- Core Attributes for the full set of Sokolov Concern are just the one; +15.0% Weapon Damage.
- Attributes for this build for the full set of Sokolov Concern are focused around Critical Hit Damage and Critical Hit Chance. +5.6% Critical Hit Chance and a total of +23.6% Critical Hit Damage.
- Gila Guard - 1 out of 3
- Core Attribute for this piece of armor is +161,091 Armor
- +6.0% Critical Hit Chance and +11.7% Critical Hit Damage.
- Grupo Sombra - 1 out of 3
- Core Attribute is the just one for this piece of armor +15.0% Weapon Damage
- Attributes is +12.% Critical Hit Damage and +6.0% Critical Hit Chance.
- Petrov Defense Group 1 out of 3
- Core Attributes for this piece of armor are +13.7% Weapon Damage.
- Attributes are +8.0% Damage to Armor and +12.0% Critical Hit Damage.
- Sokolov Concern - Full Set
This build focuses on making sure that Weapon Damage has reached a certain capacity to ensure that Bullet King applies as much damage as possible with its “Bullet Hell” talent.
What This Build Excels In:
- Weapon Damage has made the Bullet King an even stronger force, with the help of its talent.
- Utilizes four piece of Negotiator’s Dilemma
Build Details:
- Stats:
- Armor: 719.4K
- Health: 314.7K
- Weapons:
- Bullet King (Exotic)
- Armor:
- Petrov Defense Group - 2 out of 3
- Core Attribute associated with both of these pieces is +11.9% Weapon Damage.
- +8.0% Damage to Armor and +12.0% Critical Hit Damage
- Negotiator's Dilemma - 4 out of 6
- +15.0% Critical Hit Chance
- +20.0% Critical Hit Damage
- Petrov Defense Group - 2 out of 3
The Division 2 (TU10.1) Negotiator's Dilemma Weapon Damage Bullet King Build
This build is for those seeking to do major damage per second with Bullet King.
With the focus on Critical Hit Damage, players can really showcase the talent of this weapon.
What This Build Excels In:
- This build excels in Critical Hit Damage
- Over 8M on initial DPS.
- This build stand by its title by making critical hit damage and critical hit chance its focus.
Build Details:
- Stats: ---
- Weapons:
- Bullet King (Exotic)
- Core Attributes are as follows: +11.0% LMG Damage, +10% DMG to target out of cover, +9.0% Critical Hit Damage.
- Bullet King (Exotic)
- Armor:
- Coyote’s Mask
- Core Attribute for the mask is +15.0% Weapon Damage.
- The Attribute for the mask are +4.0% Critical Hit Chance, +10.6% Critical Hit Damage, +1-.0% Critical Hit Damage
- Providence Defense - full set
- For this full set armor, the Core Attributes are +13.0% Weapon Damage
- The Attributes that are a part of this set that help the build are +12.0% Critical Hit Damage, +18.2% Repair-skills, and +10.7% Critical Hit Damage.
- Grupo Sombra S.A. - 1 out of 3
- Core Attribute - +12.0 Weapon Damage
- Attributes- +5.2% Critical Hit Chance, +10.0% Headshot Damage, +16.4% Repair-skills
- Coyote’s Mask
Video: Heroic DPS Bullet-King Build. Division 2.
This build looks to take advantage of the special gear set to bring the Bullet King’s full potential to the forefront.
What This Build Excels In:
- The Weapon Damage for this build is an incredible attribute to Bullet King and the secondary weapon, Classic M1A.
- Negotiator’s Dilemma’s talent really brings the Bullet Kings endless bullet reign out to its full potential as it does more damage and more crit damage.
Build Details:
- Stats:
- Armor: 670.6K
- Health: 282.1K
- Weapons:
- Bullet King
- Armor:
- Negotiator’s Dilemma - 4 out of 6
- Core Attribute- +12.7% Weapon Damage
- Attributes- +6.0% Critical Hit Chance
- Providence Defense - 1 out of 3
- Core Attribute- +15.0% Weapon Damage
- Attributes- +10,597 Health, +8.0% Weapon Handling, +10.5% Critical Hit Damage
- Petrov Defense Group- 1 out of 3
- Core Attribute- +15.0% Weapon Damage
- Attributes- +8.5% Weapon Handling, +2.2% Explosive Resistance
- Negotiator’s Dilemma - 4 out of 6
Video: The Division 2 Bullet King Exotic LMG Build (PVE)
This build wants to make sure that high damage in the secondary rifle perfectly accents the ability of Bullet King.
What This Build Excels In:
- This build excels in Critical Hit Chance on Bullet King and various pieces of armor.
Build Details:
- Stats:
- Armor: 726.0K
- Health: 330.5K
- Weapons:
- Bullet King
- Core Attributes- +14.0% LMG Damage, +11% DMG to target out of cover
- Attributes- +10.0% Critical Hit Damage
- Bullet King
- Armor:
- Petrov Defense Group- 1 out of 3
- Core Attributes- +13.0% Weapon Damage
- Attributes- +5.3% Critical Hit Chance, +8.7% Headshot Damage, +11.4% Critical Hit Damage
- Grupo Sombra S.A.- 1 out of 3
- Core Attribute- +14.9% Weapon Damage
- Attributes- +6.0% Critical Hit Chance, +12.0% Critical Hit Damage
- Ceska Vryoba- 1 out of 3
- Core Attribute- +14.7% Weapon Damage
- Attributes- +12.0% Critical Hit Damage, +14.0% Weapon Handling
- Providence Defense- 3 out of 3
- Core Attributes- +15.0% Weapon Damage
- Attributes- +9.2% Headshot Damage, +11.9% Critical Hit Damage, +11.5% Critical Hit Damage
- Petrov Defense Group- 1 out of 3
Video: The Division 2 - High Damage Rifle and Bullet King PVE Build
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