![[Top 10] Division 2 Builds image](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2023-12/test_3.jpg.webp?itok=HjXZL7V-)
These are the top 10 builds in my opinion for The Division 2. These builds will show you different variations of Damage, Survivability, Skill Damage.
Their are New Builds out EVERYDAY. So keep an eye out.
Your experiences may be different when using these builds due to variations such as Players Skill, Expertise, Weapon Ranks, etc.
With drop chances of 1% to 7% depending on difficulty. Having a full 4 member team increases your chances by 4%-28%.
To easily obtain Exotics and gear pieces. Always try playing in groups of players willing to share drops to increase your odds of getting the gear you want.
Some game modes to increase loot drops are Countdown and The Summit, both of which allow you to set specific loot allocations to increase your chances of the loot you want dropping.
Here are some of the best build in The Division 2
10. Vampire Eclipse Build 67.9k Bleeds and 30% Amplified Damage.

This is the first build on the Top 10 list that we are going to talk about, the Vampire Eclipse Build is a crazy build that allows you to do High bleeding damage with a 30% damage bonus.
Using the Eclipse Protocol Gearset means you get the talent “Indirect Transmission” meaning your status effects will spread on kill to all enemies within 10m and refresh the duration by 50%.
So with the DPS from the Ouroboros and FAMAS 2010, you will have absolutely no problems making sure every enemy in the area has negative status effects on them.
While also having the ability “Bleeding Edge” from the Electrique Mask means Shooting an enemy within 10 meters applies bleed and Armor Regen.
This Build Excels At
- Making sure that every enemy has a negative status effect on them whether you build it with bleed or burn.
- Having the extra weapon damage and Status effects means you will be putting decent DPS with your weapon
- The “Bleeding Edge” talent combined with the Electrique Mask Allows you to be doing Bleed Damage while having consistent heals on yourself.
This is a nice build allowing you to use any Specialization you want. The downside to the build is having to get the Ouroboros from the Paradise Lost Incursion.
Needing its weapon talent “Rule Them All” is almost a necessity to maximize how often you can apply negative status effects to your enemy.
But nonetheless this is the perfect build if you enjoy playing negative condition based type characters in games where your negative boons do the majority of the work for you.
Credit - Kamikazivondoom
Build Details:
8. St. Elmos Regen Build - 152k Regen God Build with 3.1 million Armor.

This build is Insane, having some of the best survivability in the game. With 152k Armor Regen with 3.1 Million armor, means you will not be dying much anytime soon.
Using 2 exotics that you can get easily just by grinding out exotic chests from countdown.
While having insane survivability along with having the St. Elmo’s Engines Shock Ammo. Your enemies will barely even be able to touch your Armor.
This Build Excels At
- Having 152k Armor regen is insane, especially when most skills only give you 3.5k Regen
- Having 3.1 Million Armour, so that you will not ever have to worry about dying
- Having the Moment Backpack for the “Kill Confirmed” Talent means you will be gaining Weapon Damage and Bonus armor increasing your Survivability to the max
This build Is easy to get, but still requires some grinding needing both St. Elmo’s Engine and Momentos Backpack along with the Emperor’s Guard.
Which is a Dark Zone exclusive drop(Can also be found in Conflict Chests) means it will be a hard build to get if you are not very good at PvP.
With the amount of Health, Armor, and survivability you will have means this is one great build to try and keep inside of your loadouts.
Credit - Kamikazivondoom
Build Details:
7. Unbreakable St. Elmos Striker Solo/Group PVE Build.

Using St. Elmo's Engine is always a menace as it is one of the easiest Exotics to get in the game, with the ability to do Shock damage after 100 stacks.
Allows you to stun your enemies to make them stand still while you pull off all the DPS from your Striker set, combined with the Coyotes Mask allows you to truly maximize your Crit Damage and Crit Chance.
This Build Excels In
- Having an unlimited supply of special Shock Ammo
- Maximizing your DPS, Crit Dmg, Crit Chance
- Stunning your enemies using the Shock Ammo and Banshee pulse.
This build is a crazy build, but has a high SHD level requirement of 1000 to be able to effectively use it. Along with having to grind out two separate exotics means the grinding requirement for this build will require time.
But as always Your build is yours and you can always swap pieces in and out to make the build your own. So you could definitely have a lower tier of this build.
Credit - The Gaming Brigade
Build Details:
6. Circle of Death Perfect One-Shot Kill Build

This Hybrid build is an Insane build, where you essentially set your enemies on fire and make sure they stay on fire.
Using your Incinerator Turret to light every enemy on fire. Stacking headshot damage and critical hit damage. While your skills increase the damage and duration for your Incinerator Turret, allowing it to burn while you are pumping out all the damage you need too.
Using “Ortiz: Exuro” which gives you the skill “Ortiz Incinerator Prototype” at 4 gear pieces. Allowing your Incinerator turret to spin 360 degrees and making you immune to your own fire, and the turret explodes when disabled.
This Build Excels At
- Doing massive fire damage, too much fire damage
- You only need a headshot to start your combo off.
- Needing mostly body shots makes the accuracy of this build make this a great spray and pray build
This build is great and easy to use and does not require much build time, Needing only one exotic means less grind time for your other parts of this gear, If you enjoy doing massive damage with negative conditions on your enemy. Makes it effective in almost every PvE scenario.
Credit - TuxedoBandito
Build Details:
5. Legendary Solo/Group Skill Build.

This skill build is great, it utilizes everything needed to increase the damage of your skills to their maximum efficiency.
Combining the Capacitor and Harmony for the extra damage for your skills with their specific talents, every piece of gear in this build increases your Skill Damage, Skill Cooldown and Skill Health allowing your Turrets and Drones to thrive and take out everything in their path.
This Skill Build Excels In
- Making sure your Skills are doing the maximum damage they can.
- Allowing them to have the highest health possible to stay on the field longer
- Limiting how long they are off the field so you can keep reusing them after they are finished.
Some good reasons to use this build are, if you are not too good at shooters like myself or you have always played a summoner style in other games, having your Skills or “Pets” have always been a plus side and fulfilling experience.
Credit - The Gaming Brigade
Build Details:
4. Umbra Hybrid Pvp Build.
This Umbra Hybrid build, By combining different gear sets thanks to the NinjaBike Messenger Backpack, you are able to unlock multiple skills from multiple pieces of gear.
This build stacks massive critical damage and critical hit rate, combined with the massive RPM increase from the perk “From The Shadows”, The Capacitors “Capacitance”, Burning and Bleeding skills.
You will definitely be doing massive damage with this build.
This Build Excels In
- You hit very high DPS enough to shred armor in a second.
- Ability to stop people from rushing you, using the Burn and Bleed Mods
- To get the most out of this build only requires you to sit in cover for a couple seconds to unlock a massive RPM increase.
This build is great for those who just want to shred enemies, with the massive DPS and RPM increases and the easy to get Exotics.
The Capacitor and the NinjaBike Messenger Backpack, makes this build pretty viable for almost anyone.
Credit - PlumConch836
Build Details:
3. 20 Million DPS Build with 1.6 Million Armor.

This DPS build is wild, Using the Coyotes Mask and Ouroboros, Making this build very time consuming to build and a high SHD level is needed to be able to run Paradise Lost Incursion.
But overall, Stacking every piece of gear with Critical Hit, Weapon Damage and Armor attributes, Making it so you hit massive numbers while having the defensive capabilities to stay alive.
While having to rush enemies for the Coyotes Mask skill to work.
This Build Excels in
- Massive DPS and Survivability
- Only runs with two attributes (Offensive and Defensive)
- Having the Banshee Pulse and Crusader Shield allows for Stuns and Extra armor to help your survivability.
This is a great build for veteran players just looking to shred, due to the High requirements to do Paradise Lost. if you don't have friends that can do it effectively.
You may however swap Ouroboros out, you will have less DPS but you will increase your damage by a lot more. But this is a DPS game after all.
Credit - NothingButSkillz
Build Details:
2. Heart Stopper Heartbreaker Solo/Group Pvp Build.

This Heartbreaker Solo/Group Build is another late game build, requiring you to be SHD level 1000 to use efficiently.
Stacking all Crit Chance and Crit Damage to do massive damage, along with the Heartbreaker skillset.
Allowing you to stack as much damage and armor on yourself for the maximum damage and survivability combo.
This Build Excels In.
- Very high DPS
- Stacking Weapon damage and Armour from every hit, is maximum survivability.
- Using the Crusader Shield and Assault Drone Skills means even more survivability and DPS
This is a really good build if you are willing to take the time to learn it. It sounds great but it definitely takes a lot of hours to earn this build needing a minimum SHD level of 1000.
That means every stat you have in your watch is completely maxed out. But the good news is, You only use one Exotic in this build meaning it doesn't require the amount of grinding so you could easily swap pieces out and try to make a lower tier version.
Credit - The Gaming Brigade
Build Details:
1.Ouroboros Striker Builds.

This Ouroboros Striker builds comes in plenty of variations.
Maxing out your Crit Chance and Crit damage using the striker gear, Using especially on higher difficulties such as Heroic or Legendary to really help you maintain your stacks, you will definitely do as much damage as you possibly can.
Striker builds allow you to have up to 200 stacks each stack increasing your damage by 0.5% up to 50 times, adding the skill Press The Advantage increases your stacks from 50 to 100 or even “Risk Management” increases your damage per stack to 1%.
This Build Excels In.
- Doing the best DPS in the entire game
- Increasing your attack damage every hit you do
- Having over 100% crit damage
These Builds are great builds because nothing beats damage output like a Striker Gear Set.
Adding the DPS from the new Ouroboros makes any striker build complete, Being able to do High damage and High DPS makes you a problem to anyone you come in contact with.
You might be lacking on the survivability side of things, but why do you need survivability when if you shoot first, they won't be shooting back.
Credit - RogueGold
Build Details: