Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 has a nearly limitless supply of loot
As you go through the game, you’ll encounter crates upon crates of goodies as simple as polycarbonate and titanium, to create some of the best mods for your weapons and gear.
But what are some of the best mods that can increase your gaming experience?
We’re going to show you some of the game’s best builds for your gear and weapons before endgame.
Players who like to use marksman rifles and rifles as their primary weapons view sight as their highest topic of import.
Weapons with low RPM like the SR-1 or the Classic M44 Carbine will need to have scopes to efficiently spot enemies with accurate precision.
While that may be obvious, just having any type of scope won’t be enough.
To know the proper scope for your marksman rifle, you must take into account various factors: accuracy, stability, reload time, and damage drop off.
One should also take into consideration for magazines, under barrels, and muzzles, which are imperative for the proper marksman rifle builds.
These same considerations must be taken into account for other weapons in the game such as assault rifles, pistols, LMG, Shotguns, etc.
Best Builds in The Division 2
10. Increased Damage Build
For players who want to put out as much damage with a rifle as possible, this build is for you. Going on the offensive with this build seems to be the player’s best option, so starting with your rifle, either the Police Mk17 or the Military Mk17:
Weapons: Police Mk17 or Military Mk17
Talents include Boomerang, Allegro, Cannon.
- Boomerang: Critical Hits have a 50% chance of returning the bullet to the magazine. If a bullet is returned to the magazine the next shot has+20% increased damage.
- Allegro: +10% rate of fire
- Cannon: Increased throwing distance by 10%
- C79 Scope: +15.0% Damage to Elites; -20.0% Reload Speed
- Flash Hider 7.62: +20.0% Critical Damage; -10.0% Stability
- Laser Pointer: +10.0% Critical Hit Chance; -10.0% Stability
- Weighted 7.62 Mag: +20.0% Stability; -20.0% Optimal Range
This build also takes into account brand sets.
- Wyvern Wear: Full Set of 3
- Overlord Armament: 1 out of 3set
- Airaldi Holdings: 2 out of 3 sets
Secondary Weapon: Model 700 Marksman Rifle
Sidearm: Liberty (Exotic)
Skills: You can use different skills. This particular build used the Hive Reviver and the Chem Launcher.
9. Armor Destroying Build
If you are looking for a build specifically for traversing the Dark Zone and want to take enemies out in one shot, this build focuses on damage and armor.
While ignoring skill power, this build is just for blasting enemies out of your way with over half a million armor.
Weapons: Classic M1A
Talents include: Boomerang, Jazz Hands, Cannon
- Boomerang: Critical Hits have a 50% chance of returning the bullet to the magazine. If a bullet is returned to the magazine the next shot has+20% increased damage.
- Jazz Hands: +10% reload speed
- Cannon: Increased throwing distance by 10%
- Acog Scope: +20.0% Optimal Range
- Tightly Packed Markman Mag: +5 rounds
- Laser Pointer: +10.0% Critical Hit Chance
- Douglas and Harding: 2 out of 3 sets
- Airaldi Holdings: 1 out of 3 sets
- Wyvern Wear: 2 out of 3 sets
- Murakami Industries: 1 out of 3 sets
Secondary Weapon: Ruthless (Exotic)
Sidearm: X-45
Specialization: Sharpshooter
Skills: Hive Reviver and Drone
8. Solo Bleed Out Build
There are many players out there who like to run solo but are encouraged to do high level and dangerous missions.
Those players need to know that there are builds that out there for their gaming experience.
Sometimes it is more efficient to get the job done yourself, so here’s a build for the lone rangers out there.
This build is easy to build for newcomers.
Weapons: Tactical Mk16
Talents include: Sadist, Allegro, Wascally
- Sadist: Deal 30% weapon damage to bleeding enemies (modified)
- Allegro: +10% rate of fire
- Wascally: While holstered, you can resist ensnare. Remain immune for 5s. Once every 60s.
Equipment: Ongoing Directive Gear Set (4/6)
Emergency Requisition Talent Details
- Combat resources such as armor kits, ammo, and grenades within 40 meters of you are automatically collected. Occurs every 30 seconds.
The Right Tool Talent Details
- Killing an enemy with a weapon grants special ammo such as Incendiary, Explosive, or Shock to one of your other weapons.
Secondary Weapon: Merciless (Exotic)
Talent: Brutality
Sidearm: X-45
Talent: In Rhythm
Skills: Hive Reviver, Drone or Turret
7. PVE Sniper Build
World Tier players that are looking for something more advanced within the realm of stealth are going to want to look at this build.
Snipers are a great way to take out your enemies from a distance, and a build that promises twelve and a half million a shot is going to come in handy for elite enemies.
Weapons: Nemesis (Exotic)
Talents include: Counter-Sniper, Nemesis, Preparation
- Counter-Sniper: Shots fired deal 0-100% weapon damage based on how long the trigger is held before releasing. The time to reach max weapon damage is reduced whenever a shot does not kill an enemy it hits.
- Nemesis: Aiming at an enemy marks them as your nemesis for 15s, letting you see them through walls.
- Preparation: While holstered, gain +15% headshot damage when scoped with your current weapon.
- Nemesis Digital Scope: +35% Headshot Damage
- Nemesis Bolt: +10.0% Reload Speed
Equipment: Aces & Eights (3/6)
- Dead Man’s Hand
- Flip a card by shooting an enemy with your Marksman Rifle, headshots flip two. Full House refills your weapon and stops ammo depletion for 10 seconds. 4 of A Kind grants 30% bonus armor for 10 seconds. Aces and Eights grants the next 5 bullets 100% damage.
Secondary Weapon: MPS-N
Specialization: Sharpshooter
6. Explosive Build
Many players are looking to utilize their skills and integrate them with their weapons.
This build shows the process of what a fast and explosive build will look like for those want more action in their gameplay.
Weapons: Pyromaniac
Talent includes: Perfectly Ignited, Extra, Rooted
- Perfectly Ignited: Deal +40% weapon damage to burning enemies. 2 kills, applies burning to the next enemy you hit
- Extra: +20% magazine capacity
- Rooted: While equipped and in cover, all skill damage and healing is increased by +25% for 10s. Buff is lost when exiting cover. Can occur per 60s.
- EXPS3 Holo Sight: +8.0% Damage to Elites
- Muzzle Brake 5.56: +5.0% Damage to Elites
- Sturdy Extended 5.56 Mag: +20 rounds; -10.0% Reload Speed
- Short Grip: +5.0%: Critical Hit Damage
- Equipment:
- Gila Guard: 2 out of 3 sets
- China Light Industries Corporation: 1 out of 3 sets
- Alps Summit Armament: 1 out of 3 sets
- BTSU Datagloves
- Fenris Group AB: 1 out of 3 sets
Secondary Weapon: Merciless (Exotic)
Sidearm: D50
Skills: Turret
- Magnetic Rail: +126.9% Damage
- Square Parts: +87.9% Skill Haste
- SHD CPU V2: +148.4% Damage
Seeker Mine
- Mini Electric Motor: +197.1% Skill Haste
- Ball Bearings: +93.0% Damage
- RDX Pellet Payload: +90.7% Damage
5. Strong AR Build
Weapons: FAMAS 2010
Talents Include: Ranger, Extra, In Rhythm
- Ranger: Every 5m you are from the target grants +2% weapon damage
- Extra:+20% magazine capacity
- In Rhythm: While equipped, enemy kills have a 5% chance to refresh active skill cooldowns. Can occur every 60s.
- Ace & Eights Gear Set (1/6)
- Murakami Industries: 1 out of 3 sets
- Gila Guard: 2 out of 3 sets
- Alps Summit Armament: 1 out of 3 sets
- Fenris Group AB: 1 out of 3 sets
Secondary Weapon: Carbine 7
Skills: Drone and Chem Launcher
Specialization: Gunner
4. Armor and Skill Power Build
This PVP build draws the focus more towards armor and skill power while still bringing proper attention to weapons and gear.
Weapons: Custom P416 G3
- Talents: Sadist, Allegro; Stop, Drop, and Roll
- Sadist: Deal +30% weapon damage to bleeding enemies
- Allegro: +10% rate of fire
- Stop, Drop, and Roll: While equipped, rolling removes burning, bleed, and poisoned status effects. Can occur once every 60s.
- Gila Guard: Full Set of 3
- Alps Summit Armament: 2 out of 3 set
- BTSU Datagloves
Specific Talent: Energy Infusion
- Whenever you apply a status effect, your gloves become infused with that effect for 60s.
Secondary Weapon: Police M4 Replica
Skills: Seeker Cluster, Hive
3. High-Risk Solo Build
Weapons: Surplus SVD
Talent includes: Lucky Shot, Optimized, Everlasting
- Lucky Shot: Magazine capacity is increase by 20%. Missed shots from cover have a 100% chance to return to the magazine.
- Optimized: +15% weapon handling
- Everlasting: While holstered and in cover, this weapon regenerates 2 ammo every 5s.
- C79 Scope: +5.0% Damage to Elites
- Tightly Packed Markman Mag: +5 rounds
- Angled Grip: +10.0% Stability
- Muzzle Brake 7.62: +5% Damage to Elites
- Aces & Eights (3/6)
- Airaldi Holdings: Full Set of 3
Secondary Weapon: Nemesis
Specific Talent: Preparation
Sidearm: Sharpshooters 93R
Skills: Drone, Hive
Specialization: Sharpshooter
2. Gearset Oriented Build
This build focuses on having the best gear set that will increase your DPS.
Weapons: Surplus SVD
Talent includes: Naked, Stable, Wascally
- Naked: Headshot damage is increased by +50% while your armor is depleted
- Stable: +15% stability
- Wascally: While holstered, you are able to resist one ensnare effect. When you do, you remain immune for 5s. It can occur once every 60s.
- Lightweight Marksman Mag: +20.0% Reload Speed
- Vertical Grip: +10.0% Accuracy
- Muzzle Brake 7.62: +5.0% Damage to Elite
- C79 Scope: +5.0% Damage to Elite
- Aces & Eights (5/6)
- +20.0% Weapon Handling
- +20.0% Accuracy
- +10.0% Marksman Rifle Damage
- Dead Man’s Hand: Flip a card by shooting an enemy with your Marksman Rifle headshots flip two. Full House refills your weapon and stops ammo depletion for 10 seconds. 4 of A Kind grants 30% bonus armor for 10 seconds. Aces and Eights grants the next 5 bullets 100% damage.
Secondary Weapon:
Skills: Pulse, Chem Launcher
Specialization: Sharpshooter
1. Light Machine Gun Build
Weapons: Classic M60
Talent includes: Unhinged, Distance, Recharged
- Unhinged: Receive +25% weapon damage at the cost of -35% weapon handling
- Distance: +15% optimal range
- Recharged: While equipped, skills deployed at full armor have +25% duration, charges, and ammo
- EXPS3 Holo Sight: +8.0% Damage to Elites
- Tactical Small Pouch: +20.0% Reload Speed
- Small Laser Pointer: +7.0% Critical Hit Damage
- Gila Guard: Full Set of 3
- Alps Summit Armament: 1 out of 3 sets
- Airaldi Holdings: 1 out of 3 sets
- Fenris Group AB: 1 out of 3 sets
Secondary Weapon: Merciless (Exotic)
Skills: Pulse, Chem Launcher
Specialization: Demolitionist
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