One of the exciting aspects of The Division 2 is customizing your own character.
While the outfits themselves do not affect your stats or gameplay, they do provide your character with its unique style and taste.
Many of the cosmetic items available are based on personal preference, so this article we will be looking at some of the items that would look outstanding on any character.
Some of the cosmetics that we will be looking at are initially part of an entire set, but will count them separately as many of them can be worn separate from their intended sets.
Tactical Response Outfit
1. Tactical Response Helmet
2. Tactical Response Sweater
3. Tactical Response Pants
4. Tactical Response Boots
The Tactical Response Outfit is a pack that comes with the Warlords of New York.
The outfit is a very filling outfit, and makes one look formidable.
It was an easy outfit to obtain which only required one to have pre-ordered Warlords.
Why Tactical Response Outfit is Awesome:
- The look is professional.
- It is intimidating.
- Easily obtainable.
How To Get The Tactical Response Outfit:
- Pre-order
5. Cross Mask
This is the Cross Mask in The Division 2, a very interesting and eye-popping cosmetic in the game.
Why The Cross Mask is Awesome:
- The look makes the character more formidable.
How To Get The Cross Mask:
6. Death Mask
This is another mask known as the Death Mask.
Why The Death Mask is Awesome:
- The name alone is fearsome.
- Like any mask, allows for some mysticism.
How To Get The Death Mask:
7. Demon Mask
The Demon Mask, not as flashy as the Cross Mask but the name alone is very titillating.
Why The Demon Mask is Awesome:
- Allows for secrecy in PVE or Raids, like any other mask.
How To Get The Demon Mask:
8. Diamond Mask
The Diamond Mask will certainly strike few into your enemies with its uncanny expression that painted on it.
Why The Cross Mask is Awesome:
- Eerie
- Exciting
- Fearsome
How To Get The Cross Mask:
Midnight Outfit
9. Midnight Cap
10. Midnight Scarf
11. Midnight Mask
12. Midnight Sneakers
This is the Midnight outfit that came with the Silent Night apparel event back during Christmas time.
It is made up of a few more pieces that would complete it, but the sneakers, cap, scarf, and mask all look good if you were to wear them separate from the whole outfit.
Why The Midnight Outfit is Awesome:
- Night camouflage.
- Professionalism.
- Intimidation.
How To Get The Midnight Outfit:
Black Tusk Outfit
13. Combat Uniform
14. Heavy Visor
15. Commander Mask
The Black Tusk outfit is arguably the toughest looking outfit in the game.
Its sleek black professional finish and convincing build will cause actual Black Mask scum to double take when they see you start shooting.
Why The Black Tusk Outfit is Awesome:
- The professional look that is shared with the Tactical outfit and the Midnight outfit.
- The headset aesthetic.
- Gives one a close up look as to what the Black Tusk are wearing.
How To Get The Black Tusk Outfit:
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