The Division 2 Best Chem Launcher Variants and How To Get Them

The Division 2 Best Chem Launcher
14 Nov 2020

You may pass on the chem launcher on your first few run-throughs, opting to go with something with a little more "umph", like the turret, drone, or seekers. 

Well, we're here to tell you to stop skipping over the chem launcher and get acquainted with the chem launcher's four variants that are sure to appease all types of builds and players. 

The chem launcher, as many of you know, was known as the Sticky Bomb back when Tom Clancy’s The Division was relevant. 


1. Firestarter

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Burn baby, burn

For all the pyromaniacs out there, if you instead want a hand-held, mini flamethrower well look no further. 

This variant is extremely hot (duh) and powerful when used correctly. 

With the release of almost invisible gas, you or someone else can ignite the gas and burn your enemies to the ground. 

What Makes Firestarter Great:

  • With the Firestarter variant you can douse the playing field with gas, especially if you're surrounded. Light one area on fire to create a burning chain reaction. 
  • Before the Firestarter specialization, this was the closest one could get to a flamethrower. Now you can still carry one on you if you decide to not run with the Firestarter specialization. 
  • Pair this skill with gear and mods that allow you to create large stacks of the burn status effect. 


2. Riot Foam

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Getting gained up on? Try some riot foam!

Trying to get the mobs off your back in time to try and pick them off? 

The Riot Foam variant shoots off this adhesive-like substance that holds anyone in place for a period of time. 

During that time of those affected trying to break free, you hit those enemies with everything you got and they are more preoccupied with getting free. 

What Makes Riot Foam Great:

  • The Riot Foam variant can immobilize enemies for a period of time. Use this on elite enemies or whenever you want to put distance between you and someone running at you with a shotgun. 
  • Use this on big minimum elites to hold them in place for a bit while you work on destroying their weak points. 
  • Use this against unsuspecting players in raid or PVP action. 

3. Oxidizer 

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They should really put a "Corrosive Substance" warning label on this thing.

Combating a mob that has elite armor that is taking just too long to breakthrough? 

Try the Oxidizer variant of the chem launcher, and watch it chew away at any and all armor enough for you to shoot your way through. 

The Oxidizer releases this cloud of corrosive substance that will destroy armor and other mechanical items that your enemies are using.

Along with destroying armor, the substance is also poisonous, detrimental to health, and will slowly kill your enemies as well. 

What Makes Oxidizer Great:

  • This variant is perfect for those enemies that have armor regeneration or a skill that heals them. Meltdown their armor until you're hitting nothing but flesh. 
  • Takedown multiple enemies with this corrosive gas as it eats away at armor so you can take them down. 
  • Also, a good way to get rid of the stragglers that just won't die. If their armor is gone the only thing left for them to lose, is their lives. 


4. Reinforcer

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We need a medic! 

If you're looking to repair your armor or your team's armor, then you can always use the Reinforcer variant. 

Dispersing a cloud-like substance that repairs armor if you are. near the powder-like substance. 

What Makes Reinforcer Great:

  • Players can look at this as a first-aid type of skill. If you are out of medkits, aim this directly in your vicinity to repair your own armor and heal yourself. 
  • If you are running with a team as a healer, then carrying this with you as well as another skill that focuses on healing can definitely help your teammates out. 
  • Depending on the cooldown, one can use this skill quite a few times for themselves or others. 

It's simple to get the chem launcher and these variants as everything is mostly unlocked during the beginning of the game.

For those starting off, the chem launcher may be one of the first few skills that one should unlock and use. 

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