When it comes to LMGs not everyone immediately thinks about accuracy and stability and while that may be true in some cases, there are a few LMGs that might surprise you.
The Division 2 has never been one to disappoint when it comes to certain weapon types.
LMGs seem to be a favorite among many players and we're going to go over some of the best ones in terms of accuracy.
1. Pestilence
Pestilence is here once again!
One of the most favored LMGs in the game and definitely because of the way it handles.
Excellent accuracy is definitely an attribute to this weapon.
Weapon Stats:
- RPM: 550
- Reload Speed: 5.4s
- Critical Strike Range: 10-50m
- Magazine: 100
What Brings Out The Best In The Pestilence:
Permanent Talents:
- Plague of the Outcasts
- Hits apply a debuff dealing 100% weapon damage over 10s. This stacks up to 50 times.
- Whenever an enemy dies with this debuff, all stacks are transferred to a nearby enemy within 25m.
- Powerful and hard-hitting.
- This LMG is an all-attack weapon, you get the most out of this weapon with its talent.
- New and improved accuracy.
- This weapon is easily obtainable.
2. Good Times (M60)
The M60 is a fan favorite amongst players.
Weapon Stats:
- RPM: 500
- Reload Speed: 4.4s
- Optimal Range: 10-50m
- Fire Mode: Automatic
- Magazine: 100
What Brings Out The Best In The M60:
- Perfect Fast Hands:
- Critical hits add a stack of 8% reload speed bonus. Max stack is 40s.
- Handled accuracy without being modded.
- An amazing Dark Zone weapon.
- High magazine count.
- Moderate RPM.
3. Carnage (NEGEV)
The IWI NEGEV is quickly gaining clout among the LMGs of the game, and rightfully so.
With its high rate of fire and focus on stability, the IWI NEGEV makes for a very powerful LMG and the Killer talent helps extend this weapon’s critical hit chance and damage.
Weapon Stats:
- DMG: 81.1K
- RPM: 850
- Talents: Killer (Recommended)
What Makes IWI NEGEV Awesome:
- Magazine size
- Critical hit chance
- Critical hit damage
- Perfect Sadist:
- Deal +25% weapon damage to bleeding enemies. After 3 kills, applies bleed to the next enemy you hit.
- Acute accuracy.
4. New Reliable (RPK-74)
A low Mag but fast reload speed, this easy to control LMG has succeeded in the realm of stability and accuracy.
Weapon Stats:
- RPM: 650
- Reload Speed: 3s
- Optimal Range: 28m
- Fire Mode: Automatic
- Magazine: 45+1
What Brings Out The Best In The RPK-74:
- Allegro
- “+10% rate of fire.”
- Frenzy
- “Reloading from empty grants +35% weapon damage and +35% rate of fire for 7s. Requires 4 shields or less.”
- Perfectly Optimized
- Increase weapon handling by 30%.
5. Sleipner (MG5)
The MG5 is also becoming a fast favorite in the LMG category, and Fast Hands is one of the best talents for this weapon as it adds reload speed bonus with critical hits.
Weapon Stats:
- DMG: 103.2K
- RPM: 800
- Talents: Perfect Frenzy
What Makes Infantry MG5 Replica Awesome:
- +15.0% LMG damage
- +9% Critical hit damage
- Damage between 70K-85K.
- Talent: Perfect Frenzy
- For every 8 bullets in the magazine capacity, gain 3% rate of fire and 3% weapon damage for 5 seconds when reloading from empty.